
Eleceed : Kayden Break In Cultivation World

In a world where Kayden's audacity knows no bounds, he decided to challenge the top 10 rankers – a daring move indeed. Little did he know that these supposed "honorable" rankers were anything but! Instead of a fair showdown, they ganged up on him like it was a buffet and he was the main course. Of course, Kayden, being the unbreakable force that he is, couldn't take it and went off. But wait, it doesn't end here. The badass that he is, he got another chance, but in another world. But wait, it gets even crazier! Kayden's got a magical ticket that lets him hop back and forth between his world and this new, fantastical realm. It's like he's playing the ultimate game of hide and seek, except he's seeking epic battles and dishing out comeuppances. Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughs, action, and epic showdowns as Kayden takes on two worlds and their challenges, proving that no matter where he is, he's always the one who's in control – and not just of his world, but his destiny too! Buckle up, because Kayden's adventures are about to take you on a wild ride like no other!

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29 Chs

Chapter : 15 Fierce Battle And Body Back

Amidst the chaotic scene, sand kicked up into the air as the bandit members battled relentlessly against the gigantic centipede. Their desperate struggles saw men tossed about like ragdolls by the creature's relentless onslaught.

The bandit leader summoned every ounce of his strength to unleash a mighty attack upon the centipede, but even his formidable strike proved futile against the creature's impenetrable, thick-skinned shield.

Meanwhile, Kayden lounged comfortably in the shade beneath a towering coconut tree, his eyes fixed on the unfolding spectacle. "Damn, they're going all out," he commented with an amused grin.

Yet, a burning question gnawed at Kayden's mind. "That can't be an awakened beast," he pondered, clearly perplexed by the unusual nature of this threat.

As he observed the bandits being tossed around like playthings, Kayden voiced his confusion, "Why are they fighting it if they can't defeat it?" He wondered aloud, suggesting that the bandits could have chosen to avoid this perilous confrontation.

Li Wei, a source of insight in this turbulent moment, responded to Kayden's query, "No, they need to fight it or force it to retreat. These centipedes are notorious for relentless attacks on travelers, only stopping when they've had their fill."

Understanding this, Kayden's eyes widened with newfound interest. The perilous dance between the bandits and the giant centipede continued, with the creature intermittently burrowing underground, disrupting the bandits' stance, and then resurfacing with unrelenting force.

As time ticked on, the battle took its toll on the bandits. Wounded and weary, they fought on. Kayden observed, "Seems like the fight is reaching its climax," as he remained comfortably ensconced in the shade.

Turning to Li Wei, he asked, "What do you say, Li Wei, who will emerge victorious?" To his surprise, there was no response from his companion. Bewildered, Kayden scanned his surroundings only to realize that Li Wei had abandoned his place of respite and was sprinting toward the ongoing battle.

"That idiot," Kayden exclaimed.

Li Wei rushed headlong into the chaotic scene, shouting urgently, "Use your attack on its gap between the shell skin!" His words drew the attention of the bandit leader, who looked both surprised and confused.

"You're helping us?" the bandit leader inquired, clearly taken aback by this unexpected turn of events.

"I am not helping you," Li Wei replied firmly, a hint of determination gleaming in his eyes. "If it doesn't retreat, it will come after me and Sir Kayden."

Li Wei wasted no time and continued, "I will distract its attention; you attack." With that declaration, he positioned himself, ready to engage the monstrous centipede.

Li Wei's plan seemed to work. The bandit leader seized the opportunity, launching a powerful attack that inflicted considerable damage to the centipede. However, as the massive creature writhed in agony, it unleashed a colossal sand wave that sent Li Wei tumbling through the air, a testament to the relentless power of their formidable foe.

Li Wei lay sprawled on the sand, defenseless, as the centipede fixed its menacing gaze upon him. It was as if the creature understood the source of its torment and darted toward him with a malevolent intent.

