
Element Master in BNHA (DROPPED)

A woman was born with an extremely strong quirk, Elemental Control. She never had any hate against Heros nor Villains, so on her adventure, will she choose the path of a Hero, or Villain?

Khiione · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

The Exam

Standing outside of the entrance Evelyn was wearing a simple white sweater and knee high white boots aswell as some black jean shorts. A few people gave her weird looks for wearing such casual clothing to the exam, but Evelyn had already applied the graphene modification to her clothing.

Evelyn had created a chair out of highly compressed air, to which she just sat down and waited for the gates to open. Then, somebody approached her. It was a man with black hair and glasses.

"Ma'am thats disrespectful to UA to be so lax with their exam"

"...I'm just sitting down, is that such a problem? It's not like anything is gonna happen until the gate opens"

As she said that the gate had started to open. She then stood up and began walking into the arena whilst everyone else ran inside. She simply manipulated the air to lift her up and began to fly around looking at the robots in the arena.

She was floating high above the arena just looking at every destroying robots when she decided she might aswell contribute so she could get into UA aswell. She materialized her guns aswell as 60 floating swords. She sent the swords around to different robots chopping them up instantly. She ran calculations in her head for the bullets trajectory so that she could hit each and every robot. She ended up firing 20 bullets from each gun and then stopped. She knew that 100 points would be enough for her to get into UA so she just went and sat down ontop of a building waiting for the exam to end.


A Random Road

The test had ended and Evelyn walked home. She never cared to much for attention, she had always preferred to stay away from the limelight. Sadly, after that display in the exam, people tried to approach her. She would simply say hello back and then turn away from them hoping they'd leave. One boy however, decided that he would continue to talk to her about her quirk. It was the same boy who had tripped and fallen over just walking to the exam.

"So, I have a few ideas as to what your quirk is, is it metal manipulation? wait no...then how would you have flown. How about Nanobot creation? You could have made jet boots or something with that right?"

"Oh my God! Okay you want to know my quirk so much? It's Element Control! Now, please stop talking or I'm going to trap you in a box made of air then walk away and accidently forget I trapped you!"

She ended up putting air quotes around accidently. Luckily, this got the boy to shut up and she began to walk faster to outpace the boy. She just wanted to get home, take a shower, and read a book whilst falling asleep.


Evelyn's Home

After finally getting away from the boy, she simply got home and did exactly what she had been wanting to do since she left that exam. Once she was in her pajamas she thought about what the boy had said to her.
