
Chapter Eleven: Organization pt 1

" Run and ensure I don't catch you If I do you're gonna pay for everything you cost me," the managing director said whit gritted teeth and eyes closed.


"I'm going to win," Irene said eyes focused on the game 

"You said that in the previous game and the one before that" Raymond mocked

"Shut up! sweating already? " Irene asked sarcastically and overtook Raymond, a smile formed on her lips for the first time she was sure she can win.

"Did you do it?" Raymond asked eyes focused on the game.

"Yeah, I hacked into the CCTV camera of the other street and successful deleted the footage and brought it back," she said 

"You're a fast learner," Raymond said indeed proud " and I'm a good teacher," he said taking the credit.

Raymond taught her things he knows about computers making her his buddy and giving her tasks to do to put her learning into action.

"I'm gonna win," Irene said her focusing back on the game.

"No, I'm"

"What!?" They both screamed and looked at Tasha with wide eyes.

"I was going to win him for the first time ever," Irene said still in disbelief.

"No you weren't," Raymond said.

"Having one gamer is enough" Tasha said her gaze moving from Raymond to Irene.


"No buts, Irene you have school tomorrow, I talked with the school and you can be in the same class with your peers," Tasha said and left the room.

Irene stood up " you know I would have won," she said walking out of the room.

"No you wouldn't," Raymond said. His phone beeped and he picked it up, he read the message

' I'll be there, just give me some minutes" he texted back.

When he was sure Irene was out of his room he stood up, opened his closet, and brought out a black jacket, he put it on and left his room through the window he walked further till he was out of sight.

Irene went back to Raymond's room, she wanted to ask him something when she was deleting the footage for the CCTV she saw him leaving the house late at night. This isn't the first time she noticed he's not in the house sometimes and this started when they came back to their country and she forgot to ask him.

She knocked on the door severally but no reply came, she opened the door and went in.

" Ray'" Irene called but no response came back. She saw his window open and went over to close it, she paused when she saw Raymond leaving, she quickly jumped out through the window and followed him in the shadows trying to be as quiet as possible. She hasten her step as Raymond seemed to be in a hurry.

Raymond walked for some distance before stopping in front of a huge gate. He brought out a card from his jacket pocket and swiped it on the lock the gate opened and he walked further into the building.

Irene quickly left her hiding spot and entered the gate before it closed. She saw Raymond enter another door that was about to close shut. She quickly put her leg between the door. After waiting for some time, she pushed the door aside and entered. She looked around but could not find Raymond. Could it be that she lost him?.

She was in an open space surrounded by doors. She think back and was sure she didn't hear any door close shut so she optioned to walk forward. It was dark and quiet, difficult to see. She stopped walking when she felt someone's presence, she looked around but saw no one, she continued walking until.....

Irene stood unmoving looking at the girl who had her at gunpoint.

"Who are you?" The girl asked, the girl was sure she has not seen someone like Irene around here before, and if a newbie was added she would be informed. She was more than sure this girl wasn't part of them and came here for another purpose.

Irene looked at the girl who was pointing a gun at her, If it was before when Evenly left the orphanage maybe she wouldn't mind dying but now she has a family or something close to that, she won't be dying now, no way.

"Come with me," the girl said after some time but got no reaction from Irene. She cracked her gun and went behind Irene. She held Irene's hand and moved her forward.

After walking for some distance the girl pushed her through a door and Irene's gaze locked on Raymond.

Raymond was standing close to a man who was sitting with a computer in their front when someone enter the office unannounced and to his greatest surprise, it was Irene held at gunpoint.

"Ire...Irene" Raymond stammered, saying he was shocked would be lying he was beyond that. How the fuck did she get here?

"You know her?" the girl was now leaning on the wall her guy aiming for Irene's leg

"Shadow" Raymond called her name warning laced in his voice

"Hold your horses, I'm not doing anything" Shadow said dropping her gun.

"I noticed her when she entered the organization, I thought she was a worker till I saw she was confused on where to go I followed her to have a better look at her and figured out she's not one of us". Shadow said with a bored expression.

Irene was surprised, she said she has been following her since she entered the organization but she only noticed her presence a few minutes before she appeared before her.

"What are you doing here?" Raymond asked just to confirm his suspicions.

"I followed you," Irene said looking at Raymond like he was some kind of idiot, how would she be here if she didn't follow him? and what was going on and does she mean by one of us?

Raymond met the questioning gaze of the man and he scratched his head.

"Well big boss..um.. she's my sister," Raymond said, sweating a little and feeling awkward

"The one you told me about?" His boss asked and Raymond nodded "Nd you didn't notice her presence when she was following you?"

" I was in a hurry, and..." Raymond tried explaining but shadow cut him off.

" No excuses, you lack training"


Thanks for reading

ruby_rb07creators' thoughts