

It is a story about a boy who becomes a hero out of necessity as fate pushes him into it to protect his loved ones in a world where gods, aliens, mutants, wizards, celestials walk among the mortals. A world where a snap of the finger decides your fate. A world where a single thought could create havoc of undetermined proportion. In this world where death surrounds every inch around you, Chris, goes on a path where he will fight anyone to keep his family and his world safe along with his friends and companions.

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Ding transporting to the Last Airbender Dungeon


Transportation successful



 Ding… Mission Generated

 [ Help Katara and Sokka fulfill their destiny.

 Do you accept? Y/N]

[ Help Aang in his journey to become an Avatar.

 Do you accept? Y/N]

[ Save the villages from the clutches of fire nation.

 Do you accept? Y/N]

[ Kill fire nation's general.

 Do you accept? Y/N]

[ Help the Northern Water Tribe in defeating the fire nation

 Do you accept? Y/N]

[ Save the spirits before the general kills them

 Do you accept? Y/N]

[ Only use water element throughout your journey.

 Do you accept? Y/N]


Chris accepted the missions as he slowly opened his eyes slowly and saw glacier around him. In front of him, there were tents put up and some people dressed in black, over which they put a red colored robe where pulling children from these tents. Adults were fighting to get the children back while children were kicking and fighting to escape from their clutches. Then a teenager with a scar on his left eye slowly came forward and following him was a lean man with a long goatee. The teenager looked at them intently and shouted

"I want the Airbender. Bring him to me."

The people didn't understand what has happening but they were aggrieved with the injustice they were suffering and said angrily

"What the hell are you saying? The Airbenders have all been killed by you." One of them replied

The teenage boy was fed up, tired and started to become antsy. The boy became irritated as he spread his hands one to the front and other to the back as he moved and flipped as he took the fire from the pit along a path and threw at the man who spoke. As the man was thrust backward charred, the boy said once more angrily

"If I don't see the Airbender now, then I will raise this village into the ground with the ashes as only proof of your existence."

When the people heard that, they became afraid and silent as they were looking for anyone suspicious around them in hope of saving their lives. Hearing the threats, a boy in an orange monk dress with a red covering over his chest stepped forward and removed his hood and said

"I am the Airbender. If I come with you, do I have your word that they will be unharmed?"

"Yes. But why should I believe you?" The scarred boy smirked and asked

The Airbender moved his hand in a circle around him as the air started to move around him and after accumulating enough air he pushed it towards all the fire nation soldiers. The air crashed against the soldiers as they were thrown backwards with cut, bruises and scrapes all over their body.

The scarred boy was angry at him for attacking his soldiers but he didn't let his anger pour out and said

"Let's go"

The monk boy nodded and followed him as he heard a girl say

"Aang, you don't have to do this. We will fight them."

"Its's okay, Katara. But this is for the best and don't worry I will be safe." He replied as he walked away

Katara tried to pull him back but before she could, another boy stopped her. After they left, the people felt relieved but also sad seeing the destruction they left there. The people started to clean up the place while Chris cautiously approached the brother-sister duo who is speaking to their grandmother. As he approached them, the boy noticed him and shielded the girl and grandma and looked at me wearily. I laughed at them awkwardly and said

"Hi, I am Issei."

They looked at me without replying and the boy kept his weapon pointed at me. I got uncomfortable and irritated as the weapon was not lowered, so I flicked my hand and a big drop of water rose from my side and smashed into his weapon. The boy and girl looked at me shock while murmuring "Waterbender" while the grandma got up to take a closer look at me. I smiled at her and said

"Sorry, Grandma, I am an adventurer and I travel from place to place explore the world. As I was passing through here, I saw a commotion here and came to check out. I thought the Airbenders were all dead. Was that boy an avatar?" 

"Hmm, he is an Avatar. Are you from the northern water tribe, child?" Grandma asked

"No, Grandma. I am from a small settlement in foggy water tribe. When our settlements were raided, my parents died protecting me. So, I left the tribe to travel the world as a non-bender." Issei replied

"I am sorry for loss, child." Grandma sighed and said

"It's okay grandma. I have come to terms with it. Life has to move on." Issei said forlornly.

I could see sympathy in the sibling's eyes. I didn't mind and asked again

"Was that an avatar?"

"Yes, child. He is."

"Oh, it's good then the dark times are over."

They became silent hearing my reply and was gloomy. I looked at them and asked

"What happened?"

"He was captured by the fire nation. How will he escape?" the boy said

"Let's go help him." the girl said excitedly

"But how will we even reach there. And will the fire nation come back to attack our village." The boy asked worriedly

"Go, my children. It is in your destiny to help him." Grandma smiled said

"But…" Sokka tried to say

"No, buts. Go." Grandma said

"Okay but how will we go then?" he asked

We heard a snorts and grunts coming from the side and saw a bison. We turned to each other and smiled. I was the first one to get on it followed by the Katara and Sokka. The siblings bid their goodbyes to their grandma and I also said bye as the Appa the bison flew.

