

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasy
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106 Chs


What happened?" Laura asked.

"I think mom and dad are in danger," Sophie said.


"Please take me to them," Sophie asked.

Sophie was shivering, her tears weren't stopping.

"Let's teleport,"

"We are not allowed to use our power outside," Laura explained.


"What are these powers for when they cannot be used to protect our loved ones," Sophie blasted.

Sophie started to throw tantrums.

"Listen to me," Laura said, holding Sophie from her shoulders.

"Get into your senses I'll take you there,"

Sophie went with her. They walked through the walls and stood in the underground road.

"What is this place?" Sophie asked.

It was just a normal road like others. The underground path was lighted by yellow color led lights.

"It's a magic road," Laura said.

"Get side,"

Sophie moved some steps back. Laura put one hand into the wall near to her and pulled with strength. When she pulled her hand out, a luxury car appeared with her hand on the door handle.

"Wha...t?" Sophie amazed.

"Is the wall...parking?"

"Get in fast," Laura said, opening the car door.

They both sat in the car and wore the seat belt.

"Do you know driving?" Sophie asked.

"Shut up,"

Laura took a deep breath and placed her hands on the steering wheel.

"Start," Laura said. The engine started, gear shifted automatically.

"In what century are you all leaving," Sophie asked, getting amazed.

They moved through the magical underground path. They could able to see everything above them, the people, road, vehicles, etc., basically they were riding under the same road as human. They stood under the parking area of Sophie.

"Now what to do?" Sophie asked.

Laura pulled a liver near her right hand. As she pulled the liver the car jumped through the magical path and parked onto the human-made road.

They opened the car door and ran towards the main door.

"Mom...dad," Sophie shouted, opening the door with strength.

Sophie gasped, her mouth wide opened. She covered her mouth. Tears started to run. Laura was shocked, her eyes widened. The house was a mess. Everything was displaced. The couch was destroyed, it looked like someone stabbed it with the knife repeatedly and then scratched it to see inside the cushions. All the crockery of the kitchen was on the floor. The dining table was too destroyed. Sophie ran upstairs to see her parents. Laura searched downstairs.

"Mom..." Sophie shouted.

She went to her parent's bedroom. The wardrobe was opened and all the clothes were on the floor and bed. Sophie panted as she saw the blood on the floor. She lost control of her body and fell to the ground.

"Laura..." Sophie screamed. As Laura heard Sophie, she rushed to her.

Laura got scared as she saw the blood. She sat down and consoled Sophie. Sophie cried over Laura's shoulder.

"It could be of someone else," Laura said.

"Try calling her,"

Sophie wiped her tears with her hand and picked out the phone from her pocket. She dialed.

"Ring...ring..." The phone rings.

"Hello," Emily said.

"Hello...mom, where are you..."

"Are you alright..."

"Oh, my god Sophie," Emily said, sounding a little tired.

"I am fine..." Words trembled.

"I am at the hospital,"

"Which hospital?" Sophie asked.

"Woodland Medical Centre," Emily told.

"I am coming," Sophie said. She disconnected.

Sophie stood up immediately and ran towards the car Laura followed her.

"Take me to Woodland hospital," Sophie said.

They sat in the car and that time they choose the human-made roads.

"Mom...," Sophie shouted, running into the hospital. She saw the reception. Laura was running with her. Sophie put her both hands on the receptionist desk, her hairs came all over her face.

"Emily Wharton," Sophie asked, breathing was audible.

"No, Tom Wharton, room 105," the receptionist answered.

"Thank you," Sophie said, taking off from there.

She ran towards the lift but she had no patience to wait for the lift so, she took the stairs. She sprints towards the room. She opened the room and saw her mother sitting on the chair. Emily was sitting with her head down with her hands joined in a praying posture.

"Sophie," Emily said.

As Sophie walked inside she saw her father on the bed unconscious.

"What happened to him...?" Sophie pleaded, getting a closer look at her father.

Emily hugged her tightly and started crying. Sophie held her tears strongly. Sophie wiped Emily's tears and consoled her.

"It's ok," Sophie said.

"Everything will be fine, Emily," Laura said, running her hand on Emily's back.

Sophie grabbed Emily's hands and made her sit on the chair. Sophie sat on the floor near Emily's legs.

"Tell me everything..." Sophie asked, widening her eyes, taking off her hairs from her face. Laura was standing near the bed with one hand on the bed.

Emily speaks.

"The day was normal like another day. I was making my orders and getting ready for the delivery. Tom came back in the afternoon to eat lunch and for the deliveries. Suddenly some men with the masks on broke in and started to beat Tom. First I thought they must be some thug who wanted money but they didn't want any money. They were repeatedly saying 'How are you alive?' I was pleading in front of them. I was helpless. We ran to the bedroom to save ourselves but it was a vain attempt. I don't know what they were trying to find but they did not take anything, no jewelry, no money, nothing."

Emily in between cried out.

"It's okay mom," Sophie said, hugging her.

Laura gave Emily a water bottle. She took a sip.

"You stay here, I call you," Sophie said.

She walked out of the door with Laura. They stood near the door.

"Do you know someone who can do this?" Laura asked.

"I think...I know," Sophie said, seeing her mother through a small window on the door.


"Master Wayne,"

"What," Laura doubted.

"I haven't told you something,"


"The treasure hunt was organized to kill me..." Sophie said, walking towards the car.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, I heard it from his bloody mouth,"

They sat in the car.

"We have to tell everyone about this," Laura suggested.

"Not know,"


"I talk to him first,"

They drove back to Sophie's house.

"Why are we here?" Laura asked.

"I'll tell you,"

They went inside the house again.

"Do you remember any spell..." Sophie asked.

"We are not allowed..." Sophie gave her a death glare in between.

"Stop bullshit...and show their footprints or something like that, if you can"

"I have better," Laura said, stretching her hands.


Everything started to take its rightful place. The whole day was rewound. It was like a picture going on. All the characters started to appear at the right time.

"It's so cool," Sophie said. Laura's eyes shinned.

Sophie saw everything in front of her eyes the more she was excited when the time travelled the more depressed she got while watching her father got beaten and her mother crying. Tears fell from her eyes. Suddenly Sophie told Laura to stop the moment.

"What happened?" Laura asked, stopping the moment.

"I think I have seen that tattoo before," Sophie said, getting closer to that thug's hand.


"The man whom Master Wayne was talking to,"

"Tell me about him?" Laura asked.

"He was wearing spectacles and a suit, fit body..."

"Wait..." Laura interrupted her.

"That's our headmaster, Draven," Laura said, stopping the flow of her magic.

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