
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · History
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162 Chs

Chapter 11. One hundred liang

"One hundred taels! Where can our family get so much money?" Old Mrs. Chen exclaimed as if in an anxious wind swept over. Although the family had 30 acres of fertile land, the imperial court's taxation wasn't light. The people needed to raised were also many. On top of that, there were two grandsons studying in the county academy. The total amount of money that can be saved every year was only seven or eight liang. "Besides, wouldn't it be enough for the two of you to pay a share of money to buy the paper? Then, you two brothers to read it together?" Old Mrs. Chen's money tracking skill was top-notch. Every penny saved was a penny.

However, Yue Wen Tao hesitated for a while before muttering: "My classmate said that everyone must pay money..."

Yue Chang Shou, who was sitting on the side, also frowned and said, "One hundred taels isn't a small amount. Wen Tao, are you sure that the money can really be put into use? If you get deceived, that's a big deal."

Yue Da Fu began to smoke tobacco pipe. His heart was in a knot. One hundred taels wasn't a small sum. However, the future of his two grandsons was also the hope of the whole family. This was simply worrying.

Seeing that everyone didn't seem to object, Yue Wen Tao hurriedly aimed for the victory: "No, it won't. My classmate is the distant nephew of the magistrate family. Since he said that, there is an eighty percent possibility. Grandfather, if we can become a Tongsheng in beginning of spring, then we can go to the official body to take the exam in autumn. After passing the official exam, we will become a Xiucai. There are still two years before the next provincial exam. If we misses this opportunity next year, I am afraid that we will wait another three years..."

"That's right! Grandfather, that's five years!" Yue Wen Li, who was sitting beside him, received his brother's signal and hurriedly helped to persuade.

If they miss it, they have to wait another five years! Must point out, Yue Wen Tao's words hit the spot in Yue Da Fu's heart. One end was one hundred liang of silver and the other end was the whole family to endure for another five years. Yue Da Fu contemplated it for a while and then slapped his thigh hard: "It's settled. One hundred taels it is then!"

After hearing to Yue Da Fu's decision, Yue Wen Tao brothers widened their eyes with joy. While a gasp was frightened out of old Mrs. Chen: "Old man, have you gone crazy? How can there be so much money at home!" Years and years of working hard to save the silver and only accumulated more than a hundred liang of silver. Yue Da Fu was going to hollow out this family!

"You ignorant old woman, don't you understand priority? This money is used in the right way. As long as two children get admitted and gained a rank, they will have as much money as they want in the future, right?" Yue Da Fu glared at old Mrs. Chen who was reluctant to pay the money, "Hurry up and get the money."

The family took out money to buy papers and clear the way for their sons. Yue Chang Fu was naturally elated and hurriedly persuaded old Mrs. Chen: "Yes, Mother. Think how the two children will get admitted to ranks and become officials in the future. You are the old Madam. Won't people line up to give you money at that time?"

On the other hand, Yue Chang Lu and Yue Chang Shou brothers felt a little uncomfortable. They haven't split off yet and everything was categorized as public fund. But if they were to separate the family, they can get twenty to thirty yuan each, right? Yue Chang Shou was fine with it. He opened a shop in the county town. He can earn twenty to thirty liang a year. However, Yue Chang Lu, who only got one or two silver coin after a month of hard effort, how could he be pleased with one hundred yuans being taken out?

After coaxing his mother, Yue Chang Fu noticed his second younger brother's glum face. He turned his head to persuade him: "Second Younger Brother, although the money is a little much, but think how your second branch has no son yet. If your nephews get admitted, they will also be your support in the future. After all, we are one family, right?" He smiled very sincerely as he drew him a big cake: "When your two nephews become officials in the future, you will be the Second Master. You can dump that wife who can't give birth to a son. When the time comes and have power in hand, how many golden-flowered girls can be up to you to chose? Would you still be afraid that you won't be able to birth to a son?"

Have to say that the people in the first branch were all strangely smart. They were very apt at persuasive speaking. After a while, both Old Mrs. Chen and Yue Chang Lu were coaxed by first branch. At Yue Da Fu's urging, old Mrs. Chen sluggishly entered the inner room. After a while, she took out a dozen or so pieces of sycee silver and returned out: "There is only so much silver in the family. Take it all and go toss around!"

Seeing their grandparents frankly take out one hundred silver liang, Yue Wen Tao brothers were overjoyed. Especially Yue Wen Tao. He was fifteen this year and hadn't achieved Tongsheng yet. If he didn't mediate around, he won't be able to pass the Xiucai exam. Now that he got this one hundred liang, he was sure that he will smoothly pass Tongsheng test in the spring of next year!

After giving the money, Yue Da Fu educated a few words earnestly: "Work hard in the academy. And live up to your family's expectations of you."

"Yes. Don't worry, Grandfather. We will study hard, get a rank as soon as possible and bring honor to my Yue Family!" Yue Wen Tao eyed at the sycee silver scattered on the table and felt complacent. As if pooling the money together will allow him to win tomorrow.

The night was cold as water. The light in the main room of Yue House was like beans. The room full of men from the Yue family concluded the matter of taking out one hundred silver liang to clear the way for the two studying grandsons.


Yue Chang Shou dragged his exhausted body back to the east wing's lower room. As soon as he entered the door, Mrs. Han greeted him: "What were you discussing so long?" As she spoke, her hands didn't stop. She helped her husband take off his outerwear and wet the handkerchief for him to wipe his face, "Look at your worried look. What happened?"