 After a few minutes, we saw a ship in the distance. As we drew closer, we saw Aang fighting on the deck. Seeing this, Appa roared and Aang saw us as he opened a wing like thing from his stick and flew to us. After he reached us, Aang took control of Appa as he flew us to Southern Air Temple.

As we reached the air temple, we all grew nervous as we know the monks of the air temple have all been killed but we couldn't say it to Aang. After we got down form Appa, Aang ran to see the priests while Katara ran behind him. When we both reached by his side, Aang was angry and sad with the tremendous loss and guilt weighing on him while Katara was trying to calm him down.

After he calmed down, Sokka put up a tent for resting, while I went for foraging for food and Katara stayed by his side. After I got the food, I came back and we all ate together but Aang was still sad while we were thinking how to help him mourn.

After resting for few hours, we packed up and I asked

"What do we do now?"

They both looked at me with baffled expressions as they didn't have any clue what to do. Katara turned to Aang and said

"You know our grandmother believes that you are an Avatar"

"How many villages does fire nation control now?" Aang asked back

"A lot of villages in earth nation like this one but the big cities are not yet under their control." Katara replied

"So, are you an avatar?" Sokka asked curiously

Then we heard footsteps of someone running towards us. We turned around and saw a boy running towards us. He ran behind Sokka and hid behind him. following him some soldiers came and said

"We came to arrest the boy. Give him to us."

"Why?" Katara asked

"Because he bends and threw tiny stones at us and it really hurt." The leader replied

"He can bend the earth" we were all surprised as we looked at him and Katara continued "But nobody is taking away anyone" she opened the lid of a container and started to bend the water and threw at them but unfortunately it misfired as it hit Sokka. The soldiers seeing this laughed at us and arrested us.

 When we reached the village, the people were looking at us grimly. We were sent behind the gates where the boy met his father and father thanked us. Seeing their plight, Aang asked

"What happened to you?"

 "At first, they sent soldiers we fought and defeated them but then they sent machines. There was nothing we could do. We were allowed to live peacefully behind the walls as non-benders. So, we took it" The father replied

"Earthbenders. What are you doing? You are strong and amazing people. Earth is right beneath your feet. The ground is an extension of who you are."

After a pause he looked at them "If the avatar has returned would that mean anything to you?" asked them with a tinge of nervousness and emotion

"The avatar is dead. If he was here, he would protect us." An Earthbender replied

"My name is Aang. I am the Avatar and I am back now."

The fire nation soldiers surrounded him hearing Aang speech and one of them mockingly asked

"If Avatar was alive, he would have been an Airbender. Are you an Airbender?"

Katara went ahead and pushed the one that mocked while Sokka took out his weapon. One of soldiers, tried to push her back but Aang bended the air and pushed him away. Everybody got into fighting stance. Sokka protected Katara and stood. One of the soldiers bended the fire and attacked Aang and Katara at the same time. An Earthbender protected Aang while I bended the water and attacked the fire hurling towards Katara.

 Then me, Earthbenders and Aang came together and started to fight the Firebenders. We seamlessly timed our attacked and protected each other as we fought the Firebenders. We defeated everyone as they scurried with bruises and cuts while others cheered for us.

After the fight, the villagers took us to the place where the Firebenders kept the bending scrolls. Then they offered us a rare water bending scroll. When Katara got the scroll, she was happy and then the chief took us to the statue of the previous avatar born in earth nation.

 After seeing the statue, Sokka became agitated and said

"A lot of villages in this part are suffering like this. They prey on weakest towns and villages. We should help them, Aang."

"I need to tell you something." Aang said

"What is it, Aang?" Katara asked

"I ran away before they trained me to be the Avatar. I don't know how to be bend the other elements" Aang said

When we heard it, we were shocked and Katara asked

"Why did you run away?"

"They said that an Avatar could not have a family. The responsibility of an avatar comes with a sacrifice." Aang replied

"So, we have to find you teachers. Which element should you learn next?" I asked

"Water. It comes after air in a cycle." Aang replied

"There are powerful benders in the Northern Water Tribe but they are all the way on the other side of the world." Sokka said

"We can there on Appa." Aang replied

"That's what I was thinking, and maybe stop by the villages on the way and help them." Sokka replied with a smile

I nodded at that and said

"Let's go then."

After we bid our goodbyes with the villagers, we got on Appa and went to the Northern Water Tribe. Along the way, we helped many villages and towns as well as tried to learn water bending. During the night we were camping near a river, so, we tried to practice water bending but Aang was distracted so Katara asked

"What happened, Aang? You are distracted."

"Norther Air temple is there. I wanted to go check." Aang said pointing in a certain direction

We knew his worries but we knew there was nothing there so we stopped him from going but in the midnight, he took Appa and went to the temple. Seeing this, I thought letting him go alone was dangerous. So, we discussed and I followed him. By the time I reached there, the place was surrounded by the fire nation soldiers and I understood that this was a trap and it was evident from a monk going out from the temple.

In the midnight, I sneaked into the building to find him. when I saw him, he was tied to chains and hanged while a general was talking to him. As they were talking, I was planning to rescue him from there but it was very difficult without making any noise. As our lives were on the line, the time was slowly passing away as well as Aang's chance of escaping was becoming slim.