
Chapter Ten: Family

"Are you going to keep standing there or you're going to come in?" Raymond asked the statue-like girl standing behind his door. His father briefed him on the incident with the robber and how she helped them along with their offer to her and he's really grateful that she helped them, so now he got a big sister. Raymond smiled helplessly he knew his mom always wanted a girl she could doll up and Irene just fell into her trap.

Irene bit her lips nervously and walked into the room. She stood at the foot of the bed, her gaze locked on the guy looking back at her. She doesn't know why she feels nervous all of a sudden.

Raymond tore his gaze away from Irene and continued playing his game, he noticed how uncomfortable she felt with his gaze on her.

"Thanks for helping my parents," Raymond said to ease the awkwardness but the Irene was still mute. 

He paused his game and looked at her " You can come over if you want". He said and the statue finally moved. She walked to his bed and sat on it looking at the video game up close.

"If you want to play I can teach you," Raymond said and Irene nodded. She looked around his room and noticed it was full of electronics. She saw a laptop half-closed at the further end of the room. 'The managing director has one like this' she thought her gaze stayed on the laptop longer than she intended and that raised an eyebrow from Raymond.

"Do you want to learn how to use that?" He asked pointing towards the laptop and she nodded but Raymond frowned.

"Being silent is no fun, you have to speak sometime" Raymond said and the Irene nodded. He hand over the video game controller and showed her what the buttons are for.

Irene stood up from the bed with a fright when she felt something move. Scott came from under the bed and raised his hands towards the frightened Irene signaling her to carry him. She was hesitant at first but she later did and Scott wrapped his hands around her neck and laid his head on her shoulder. 

Raymond looked at Scott with narrowed eyes and Scott stick out his tongue. Their mom bribed Scott and that's why he's acting all clingy.

Irene smiled at his childishness, she felt warm inside and she liked it maybe staying with them wasn't such a bad idea, maybe this was the family she had lost hope she'd ever have.


" Don't ever cross paths with me if you still love your hand and want it intact before and after we leave" Evelyn said and let go of Viola's hand.

"But our parents are friends," Viola said and Evelyn showed her an annoyed gaze.

"They are friends, not us stop acting all clingy," Evelyn said and was about walking out of the room 

"Is it because of that stupid girl, Irene? She's no longer in your life . she ran away from the orphanage to who knows where after stealing from the managing director, she's nothing but..." 

" I would advise you not to complete that sentence, " Evelyn said cutting Viola off " she's ten times better than what you were and would even be," Evelyn said and walked out of the room.

" Evelyn" a woman called walking up to her, the woman's name is Isle, Evelyn's adoptive mother. Evelyn stopped walking and turned to face her.

"Where are you going?" The woman asked looking behind her to see Viola.

"I have to finish packing," Evelyn said. The couple informed her that they are switching counties and she's not happy about it cause she hasn't found Irene but she has to comply.

"Okay, but I'll be happy if you call me mom" Isle said and Evelyn looked at her.

"I'll think about it," Evelyn said and walked away.

"Meet us at the garage when you're done," the woman said slightly disappointed.

" Okay mom," Evelyn said and walked away. A smile formed on the woman's face as she watched Evelyn retracting figure.


Dylan and Tasha's apartment

"What's taking you too long?" Raymond screamed at Irene who has been in the bathroom for a very long time " we are going to be late? " he added and Irene came out of her room.

Irene wore her pendent, she doesn't know why but she wants her new family to see it on her before they left maybe it's because she doesn't want the incident with Viola to repeat itself.

"You're going to make us miss our flight," Raymond said pissed

Irene looked at him and she shrugged her shoulder " where's mom and dad?" She asked.

"Already in the car " he answered and helped her with her luggage.

She entered the car along with Raymond. They are returning to their country and she decided to go with them. This is going to be a new beginning for her.


At the orphanage

" We searched but couldn't find her" miss Mata reported to the managing director who looked pissed already.

"What do you mean you can't find her? How can a little girl just escape from the orphanage without anyone noticing?" The managing director hit his hands on the table and screamed at miss Mata and the rest caretakers.

He wasn't angry that Irene went missing but it was the fact that she took the pendant along with her, why does the girl make life hard for him?.

"Maybe we should involve the police, they'll.." miss Mata tried suggesting to ease the matter but

"No". The managing director cut her off throwing her an are you stupid gaze. The police would ask a lot of questions and that can uncover the secret of the pendant since that was the only item she ran away with putting them in more trouble.

He pinched the space between his eyes. " Forget about her and tighten the security, ensure that no child goes missing again," he said and dismissed the caretakers except miss Mata.

"Mark her in the list of adopted children and tell the rest a story like she was found and the people who found her adopted her, something like that," the managing director said, laying back on his chair, and closing his eyes. " You can leave," he said and dismissed miss Mata.

" Run and ensure I don't catch you If I do you're gonna pay for everything you cost me," the managing director said whit gritted teeth and eyes closed.


Hi guys, it's your Go LUCKY AUTHOR

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