Yue Chang Shou and Mrs. Han had been married for many years. The husband and wife had a strong relationship. He knew that Mrs. Han had much more ambition than ordinary women. Many times it was Mrs. Han who made the decision on the business matter. So he didn't hide it from her: "Wen Tao brothers said that they found a connection to send money to the county magistrate. Fifty liang of silver per person."

After taking the handkerchief that he had used to wipe his face, Mrs. Han was slightly startled: "We have a shop in the county town and can save twenty to thirty liang in a year or so. Father and Mother actually agreed to taking out one hundred in a go?" Although Yue Family treated these two student grandsons as hot stuff, Mrs. Han felt bribing the county magistrate by emptying out the family was an unreliable.

"The whole family's hopes are placed on Tao'er and Li'er, how could they disagree?" Yue Chang Shou feebly slumped on the kang, "I looked at the silver that my mother took out. Many of them were scattered change. The scattered pieces of silver must have been all the money in the family, right?" In fact, one hundred liang was a huge sum of money in a rural household. After all, twenty liang was enough to build a large and spacious blue-brick house. An acre of high-grade fertile land was only six liang of silver. What's more, there were so many people in Yue Family to feed. Yue Da Fu and old Mrs. Chen were still able to save more than one hundred silver. It was indeed somewhat capable.

After finishing the work at hand, Mrs. Han lay down beside Yue Chang Shou: "Family Head, why don't we give Father and Mother some money tomorrow?"

"How much money does our family have? Both sons are studying in the academy. You He is getting older. In the future, your sons will marry a wife. And You He's dowry. Which doesn't need money?" Yue Chang Shou vetoed Mrs. Han's idea without thinking. "Furthermore, the family hasn't been separated yet. The money we hand over to the family each year isn't small. There's a possibility that majority of today's one hundred liang is given by our family!"

Yue Family hadn't split yet. Although third branch lived in the county, they sent back three to five silver liang every year. Although their parents hadn't separate the family, Yue Chang Shou's family lived in the county and raised three children. If they didn't hide some private fund, they might not be able to live their life.

What her husband said was reasonable. Mrs. Han sighed slightly and stopped talking. The husband and wife were silent for a while and went to rest.


Back to Yue Chang Lu's side. After coming out of the main room, he went back to the west wing with one foot high and one foot low. When he thought of his parents taking one hundred silver liang out to clear the way for Eldest Brother's two sons, he felt uneasy. Seeing Little Ninth, who was on the kang and smiling at him, he stretched out his hand without thinking and slapped her: "A money-wasting thing. Only knows to eat all day long!"

Little Ninth, who was originally jolly, didn't expect her father to hit her directly. The pain on her face made her cry with a "WAA". The cry quickly attracted You Jin, who went out to fetch water for Yue Chang Lu to wash his feet. You Jin hurried in with a water basin: "Father, the water is just right. Wash your feet and take a rest." After putting the basin in front of him, she hugged little Ninth and sat in a corner far away from him as she softly coaxed.

Seeing the eldest daughter like this, Yue Chang Lu barkingly sat on the kang and took off his shoes. As he washed his feet, he kept scolding: "Ge Laozi, only know to eat or cry every day. Money-wasting thing, I will kill you if my son is cried away by you!"

Mrs. Su was in the inner room and heard the movement outside. She forced herself to get out of bed, walked to the door, and leaned against the door frame: "What's wrong, family head? Little Ninth is insensible, then I'll teach her slowly. No need to be so angry?"

Looking at Mrs. Su's sallow face and stick-skinny body with only bulging belly, Yue Chang Lu became even more infuriated: "How can you teach? Look at these good daughters you have raised. Each one of them had all grown great ability. I can only earn so much money by working hard outside for a day. And when I get home, I got to suffer anger due to them?"

Mrs. Su was scolded until her eyes turned red. She took a breath and walked to Yue Chang Lu and squatted down to help him wash his feet: "I know that family head is working hard outside. After washing your feet, go to bed earlier. Little Ninth is insensible. I will teach her well tomorrow."

Seeing that she didn't fight back and yielded to him, Yue Chang Lu's machismo in his bones was greatly satisfied. He yelled at her to hurry up with the feet wash. He didn't latched on Little Ninth anymore.

After Yue Chang Lu washed his feet, he went back to lie down on the kang in the room. You Jin had put Little Ninth, who had cried until herself to sleep, into the quilt. Only then did she find out Little Fifth who was currently lying in the quilt, watching her with wide eyes. She lowered her voice and whispered: "Third Elder Sister, I just overheard under the corridor of the main room that my grandparents gave one hundred liang to Eldest Cousin Brother. Saying that he was going to give it to the county magistrate to get some kind of leeway!" When Little Fifth and the others came back from Mrs. Han's room, they passed by the main room. After Little Fifth went to the outhouse toilet and came back, she secretly laid under the corner of the main room and listened to the words inside. Now she quietly told her third elder sister.

You Jin gently patted Little Fifth's little head and copied her hushed tone: "You can't tell others about this. It's a little secret between Little Fifth and Third Elder Sister, okay?"

"En!" Although Little Fifth was only seven years old, her temperament was a little more wild. Still, she was very sensible and listened to You Jin's words.

"Okay, it's very late. Little Fifth sleep early. There is still a lot of work to do tomorrow!" After coaxing Little Fifth to sleep, You Jin also fell asleep. Tomorrow was old Mrs. Chen's 50th birthday. Although it wasn't going to be a big event, the married-out daughter will come back. It was estimated that it will be busy.