

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Glimpse of Magic

Sophie went inside. As she walked inside the gate got closed and it got darker.

"Anyone here," Sophie echoed. The light turned on within a second as Sophie spoke. The chandeliers were mesmerizing. Firelights were also installed. It was too much light to bear all at once. Sophie got half-blind for a while.

She put her bag over the suitcase and dragged it along with her. She went to the reception area which she was able to see after the chandeliers enlightened the place.

The reception area was as dull as in every college. Colleges should innovate something. There was the big curved desk behind which a lady was standing. It was uncertain to guess her age. She was young but yet looked old. The receptionist was wearing a big round shape spectacle attached to a gold color chain. The receptionist was uniquely dressed.

"Why is she dressed like that," Sophie thought.

" Why a turban.. and full sleeves kurta or whatever that is...."

She wore navy blue from toe to head.

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you." The receptionist asked.

Sophie at first did not answer. She was looking here and there. Then she noticed the structure of the building.

"Wahhhh....it is domical," Sophie embarrassed herself. She aches her neck. "It did not look like it from outside."


"I am a student," Sophie said. " I am a bit late,"

"You are a fresher," She asked.

"Indeed, yes," Sophie answered.

"Can I see your confirmation letter,"

"I don't have something like that,"

"..but I do have this invitation card," Sophie showed it to the receptionist.

"Oh, how are you ma'am…." The receptionist bowed down.

"You were behaving indifferently, ma'am..." She said still bowed down. "I am sorry."

"It's okay please raise your head," Sophie said, both nervous and confused.

"This way ma'am," The receptionist escorted her. "You can leave your luggage,"

Sophie was walking through the long corridor. There were many handmade paintings were hanging on the walls. It looked like that the pictures were of the founding members of the school or some respected teachers who taught there and died in their tenure. Sophie keenly observes around her.

"The school is not that expensive," Sophie asked the receptionist while looking around the corridor. "How are you able to manage these expensive interiors?"

The corridor was covered with the premium red color carpet, it looked expensive to Sophie because of its essence. The whole corridor was covered with antique chandeliers. At every equal gap, the chandeliers were installed and firelights on both side of the walls. Sophie could not able to figure out the gap.

"You are funny," The receptionist said and smiled a little.

"What I did to make her smile," Sophie thought and made a confused expression. She ran her hands into her dark black hairs. She opened her hair which was earlier tied with the rubber band.

"I hope there are no more strange people like her," Sophie thought.

"You look more beautiful with open hairs, ma'am." The receptionist said.


"You are also friendlier than any other of your level," The receptionist commented.

"Level, what is she talking about,"

"Thank you for the comment," Sophie elegantly said. Though she was irritated by the receptionist, she never forgot her manners. She tied her hairs again.

She was going to touch one of the portraits but was interrupted by the receptionist, Sophie stood there with her one hand in the air.

"Don't wake them up," The receptionist said.

"What," Sophie murmured, with a question mark expression.

"Oh..god she is mental,"

They stopped in front of the Gold color elevator.

"Is it gold plated," Sophie curiously asked.

"Yes, ma'am like yours," The receptionist said.

She grinned at Sophie.

"Kill me," Sophie thought, frustrated.

The receptionist stood in the center of the corridor, raised her both hands in the air and speaks.


"Oh, wow voice controlled elevator," Sophie said, excitedly. "Cool."

"Though I did not catch the word."

The receptionist did not get what Sophie was babbling about though she did not say anything. She signaled Sophie to go inside. Sophie goes.

The receptionist again stood in the center of the corridor and said.


Instantaneously the elevator closed it down. As it was closing Sophie glanced at her luggage flying in the corridor from the remaining space between the elevator's door.

"What was that," Sophie uttered. She rubbed both of her eyes.

"I don't remember drinking," She tried to remember.

The elevator was going down. Sophie noticed that there were no buttons in the elevator.

"What the hell," Sophie said. "There are no buttons,"

"place is strange,"

The elevator had a chandelier as same as in the corridor. Not even on the outside, inside was also gold color painted or as the receptionist said 'Gold plated'.

Abruptly the royal elevator stopped. It looked like a royal elevator installed in Buckingham Palace.

"Why is this stopped," Sophie stretched her hands in the air which she was earlier holding her arms. She took a step forward.

'Bing' Elevator opened.

"What the hell," Sophie uttered, scared. She moved her hands on the heart. She gasped.

"It's my first day and they intend to make it last," Sophie said, getting horrifying.

It was another long corridor but with many doors.

"Why they have similar interior," Sophie observed.

As Sophie stepped out of the elevator, it got closed and disappeared.

She looked back.

"Oh where is the elevator," Sophie said, a little loud but not enough to be noticed.

Instead of the elevator, a huge wall appeared.

"I am getting mad...,"

"..or they are trying to make me."

She was sweating a little. She put her hand in the jacket's pocket to find the handkerchief but she did not find it. Then she tried to find it all over the pockets but vain attempt.

"Must be in the bag or I forget that too." Sophie talked to herself.


"First day and I am a loser."

She walked a little and spotted a square mirror on her right side. Only her face was visible.

"Oh... I am looking terrible," She felt disgusted after was seeing herself in the mirror.

Swiftly the reflection of Sophie in the mirror was started to disappear.

"What is happening," Sophie slightly get closer to the mirror.

"Why I am disappearing." She got too close to the mirror.

Promptly an image of an old ugly women appeared in the mirror.

"Ahhhhh..............." Sophie screamed like someone almost killed her.

She fell on the ground, her both hands were on the floor. She made a V-shaped postured. It was too loud that everybody appeared in the corridor which was just before a second, emptied.

"The lady just appeared.." Sophie, yelled while was pointing at the frame which Sophie assumed a mirror.

"Wait...she is fucking moving..." Sophie screamed louder than before and immediately became unconscious.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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