

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasy
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106 Chs

The road to college...

Sophie completely rolled down her side of the glass. She pulled herself out of the window. She put both hands on the door for the support. She feels the air on her face.

Emily was quietly sitting, thought of telling Sophie not to pull her head out of the window but she let her do whatever she wanted to do because of her last day with her.

"I am coming..." She shouted, loud.

She got out of her cell from the pocket to click a picture of her out of the window. She pushed her body backwards a little bit. She was balancing without any strong support.

"Be careful," Laura warned.

Sophie held her cell with her right hand and was posing by making rabbit ears with her left hand. She held it over her head. She pouted. As she was doing that all of a sudden a speed breaker came in between of the road which Tom was unable to see. He was speeding a little because the road was like a butter path. As they crossed the speed breaker. Accidentally Sophie dropped her cell on the road.

"Dad, stop," Sophie, cried out.

Tom got frightened. He thought he hit some animal which he could not able to spot maybe because of the size. He pulled out the breaks with great power. The car stopped a little ahead. Tires made their impressions on the road.

"Did I hit someone," Tom asked, panting.

"No, I dropped my phone," Sophie said.

Hurriedly, Sophie got out of the car and ran towards where she dropped her cell.

"I told her to be careful," Laura said behind Sophie.

"Oh, my baby," Sophie murmured, frustrated. She sat half postured in the middle of the road.

"Come fast," Tom screamed inside of the car.

She stood up in front of her dad and held her cell into her palms. Everybody else was still inside of the car.

"What I will do without my cell," Sophie said in a low voice, seemed to cry.

"First get into the car," Tom said. "I will buy you a new one."

She sat in the car with a sad face. She put that into her pocket.

"Why are you putting it in your pocket," Laura asked. " Leave it in the car."

"I can't, it's my baby," Sophie, feeling disgusted.

"I need a hug," Laura hugged her.

Some hairs came into Sophie's mouth. Laura glanced at it so, she took it and put them back behind the ear.

"We are here," Tom announced.

It was an abandoned unknown castle turned into a college by the city counsellor. It gave Sophie a feeling of Hogwarts. Tom stopped the car in front of a huge gate. They all vacated the car.

The gate was very tall that their head started hurting after a while was glancing at it.

"I don't see anybody," Tom said.

They could see the other half of the road through the gate. They all were alone stood on the road. Sophie on the spur of the moment noticed something strange. She pointed at the sky above the school.

"Why is it cloudy above there." Sophie notified. Everyone glimpsed at the sky except Laura.

Laura carefully watched Sophie as if she was examining her. It was sunny outside of the school.

"Laura are you seeing that," Sophie said. Laura viewed it when Sophie observed her.

"Does it because of the difference in the latitude and longitude," Tom asked.

"I don't know," Sophie said.

"Have you read anything about where you are going,"

"They don't have a separate page to explain why we have cloudy weather," Sophia joked.

Emily saw a small tablet on side of the wall of the gate.

"Guys, here," Emily said. Everyone went in her direction.

"I think it's connected to the inside of the school,"

Sophie tried her luck on one of the buttons on the screen. She pressed one button instantaneously the screen started and a person began to speaks.

"How may I help you," A person asked.

Sophie startled, took some step backwards.

"How we go in," Sophie asked.

That man came too close to the screen it looked like that he was going to pop out of the screen anytime. He examined Sophie from toe to head.

"Have you received an invitation," He asked.

"Invitation," Sophie looked confused.

"Show them the card," Laura said, confidently.

"Oh...." Sophie went into the car and brought the card from the bag.

"Here," Sophie showed the card.

"Oh...I am sorry ma'am to keep you waiting." The man said, sounded apologetic. "You can go inside."

As soon as he speaks the door opened on its own and the screen got turned off.

"Are they using some kind of magic," Emily said.

"Why he sounded too apologetic," Sophie speaks.

Everyone with intense focus saw the gate open.

"Let's go," Tom said while was walking towards the car.

They all sat in the car. Tom started the car engine and crossed the gate. The gate closes as they crossed it. Tom and Emily saw the gate closes in their respective side mirrors. Sophie saw it from the window, again was popping outside. While she was out she thought of taking the picture of the cloudy weather but she remembered that her phone broke. Laura did not show any excitement about looking at the gate.

Finally, their journey ended and they came stood upon the actual entering gate of the school. They all got out of the car.

"It looks expensive," Emily said.

"but it isn't," Sophie said. " It is the cheapest in the area,"


"I don't know,"

Tom gasped. He put the luggage on the ground.

"bye, mom," Sophie said and hugged her. Then she hugged her father.

"Be careful of boys and study hard," Tom said.

"I will," Sophie chuckled.

She moved towards Laura, she hugged her too. She stood at a distance from everyone with her suitcase and a bag. She looked at Laura.

"I will miss you," Sophie said and leapt inside.

They left as soon as Sophie went inside. Tom and Emily felt eerie noises in the air which gave them chills in their body when they were leaving the place.

"Why it is getting darker," Emily said.

Tom took a deep breath.

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