
[166] "looking for her"

[Jiwoo's house]


Kayden was in his human form as he stood in a meditative position, surrounded by an intense blue aura.

Opening his eyes, he inhaled and exhaled slowly, dissipating its glow before standing up.

He clenched his fist in satisfaction.

'I'm almost fully recovered. I'll just need a few more weeks, and I'll be back to 100%' he reflected,, feeling the condition of his body with a smile on his face.

'Being fully fit is the best thing. I'm looking forward to it.'

'I'll train some more and try to assimilate everything I learned from my last few fights.'


[Three days later]

Jiwoo was sitting, looking at the phone with deep concern as it rang silently.

"Is he still not answering you?" asked Kartein.

Jiwoo nodded anxiously and answered. "He hasn't contacted me for a week now."

Kartein touched his chin and looked at Ares. "Hey, has your mother gotten back to you?"

Ares shook his head and replied. "I don't talk to her much. We used to talk every day before, but lately, I'm more focused on training. Besides, since she knows I'm with Jiwoo, she doesn't worry if I don't answer her."

"What does she work at?" asked Kartein.

"In a pharmaceutical," replied Jiwoo.

"He doesn't just work in a pharmaceutical" Ares interjected, surprising Jiwoo and making Kartein frown.

"The pharmaceutical is just a front. He actually works in a lab where they conduct experiments on humans and awakened" Ares added.

Jiwoo stood up with a start, concern showing on his face, while Kartein frowned seriously.

"My mother works where they do experiments on humans and awakened" Jiwoo muttered.

Ares nodded. "But it's not like you think. She helps awakened and humans escape from that terrible place."

Kartein frowned even more.

"Something could have happened to her. We have to go find her," Jiwoo said anxiously.

Ares replied calmly. "Relax. Our mother has a mark from me. When the energy I left in her activates, it will create an attack and the mark hasn't activated yet. She shouldn't be in any real danger."

"But we should still go see her" Jiwoo added.

Ares looked at Jiwoo and said. "Buy a ticket and let's go."

Jiwoo nodded and stated, "I'll let Mr. Kayden know."


[In another part of the world]

[The next day, in the afternoon]

At the top of the building, on the edge, they watched who entered the drugstore.

"Jiwoo, this will be your first undercover mission" said Ares.

Jiwoo nodded with seriousness on his face.

"Try to get any information about our mother" added Ares.

"Yes" replied Jiwoo and walked away.

Kartein and Kayden watched Jiwoo descend and enter the building.

"Do you think he'll find anything?" asked Kayden to Ares.

"No. This pharmaceutical is just a front to hide their true intentions. They must not know or have any data on the people who know about that other side of their company" explained Ares.

Kayden and Kartein nodded.



Jiwoo entered the building and scanned his surroundings as he made his way to the front desk, where a young, blonde-haired woman stood.

He approached her and struck up a conversation, asking about his mother. The more he asked, the fewer answers he got from the receptionist, until a man with dark skin, short hair and formal dress approached him, accompanied by two guards and spoke to him.

Jiwoo looked him straight in the eye and thought, 'My brother told me this pharmacist was just a front... Does this guy know my mother? That's weird.'

'I'm looking for Yujeong Kang' Jiwoo replied innocently, but alert to any movement.

"Dr. Yujeong?" the man repeated with some surprise, which he quickly concealed, and asked. "Why are you looking for her?"

"She's my mother," replied Jiwoo.

'Her mother... Who would think that Dr. Yujeong would hide something like that' thought the man.

The man smiled and said. 'I can take you to her, you just need to follow me', pointing towards the exit.

Jiwoo smiled, thanked and followed the men.

From the roof, Kartein, Kayden and Ares watched the situation with frowns.

Jiwoo climbed into the car, 10 minutes passed, then 20, and he still saw nothing. He was now in a place with no trace of civilization.

"How much further?" asked Jiwoo.

"We're getting there, just wait a bit" replied the man driving.

Jiwoo sighed and said. "You've been saying that for quite a while now. You better tell me where you're taking me."

The man driving sighed and said. "Make him sleep."

One of the guards pulled out a syringe and tried to stick it in Jiwoo's neck, but he easily dodged it.

The man threw a punch, Jiwoo evaded it and twisted his hand, breaking bones.

"Aaaaah..." cried the man in pain.

"You should have a little more respect" said Jiwoo, throwing a punch with the same hand, connecting in the jaw and sending the man flying, destroying the door and falling unconscious.

The car skidded, stopped, and the driver and the other guard got out of the car.

Jiwoo calmly got out and looked at them without fear.

"You're an awakened one," the man said seriously.

Jiwoo did not respond.

The man smiled and said to the guard. "Catch."

The guard nodded, moved at high speed, pulled out a gun and fired. A blue aura formed on Jiwoo's right hand, caught the bullets and dropped them to the ground.

Instantly, Jiwoo vanished from his position and reappeared in front of the guard. A blunt blow to his stomach sent him flying, creating a crater in the ground and highlighting the impressive force of the impact.

The man turned slowly, watching his co-worker being hit, and thought with surprise. 'I couldn't follow his movement... how can this guy be so fast?'

Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jiwoo appear and throw a punch at him. His eyes widened like saucers as he took the impact all over his head, being thrown backwards and crashing into the car.

Jiwoo observes the scene, analyzing the situation and thinks. 'These guys are no ordinary humans... their strength goes beyond what a normal human could have.'

The man stands up, dizzy and with a loud ringing in his head from the blow.

In desperation, he pulls a small sized circular object from his pocket and places it on his neck. His body begins to grow, and a silvery liquid falls from his lip.

Jiwoo frowns as he sees what he is doing.

The man jumps and, with the momentum of the fall, throws a powerful punch towards Jiwoo, who is waiting for it.

His right arm lights up with a blue aura, and he throws a punch, clashing fist with fist.

At the slightest contact, a great amount of electricity is produced, accompanied by an agonized scream that floods the place.

The man is left kneeling in front of Jiwoo, holding his completely burned arm, as he returns to his usual state.

The man, with pain on his face and a shocked expression, looks at Jiwoo and thinks. 'This kid... How can he be so strong?.... I don't know any awakened family with such power. Is he really Dr. Yujeong's son?'

Jiwoo, his eyes cold, looks down with a hint of contempt and asks. "Where is my mother?"

The man does not answer.

"I won't repeat it again, where is my mother?" reiterated Jiwoo coldly.


[A/N: I started to publish my own novel if you want to give it a try, the first 2 chapters are available in Web Novel]

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