
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · History
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162 Chs

Chapter 10. Dead end family line

You Yin wanted to tell Third Sister that Third Aunt had call her too at the beginning, but she was dragged by eldest cousin sister to help clean up. So she didn't follow. Now when she heard Third Sister telling her to go, You Yin nodded hard. She took a half scoop of water to wash her hands before heading to the east wing. Leaving You Ting, who was ordering You Yin around with her hands on hip, and You Jin staring at each other there.

"Then I'll trouble Eldest Cousin Sister with the rest of the work." You Jin wasn't stupid. Just now, she tore their face, so how could she rush to curry favor with her?

Although she was born and raised in the countryside, You Ting was spoiled by Mrs. Chen from young. On top of that, there were a good few children in second branch at home. So why would Yue You Ting get involved with these housework? Hearing what she said, the expression on You Ting's fair face turned a little ugly in an instant: "Yue You Jin, you dare to order me to do work?"

You Jin indifferently raised her eyes and glanced at her. Lowering her voice, she mocked: "What Eldest Cousin Sister say is strange? When did I instruct Eldest Cousin Sister on work? In the past, wasn't it always Eldest Cousin Sister making us work like cows and horses? Why don't you remember?"

Then she raised her voice and said loudly, "Today it's first branch's turn to work. If Eldest Cousin Sister doesn't want to do it, I'll go and tell Grandmother. Let Grandmother decide then!"

"You damn girl, you dare!" You Ting also raised her voice and angrily yelled at Yue You Jin: "Dead end family's damn girl! You're only worthy to be ordered around by me!"

"Yue You Ting!" Mrs. Chen, who came out of the kitchen, heard her utter her private ridicule of second branch. Mrs. Chen hollered at her out of nervousness: "Such a grown girl and still don't have a sense of boundary at all!"

Then she turned her head and smiled at the cold face You Jin: "You Jin, don't listen to your eldest sister's nonsense. Your eldest sister is straightforward. Don't take it to your heart!"

How could You Jin not know why Mrs. Chen ran out in such a panic and interrupted You Ting's words. She was afraid that Yue Da Fu and old Mrs. Chen in the main hall would hear it. After all, second branch having no son wasn't only Yue Chang Lu's mental sickness, but also Yue Da Fu and his wife. If You Ting's words reach old Mrs. Chen's ears, there will be some bone chewing.

Before You Jin could speak, old Mrs. Chen's voice rang out from the main hall: "Still so noisy when cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks. Truly a lazy woman who can't do anything but eat everything!"

Judging by old Mrs. Chen's words, she probably didn't hear what was said outside. Mrs. Chen heaved a sigh of relief and raised her voice to respond, "Oh! I know. I'll clean asap!"

Then she lowered her voice and said to You Jin: "You Jin, if you don't want Grandmother to tell you off and scold at you, then pretend you didn't hear what your eldest sister said just now, okay? You don't want your family to be in chaos because your mother hasn't been able to give birth to a son, right?"

If You Jin was an immature little girl, maybe she would have been coaxed by Mrs. Chen's words. However, the soul in You Jin had lived for more than 20 years in the previous life. So would it be that easy to be hoodwinked by these few words of Mrs. Chen's bluffing? Still, You Jin hesitated and replied: "I don't want to say anything. It was just Eldest Cousin Sister who repeatedly called us money-wasting things and said that my father couldn't give birth to a son. Said that we got to be a cow and a horse for her. We are also descendants of Yue Family. How come Eldest Cosuin Sister always order us on chores?"

After hearing to You Jin's words, Mrs. Chen hurriedly stated: "Your eldest cousin sister is insensible. Eldest Aunt will lecture her. Since it is our first branch's turn to work, I can't let you come and dirty your hands today. You guys have worked hard on the cooking today. So go back and rest earlier. It's enough with your eldest cousin sister and I here. Hurry back now!"

Seeing that You Jin finally leave with her head turning back every three steps, Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Then she patted You Ting's head hard: "Why don't your mouth have a door, girl? If your grandmother heard it, you'll definitely lose a layer of skin!"

"I'm not wrong. It was Mother who said that second branch is a dead end household without a son..." You Ting was a little dissatisfied. This wasn't her own unfounded words. They clearly can't give birth a son. Still can't let others say?

Seeing that she hadn't understood the lecture, Mrs. Chen didn't bother to speak, "Just remember that you can't let your grandmother know that. Now quickly put away the dishes and chopsticks and bring them to the kitchen!"

You Jin didn't bother to pay attention to first branch's mother and child and went straight back to the West Wing. She had to clean up the room while the younger sisters were away. Although Mrs. Su's body wasn't sturdy, she always loved cleanliness. Under her influence, the seven daughters loved cleanliness very much. Although the clothes they wear on normal days were all shabby and old, every piece of clothing was thoroughly washed clean. Although the younger sisters were a little thinner, they were much better than the dirty children of the poorer family in the village.

She took out a bag of clothes that Mrs. Han had sent over in the afternoon and checked each one carefully. Although they were all old clothes, they were all made of fine cotton with a good feel. "All from the same family and the gap is really not small." You Jin muttered to herself while getting the needle and thread for Little Ninth's clothes alteration.

