

Let's visit the world of... Enchantas, Vampires, Mermaids and other supernaturals in the world of different kingdoms from Eleftheria. A world where truth and justice were hidden. A hundred years ago, the Eleftheria School of Mysteries was built in memory of the deceased mother of an heir, who liberated and brought justice to the hidden world of immortals. Shaharrah Chióni a girl from the village of Enchant will be a big part of mysterious School. Her past will change everything. Shaharrah's identity will be reveal with the help of a book entitled 'Enchanta' that will turn her world upside down. Welcome to the world of Eleftheria where you can travel to Air Kingdom, Water Kingdom, Winter Kingdom, Fire Kingdom and Dark Kingdom of Vampires.

_Iyhena · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Shaharrah's POV.

When we reached the gate of the palace the elite warriors simultaneously walked towards us with their shining armor surrounding their bodies. They positioned themselves on both sides of the way and lifted their weapons in the air. Seems like they are welcoming us like royalty. The general came out from the big gate. He is tall and handsome, he looks brave because of his stance and posture.

''General Efeso!'' my father greeted him with respect.

We bowed together.

Chief Chioni! Welcome back!'' he said smiling and approached my Father to shake his hand.

''It's good to be back. A few years have passed since I left the palace,'' said Father before looking at a tower.

My Mom told us before that Father used to be the General of elite warriors here in the central palace. Although he held a high position, he chose to step down and give more attention to his own family. He chose to live in a village known as the most peaceful and quiet, the village of Enchant, and he was appointed leader a few years later.

''Come, her Majesty was waiting for your arrival.'' The general commanded his troops to accompany us.

When we entered the gate, we were greeted by a wide lawn where many students were practicing, talking, and teasing each other. Scattered around were fire, ice, water, flying technologies, and other elements and powers that came from the hands of the students.

Upon walking, every student are looking at us with judgment in their eyes. I can't figure out if they are disgusted or irritated because of our clothes and appearance. The students here are from different kingdoms... royal bloods and from powerful families.

It is not insignificant that they are more advanced when it comes to clothing, speech, and thinking. Not like the people of Enchant who seem to have been left behind by time and don't want modernization. Our clothes and language are inherited from the ancestors of our race and nothing has been changed. 

Elders said that changing the usual life is insulting to the dead ancestors.

''Who are they?'' I heard a woman ask her companion.

They are wearing a uniform, a white blouse with a necktie, black mini skirt, dark blue long socks, black shoes, and a blue hooded cloak with gold linings.

''Enchantas!'' they just laughed.

''Shaharrah do we look funny?'' Shiela asked while we walked towards the main hall.

''Leave them alone,'' I said and continued walking towards the palace.

''This is the palace's hall!'' General Efeso said as we entered the huge door.

''This hall is as wide as our village. The palace is very spacious.'' -Aunt Imelda.

''Yes. The palace was built so wide that it almost covered the entire mountain where it stood,'' explained General Efeso.

''This palace covers the school, market, the garden divided into day and night, plaza, and rooms reaching hundreds in numbers for the students and servants of the palace. There is also an extensive library and a playground for students.''

''The ten towers are used as resting places and are guarded by elite warriors to prevent conquest and events in different kingdoms.''

The library of the palace. One of Maya's dream is for us to enter the largest library of Eleftheria. This could be her chance but she couldn't anymore. At least I made it happen for her.

After we met the Queen that day, the new lifestyle of Enchantas began. Not as a citizen of the central palace but as a servant, cleaner, and follower of the students and other royal blood.

We were only made slaves. We thought our lives would be better here but it's not, nothing has changed.

The children of Enchanta also began studying at the Eleftherian School of Mysteries for free. I envy them. 


My thoughts were erased when I heard Shiela's voice from downstairs. I was here on the stairs cleaning and I can see them from here. The students who are wearing a red hooded cloaks seem like bullying Shiela.

They surrounded my friend and poured an unknown liquid on her face. That's it, I can't stand it!

I felt pity and annoyance when they pushed Shiela which made her land on the floor.

I could do nothing but go down the stairs and approach them. I grip the arm of the girl with a long wavy hair then grab the glass containing the unknown liquid and pour it in her face.

The life of Enchantas like me is not a movie where you can just be oppressed. I won't allow that!

Everyone gasped because of what I did and was looking at me with a death stare.

'How dare a slave do that to me?'' she exclaimed in disgust. She was about to slap me when I threw the remaining liquid on her clothes.

''Arrggh! That's disgusting!''

''Our race might be lower than yours but you have no right to insult or trample on us.'' I reminded her that it irritated her even more.

Because of embarrassment, she was about to slap me when a hand caught her arm. And everyone suddenly bows.

''Crissy! It's you again.'' A beautiful girl with straight long red hair appeared. Her hair looks soft and smooth. She's wearing a red cloak with a fur collar that looks expensive and different from other students."Princess Fierra!" they said with respect in their voice.I only noticed the pin she was wearing that symbolizes the fire kingdom. The girls who bullied Shiela backed out. ''Princess! I didn't mean to----'' The girl did not finish her sentence when the princess grabbed her hand, ''You're giving shame to the fire kingdom!'' she said before releasing Crissy's arm with force."But Princess-----" ''I saw everything, Crissy! How you bully this girl from the start,'' she looked at Shiela, ''don't let me report this incident to the Queen.'' ''I'm sorry my Princess!'' said the woman before leaving the place. The Princess was about to help my friend to stand from the floor but Shiela quickly did it to refuse the help. ''A princess is forbidden to touch anyone, especially the non-royal blood people. Sorry princess but your hands will be dirty,'' Shiela explained shyly. ''You are a princess, you shouldn't-----'' ''Help the oppressed?'' she smiled, ''by the way I'm Fierra, the Princess of Fire Kingdom.''