

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Surviving The Maze Part-I

The rope disappeared.

"What happened?" Laura asked.

"I think...they are in danger," Dakota said, turning around. She got frightened. Abel laughed in an evil laugh.

"I think she has done it..." Abel said.

"What are you talking about?" Dakota asked, getting scared.

Dakota got furious and ran towards Abel, her hand glowed. She made a fist and hit hard on Abel's face. Abel did not stop smiling. Dakota hit him repeatedly. Abel's face was filled with bruises and started to bleed. Laura went to rescue him, she powered up and pulled Dakota from over him.

"Calm down," Laura said, holding Dakota, tightly.

"You are a disgrace to our team," Dakota shouted.

Abel tried to sit, used all the strength left in him. He could not able to rest his back because of the mirrors. He sat with his head down and back bent. He was sitting with his legs half-bent making a triangle. He spat the blood on the floor. He smiled.

"You all will die," Abel said.

"You basted," Dakota said, standing up and powered up. Dakota went over to him to beat him again but Ikaria suddenly appeared and held her with her neck.

"How dare you," Ikaria said, getting angry. She was all powered up and looked more evil than ever.

Ikaria raised her over to head. Laura powered up and ran towards her with a fist to hit her but Ikaria dodged her and held Laura with her neck. Ikaria punished both of them. Laura and Dakota both struggled to breathe.


"What are we going to do, now?" Sophie asked, holding Xion's hand.

"Don't worry," Xion said, getting anxious but was not showing.

A sudden gust of wind blew and all the fire flames extinguished in a second. They started to hear a sound.

"Did you hear it?" Sophie asked.

Xion nodded, tightens his hand grip on Sophie's hand. Suddenly they noticed their shadows in front of them but it was absurd because shadows appeared only in the light. They lifted their head at the ceiling which was there a minute before. At that moment the ceiling turned into an endless sky which was covered with dark clouds. They stood under the moonlight of a giant moon above them which was appeared to touch the ground.

"What is happening?" Sophie murmured.

Once again a gust of cold wind blew that time it touched their faces. In the moonlight, they saw the walls of the room around them started to disappear. In their place, bushes started to appear. They went from a room maze to a jungle maze without even was moving a foot. Sophie and Xion both were sweating and their soul was frightened to hell but kept inside everything, did not let their emotions to provoke them to show on their faces.

"How do we get out...?" Sophie wondered.

"Don't worry...someone will come to help," Xion said.


"Ikaria, let's go," Abel said, coughing. Blood was flowing from his mouth.

Ikaria dropped both of them to the ground. Ikaria sat down and held Abel from his shoulders. A tornado started to form around Abel and Ikaria, within a second they disappeared. Laura and Dakota both caught up with their breath.

"What will we do, now?" Laura asked.

"First, we have to find...another rope," Dakota suggested, standing up.

"Check the floor,"

Laura nodded. They divided the floor in half and started to look for the rope. One by one they started to pull out the wooden decks. They looked everywhere but did not find anything. Then Laura suggested looking at where Abel got the rope in the first place.

"Dakota," Laura said, holding the magic rope in her hand. She hurriedly tied the one end on her and another end on Dakota.

"Dakota...please be safe," Laura said. Dakota started to move towards the mirror. She could able to see Xion and Sophie struggling in there. Suddenly Laura called her name. Dakota turned around. Laura walked towards her and kissed her. Dakota got startled and pushed Laura. Dakota without a word rushed into the mirror.


"Sophie, don't leave my hand," Xion said, getting serious.

They started to walk. Suddenly Xion felt something on his leg when he bowed down to see. He saw a giant root was grabbing his leg. He did not get scared at all he stood still but it gave him chills all over his body when he saw that root opening his eyes. Xion signaled Sophie to be silent but she could not hold her scream when she saw its eyes.


Xion fell to the ground, that giant root started to pull him. Sophie used all her strength to keep Xion with her. She sat with legs stretched and used her both hands to hold him. Soon she started to lose her grip.

"Xion," Sophie shouted, leaving her grip.

That root dragged him towards the bush. Sophie ran to catch him. As Xion got closer to the bush suddenly, that bush split in half and a piece of wood appeared. Xion and Sophie saw that wood smiling with his teeth, they were shining.

"Fuck...fuck...fuck..." Xion said.

In between Xion grabbed a wood attached to another bush. That smiling wood made a screeching sound. Sophie came running towards him and tried to find something to kill that root. She found a piece of wood attached to a bush. She pulled it.

"Gru...r...," Sophie made a voice while pulling the wood.

She got the wood that was perfect to hold. She hurriedly smashed it on the eyes of the root. She repeatedly hit until he released Xion. After the hard work, Xion got released and that root went inside of the bush with that giant smiling wood, the leaves got connected and closed the way. Sophie gave Xion a hand to help him.

"Are you okay?" Sophie asked.

"Yes, thanks to you," Xion said.

Suddenly a pin-drop silence fell. There was no moment for a while, no wind was blowing, no trees were rustling, and no animal sound was coming.

"Why it's so silent?" Sophie wondered.

Suddenly leaves of the bushes started to connect with each other. A voice was airing in the atmosphere. At the closer look, the voice was coming out of the leaves. It looked they were talking in their language. Sophie and Xion slowly-slowly started to move. The leaves at a fast pace started to cover the paths as in destroying. Sophie and Xion were running with their full stamina. It looked like the whole place was collapsing. Suddenly they heard Dakota's voice.

"Xion...Sophie," Dakota shouted.

"Did you hear?" Xion asked.

"What?" Sophie confused.

"Xion..." Dakota shouted.

"This way..." Xion said, running and dragging Sophie with him.

"I think Dakota is here," Xion said.

"Dakota...we can hear you," Xion shouted.

"Follow my voice,"

"Xion," Dakota shouted, getting relieved.

They all ran towards their voices. At the moment they all met.

"Xion," Dakota said, hugging him tightly.

"Sophie," Then Dakota hugged her.

"I am glad you both are alive," Dakota showered her love.

"We can do this later...let's get the hell out of here," Xion said.

Suddenly they noticed that the moonlight was disappearing above them. They stopped and turned around. The giant moon that was appearing to touch the ground. It had come to the ground and was chasing them with its full speed. The whole place was getting destroyed. They got frightened and started to run again that time with more speed. They started to see the glimpse of the mirror. Laura also started to see them. Unfortunately in between Sophie fell.

"Dakota wait," Xion shouted, going towards Sophie.

"Are you okay?" Xion asked.

"I think, my leg got twisted," Sophie said, touching her leg with her hands.

"Can you move?"

"I don't think so,"

"Xion…Fast," Dakota shouted.

They saw the moon was approaching closer. Xion lifted Sophie with his hands. Sophie wrapped her hands around him. They continued to run towards the mirror. Behind them, the track started to get destroyed and the clouds which were flying started to fall on the ground.

"Watch out," Dakota shouted.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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