Her words didn't hold any malice though. Toward Mrs. Han, You Jin was truly grateful. Although Third Uncle was shrewd and looked down on second branch, he didn't stop her from getting along with them.

In her previous life, You Jin had sewn and repaired clothes for herself since young. In this life, she had to sew clothes for seven younger sisters. The needlework was naturally top-notch. Soon, she finished altering Little Ninth's clothes: "Wait until Little Ninth grows up, it can be still worn once the excess can be loosen out."

Sitting on the kang with her back on the pillow, Mrs. Su watched the needle fly under her daughter's nimble hand. She took a piece of clothes and altered as well. She smilingly said, "Jin'er is now more capable."

Mrs. Su's heart ached for her eldest daughter who matured at early age. If it weren't for her incapability, she should be at the age of playing and laughing. However, her eldest daughter was so mature that she was a little grown-upt.

It was a pity that You Jin didn't know Mrs. Su's internal thoughts. If she did, she would feel awkward to death. Although she was only 11 years old now, her core was an adult who was nearly 30 years old. A nearly 30 years old tomboy. Making her act cute was harder than making her kill someone, alright?

She looked up and saw that Mrs. Su, whose eyes were full of love, was carefully helping the children to alter their clothes. The corners of You Jin's mouth curved into a smile. Although Mrs. Su's temperament was weak and meek, she didn't feel dissatisfied with the daughters because patriarchal environment. On the contrary, the weak her often protected her sisters in front of old Mrs. Chen and Yue Chang Lu and got beaten. This reduced the beating the seven sisters received. She also often quietly save her own ration to give to the few children. This was in a sense mother's inherent strength, right?


Let's get back to the quarrel between You Jin and You Ting just now. Old Mrs. Chen could only hear outside was noisy and not what was said. However, Yue Chang Lu, who was sitting on the bench by the kang, had very sharp ears. He clearly heard the three words "dead end family" from Yue You Ting's mouth. His face changed in an instant. He didn't even old Mr. Yue talking to him.

"Old Second, Dad is asking you something!" Yue Chang Fu, who was sitting at the side, pushed the dazed old Second, "How can you be absent-minded?"

Yue Chang Lu came back to his senses: "Ah, what did Dad say?"

Looking at the somewhat dull second son, Yue Da Fu sighed in his heart. In this family, only second branch was the most unpromising and got no son. Second son was a bit dumb and honest, unlike the eldest son and the third son who were very shrewd. Seeing him so absent-minded, Yue Da Fu felt more disdain toward second son: "The autumn harvest is about to come. There are so many land at home. Did your overseer say when he'll let you come back for the harvest rush?"

"Ah! He have. Said he will give everyone three to five days to go home the harvest in five days." Yue Chang Lu hurriedly answered. He was working on river digging on a construction site near the town. Although it was hard work, he can earn two or three hundred a month. However, compared with the eldest son who worked as the accountant in the shop in the town and third son was a shopkeeper, second branch had it the hardest.

"Father, we can't compare to old Second. Our shop has been doing very well recently and the shopkeeper valued me. I'm afraid that I won't be able to come back and help with the rush at home." Eldest slowly responded.

After hearing this, Yue Da Fu nodded: "Naturally, the work at the shop is more important. On the day when the harvest starts, we can hire a few more day laborers." Yue Family was a household with 30 mu of fertile land. It went without saying that Yue Chang Lu alone wasn't enough for the harvest rush. Basically, three to four day laborers were hired to help with the harvest every year.

"Actually the academy give a harvest vacation. How about Second Brother and I come back together to help Grandfather at that time?" The eldest grandson who Yue Da Fu was most fond of, Yue Wne Tao respectfully proposed to Yue Da Fu.

After listening to his words, the others were interrupted by old Mrs. Chen before they spoke: "How can that do? You brothers will both become top officials in the future. How can you come back to do this kind of heavy work? Isn't there a pile of money-wasting goods in second branch? Everyone will go to work then!"

Seeing that his second son's complexion became a little ugly, Yue Da Fu gave his wife an eye-roll: "Those children are still young, what can they do? We hire short term laborers every year. Why are you talking so much?"

The harvest rush was decided like this: "Wen Tao and Wen Li, keep studying hard in the county town. Next year's Tongsheng exam will arrive in the blink of an eye. Your top priority is the imperial examination. Study well and gain a title as soon as possible!"

Yue Da Fu put a lot of trust in his two grandsons. Although Wen Tao had failed this year's Tongsheng exam, he still believe that both grandsons were very smart and it was inevitable to pass the exam.

Yue Wen Tao knew that his grandfather had great expectations of him. He remembered what he had heard from his classmates the past two days, so he hesitated to speak: "Grandson heard from his classmates the other day that they have a way to find the county magistrate. However it may take some money to to form the connection. This year, grandson didn't do poorly in his article. Even the academy teacher said that I could pass it. In the end, I didn't get the spot because there was no money spent on communication..."

As soon as the future of the two children was mentioned, Yue Da Fu became agitated: "If this is the case, our family will have to spend some money?"

"My classmate said, if we are willing, we can pool in up fifty taels each and use it for connection and communication. Maybe we can get papers. Second Brother and I will need one hundred taels..." When it comes to money, Yue Wen Tao's voice becomes smaller and smaller. Although he knew that his family's life was pretty good, one hundred taels was still an astronomical number for a rural family.