

Let's visit the world of... Enchantas, Vampires, Mermaids and other supernaturals in the world of different kingdoms from Eleftheria. A world where truth and justice were hidden. A hundred years ago, the Eleftheria School of Mysteries was built in memory of the deceased mother of an heir, who liberated and brought justice to the hidden world of immortals. Shaharrah Chióni a girl from the village of Enchant will be a big part of mysterious School. Her past will change everything. Shaharrah's identity will be reveal with the help of a book entitled 'Enchanta' that will turn her world upside down. Welcome to the world of Eleftheria where you can travel to Air Kingdom, Water Kingdom, Winter Kingdom, Fire Kingdom and Dark Kingdom of Vampires.

_Iyhena · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Book

Shaharrah's POV.

''I see you belong to the guild of fire kingdom.'' Princess Fierra said to Shiela.

"Yes dear princess!"

''End the formality, let's be friends!'' she said.

''But princess----'' –Shiela.

''No buts!'' the princess took a deep breath, ''next time fight back when you are oppressed. What's your name by the way?''

''I'm Shiela and this is Shaharrah.'' The princess looked at me from head to toe as if wondering what I was wearing. 

''Why are you wearing a cleaner's uniform Shaharrah?''

''Because I'm not a student here, dear princess----''

''Just call me Fierra. I thought everyone from your village can study for free?'' She interrupted what I was going to say.

''Only Enchantas with unique powers can study. I'm just an ordinary Enchanta so I can't do anything.'' I explained shyly.

''Are you sure? I think you are wrong. My power feels something different about you.'' –Fierra.

''I think you are mistaken.''

''I'm never wrong Shaharrah, knowing one's ability and magic is one of my power.''-Fierra.

Until now, I still can't believe that the princess of the Fire Kingdom is so nice and friendly, unlike the other students who are judgemental. 

What Princess Fierra said earlier had been troubling for a few hours in my mind. A princess with the power to know the abilities of an Eleftherian wouldn't lie. Does that mean there is a hidden power in me?

I had finished cleaning the palace hallway when I passed by the library.

Maya! If only you could see where I am, I'm sure you'd have a lot of fun. I have entered the palace as you wish, the only difference is that you are not with me.

I stared at the large door of the library. The two giant doors were guarded by two elite warriors. I was about to enter but the guards stopped me.

''Cleaners are not allowed inside.'' said one.

I looked at my clothes and was ashamed of myself. If I was just a royal blood then maybe I can do whatever I want, but sadly I'm not.

Suddenly, the door opened itself and a man in a black outfit exited the library. He's holding a book. The boy's aura was cold as ice and there was no expression on his face. It was blank and unemotional.

He looked at me which surprised me. Did he feel someone was watching him?

After a while, he suddenly disappeared from my sight as if he disappeared or quickly left where he was standing. What kind of power does he have?

''Shaharrah?'' Fierra suddenly appeared from nowhere or maybe I just didn't notice them.

With her is a beautiful woman with long, wavy green hair down to her waist. She has a dark green eye color that's mesmerizing to behold. She's also wearing a beautiful hooded cloak designed with ruffles that make her look different from other students of Water Kingdom.

''Fierra? Who is she?'' the girl's voice was soft and it sounded innocent.

''Shaharrah this is Waverly. She's a mermaid, she can create water and big waves. She can also summon sea creatures,'' she smiled at me so I couldn't stop saying what was on my mind.

''You are beautiful.''

The two laughed.

''Do you want to come in?'' Waverly asked softly.

''They said I can't.'' I bowed in shame.

Fierra looked at the guards and said, ''Let her in.''

The two guards bowed before the two large doors opened spontaneously. I was amazed when we entered the big wide library. We were welcomed by two large stairs, the left side was the exit, and the right side was the entrance.

Inside the library itself, there are three long tables in the middle and all the bookshelves are on the side of the wall that reaches the high ceiling. The books are flying and moving alone, descending, and going back to the bookshelves where they were originally placed.

''Just choose any book and say their title. The book will come to you.'' Waverly explained with a smile on her beautiful benign face.

''Princess Waverly!'' A woman approached us. She also has long straight dark green hair and a pair of green eyes. She's a mermaid. Her uniform says so, she's wearing a dark green cloak with gold linings.

Then I realized what the girl said a while ago.

''You're the Princess of Water Kingdom?'' I asked Waverly in disbelief and that's when I noticed the shining pin she was wearing that symbolizes the Water Kingdom.

I'm so stupid for not noticing it earlier.

The three girls just laughed playfully. Seriously? I am surrounded by royal blood.

After we talked, I went to the left side of the shelves. The book about vampires caught my attention.

''Vampire History!'' I said.

But instead of giving me the book I mentioned, another book came into my hand.It is from the highest part of the bookshelves.

''Enchanta?'' I opened it in surprise, ''there's no name of the author?''

I really thought that the book was all about our village but I was wrong. It seems like a diary, a story of someone.

I______ a student of Eleftherian School of Mysteries. The one and only heir of _____.

The names are blurry. It seems like it has been erased. I sat on the nearest chair and started reading the first page of the book.

'Every morning I leave the palace without informing my Father, the King. Wearing expensive clothes, I walk the road to the village of Enchant.

''Is this book belongs to the Queen?''

But the Queen never visited our village.

'The people of Enchant are very loving, friendly and caring. I am very pleased with the citizens present. Because their ability to grow plants and flowers just makes me happy. I have learned that the other races and creatures here in the world of Eleftheria hold Enchantas in low regard. For the reason that their skills are useless but they don't know that if it wasn't for the Enchantas, the whole of Eleftheria wouldn't be given color and beauty.'

''Shaharrah!'' from nowhere, Fierra came.

 ''Fierra, this book is really messed up, who wrote this one?''

I showed the book to her and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

''Are you kidding Shaharrah? Look at the pages of the book, it's empty!'' she said laughing.

I looked at the page of the book again. Can't she see the letters written on it

''Shaharrah, that's why it's on the highest part of the shelves because it's useless. Empty, no letters.''

 ''But I can read what's written in the boook!'' I insist.

Fierra suddenly pulled me out of the library with the book.

''Where are we going?'' I asked in surprise as she pulled me away.

''Don't ask.''