Just as the centipede was about to reach Li Wei, it was violently thrown to the side, thwarted in its assault. "Sir Kayden," Li Wei exclaimed in gratitude as he watched Kayden, his savior, standing resolutely before him.

"Relax, and leave this bug to me," Kayden reassured Li Wei, his voice brimming with confidence. With an air of unwavering determination, he faced the centipede, fully prepared for what lay ahead.

The centipede, now infuriated, reared up on its many legs, its bloodlust evident in its stance. However, before it could make a move, Kayden unleashed his latent energy. His eyes ignited with a brilliant shade of blue as lightning sparks crackled and swirled around his right arm.

" MAX BOLT PUNCH," Kayden declared, his voice resonating with power. He thrust his arm forward, and an electrifying punch, shaped like a lightning bolt, shot through the air. It struck the centipede with devastating force, propelling the colossal creature backward, its massive form dragged along the sandy battlefield by the sheer might of Kayden's attack.

"It's not dead," Kayden thought, observing the centipede writhing on the ground. He couldn't help but compare it to the snake they had faced earlier; the fact that this attack hadn't obliterated the centipede spoke volumes about its formidable strength.

With unwavering determination, Kayden released his energy once more. This time, it was a transformation beyond anything witnessed before. His entire body became enveloped in a radiant, ethereal blue energy, accompanied by dancing sparks, as he soared into the sky. He didn't need to say much, just one word sufficed.


As Kayden ascended into the sky, the heavens themselves seemed to respond. A cacophony of deafening sounds—crackles and rumbles—filled the air. The atmosphere grew charged with anticipation. In a blinding spectacle, a colossal bolt of lightning, summoned by Kayden's mighty will, struck the centipede with a thunderous boom.

The sheer pressure of the attack carved a massive crater in the earth, turning the sand beneath into glass, as a fierce sand gust swirled around. The centipede's massive form smoldered and burned, filling the air with a cooked aroma that sizzled amid the aftermath of Kayden's awe-inspiring display of power.

As Kayden descended from the sky, his electrifying display leaving the onlookers in awe, Yu couldn't help but mutter in amazement, "He is a God."

Breathing heavily, Kayden stood on the ground, a triumphant smile on his face despite his exhaustion. "Darn it, I can only use this attack once a day," he admitted, acknowledging the limitations of his incredible power. However, his fatigue was overshadowed by a deep sense of fulfillment.

Concerned for his well-being, Li Wei approached Kayden, noticing smoke emanating from his body. "Are you okay, Kayden?" Li Wei inquired, his voice filled with worry.

"I am totally fine," Kayden reassured him with a grin. But as he spoke, a sudden darkness overcame him, and he collapsed.

As the darkness persisted, a sudden cold breeze swept over Kayden. His eyes fluttered open, the world around him hazy and disorienting. "Dammit, it takes a great toll to use it," he muttered, struggling to regain his bearings.

However, his confusion deepened when he realized he was no longer amidst the desert battle but instead suspended in the air, surrounded by buildings. What was more, it was now night, a stark contrast to the day he remembered. "Wait, wasn't it daytime?" Kayden questioned, his brow furrowing in puzzlement.

Another revelation hit him like a bolt of lightning. "Wait, this is my body! No way, I'm back!" he exclaimed with a mixture of disbelief and excitement. His elation was short-lived, though, as he gradually descended to the ground, landing in a dimly lit alley.

"Why am I bleeding?" Kayden wondered aloud as he examined his drained and injured body. The truth began to sink in, and a somber realization dawned upon him. "So that was all a dream," he muttered bitterly, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Dammit, I need to hide any traces of my energy before someone finds it," Kayden decided, his voice resolute. He also knew he had to find a place to recuperate and restore his energy. With unsteady steps, he moved through the dark alley, stumbling upon a white and orange-furred cat with darker orange stripes lying ahead.

"This will do," Kayden said, determination in his eyes as he placed his hand on the cat. Ethereal blue energy enveloped both the cat and himself.