
Elemental Nations: Oni of the Whirpool

Narrow, a young but ruthless gangster from Earth, dies by cosmic mistake and is granted wishes. He had been warned to be humble in his wishes, but as usual, he threw caution to the wind. Inadvertently, his choices have altered the Shinobi world in ways that would have alarmed even him, that is, if he had kept his memories,

Iwalkthestars · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs



Root Anbu Blacksite

Undetected by his untrained eyes, a hand grabbed him by the throat and brought his face smashing against the bars.

He winced but refused to cry out in pain, not wanting to give his captor the pleasure.

Danzo flicked his hand, halting the dragon-masked Root Shinobi.

"You will get your chance with the Jinchūriki Sugaru."

'Sugaru, got it.' He knew the name of the rat-masked root ninja, at least. It didn't ring a bell, so maybe this was an obscure Aburame, or his arrival muddied the waters in the noble clans.

"As you command Danzō-sama."

Amusement churned In his single eye.

"Hold to your hate, for that's where the weak find solace and dream of revenge because only in your dream will they come to fruition." He sermonized.

He had recorded the decoration from the boy. Such a fire churning in the eyes of the nine-tails host would see the council reeling. They will fear a second attack, no doubt. The village wouldn't expect a thing, and that weak puppet of a Kage's head would lower further.

"I Pity for the souls of your father and mother. To think their sacrifices weren't worth much to the realities of the shinobi world."

'Hmph. That damn Uchiha almost perished against the Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage. Just a little more, and ill have the eyes of the damn arrogant Uchiha. And dear Naruto is the key."

He no longer cared about the child mentality. He had hoped the torture would help the child see light.

"They were fools to believe the village would honor their wishes after their passing." He stared, hoping for a glimmer of despair as he deposited the helpful information.

Narrow didn't show concern in his eyes; he knew what had happened to his parents, and his eyes roamed toward Danzo's bandaged eye.

His lone brow shot to the top of his head. Startled at the child's glower, his anger and displeasure flared across his aged face.

"You will remain here another day; once the preparation is completed, we will start the unsealing and subsequent withdrawal of the kyubi; afterward, you will join root and be available so the useless council and weak-willed Hokage won't suspect the demon has been removed." He smiled with anticipation.

"As much as I like this aggressive fire that has shown itself in your eyes, root has no use for emotions. You will do as I order." The cured seal would see to his obedience.

"Enjoy your night; I can't wait to see the smoldered embers of your eyes afterward," He said, smiling at the child.

"It doesn't matter. I will kill you and scatter your plans to the wind." I whispered through the bars of the cage.

Danzō squinted. "I grow tired of you."

He raised one of his hands, and I felt the chakra molding and saw his hand seals.

Ninjutsu: Blood boil.

His cane reached through the section of the bars and slammed into his chest.


Oxygen was forced out, but the blow and he flew back.

His body grew hot before the extreme excruciating pain flared.

His screams into the night kept the remaining prisoners awake. After witnessing what could happen, two more were relented.

Hours passed as he lay in the damp jail, squirming and screaming.

He woke to the sound of dripping water. Every sensation felt raw; every breath felt like sandpaper rubbing an open wound.

He closed his eyes briefly, formulating an avenue of escape; what could I do? He asked himself.

System installed


He crawled toward the back wall to watch everything through the bars.

"Show me my status," he said hoarsely into the cell. Outside, I could hear animals of the night scurrying above.

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Chakra: -B

Age: 7

Class: Shinobi: -E Rank

Element: -Unknown

Kekkei-Genkai- None

Dōjutsu: -None

jinchuuriki: 9 Tails (Sealed)


Taijustu: E

Ninjutsu: E

Genjutsu: E

Shurikenjutsu: E

Zanjutsu: E

Fuinjutsu: E

Juinjutsu: E





The screen appeared before him. He moved a weak arm through it. Good, he didn't want anyone to be able to interact with it.

He looked at the water's surface, and no reflection of his screen appeared. Even better, it's all in his head.

He continued checking the status. His chakra rating was B, which he felt was great for his age and my current situation. He was nine, which is Academy age if he remembers correctly.

Clicking on it, he was informed that B had a high chunin level of chakra. Uzumaki had Unique chakra and lots of it.

E-Rank shinobi. Information defined it as an Academy brat rank or a fit civilian, but that was because he lacked skills.

His elemental nature was unknown, but he suspected it was at least the same as the anime and manga: wind release and some Water talent.

He wasn't too happy about that, but he was sure the system could remedy that.

It seems the system he requested knew my inner wishes. He smiled at that. At the moment, he lacked a Dōjutsu.

"System, how do I obtain a Dōjutsu?" He hoped this would work.

System message: The host can obtain it in the standard way in the Narutoverse. The host is required to bring the eyes of the person. The host can also make purchases from the store.

I would have to stumble across a Dōjutsu user, which would be difficult. I guess the store option is the better option.

"System, how much is a Dōjutsu?"

System message: The price of the Dōjutsu depends on the host's capacity. For example, if the host happened to be a Uchiha, then the cost would be minuscule since the host has the bloodline of the Dōjutsu present.

So, my selected wishes seemed perfectly reflected in what I had in mind.

"System, how do I make money?" I asked. But I had suspicion either way.

System message: The host needs to request a mission from the system. Hint: Become a hunter ninja.

Secondly, Missions are tailored to the host's stats. The system may have instances that request/require the host to complete much more demanding tasks.

The host previously found a quest item. Discover more quest items and unlock more quest item-related missions. Quest item missions are open-ended; the host can solve them at leisure.

Quest Item Mission

Betrayal Under The Canopy

Fu Uzumaki, a Jōnin of Uzushiogakure, a decomposing body, was discovered in a Rot Black Site Jail.

Reward: Pending

He had gotten his first mission, but that one wouldn't tell him how to escape. He needed a guarantee that he could pull this off.

System message: The host has been allocated one free platinum token for purchase from the store. One platinum is worth 1,000 tokens and 10,000 Ryo. The host will be granted the standard basic package.

"Firstly, I would like the standard package."
