
Elder Scrolls Erne Ygis

Erne Ygis was a 20 year old who just loved camping and was a professional at it... if you can call camping that, on an particularly snowy day he camped out not far from the marked trail in a national park on a hilltop but when he awoke the state of the national park changed, it was sunny and vibrant. Chapters Per Week: 2! Sometimes 3 if I I have the time. Pronunciation of Erne Ygis: ER-NAY YI-GIS [THIS IS AN AMATEUR STORY AND THE FIRST I'LL TAKE SERIOUSLY SO I WILL USE THIS AS A PROJECT TO GROW MY WRITING ABILITIES THANK YOU FOR CRITICISM IF YOU GIVE ANY!] This story is a fan fiction of Elder Scrolls Oblivion I DO NOT Intend on a acting like I made the Elder Scrolls world it is simply the bases for creating a story in a series i absolutely love. I am intending on creating atleast 25 to 35 chapters of his adventure and grow my storytelling abilities! (Maybe more if i fall even more in love with the story.) Relax and Take Care Of Yourself.

akinsirr · Fantasy
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4 Chs

1:First Seed Tirdas 3E 433: Erne and Bandits

Erne unzips his tent that sits atop a hilltop overviewing a beautiful lush forest, his golden short hair glistening with the golden sunlight beams upon him though completely contrasting his facial expression, one of pure confusion and maybe a hint awe as he gazes out at the unknown land before him, The recently 20 year old is now in a land he will have to adapt to.

Main Character Pov

I stare out at the land the beautiful golden and orange forest that sits before me, It looks like it's in a constant state of being Autumn but it's so warm out, Not even a hint of chilliness in the air... Why?

"Wait what? This isn't...." I mutter out as I walk over to the edge of the hilltop peering down I see a jagged and even dangerous cliff-face that looks like it'll kill even the most expert climbers in the world if they even dared to attempt to climb.

"I wasn't even camping in a place like this..." I mutter before feeling the hot sun beaming on my face and sweat building so I decide to take off my thick coat and lay it on the grass I turn and look behind me and see a forest that looks endless but it's just so beautiful.

With a sigh I pick up my heavy coat and fold it to manageable size and put it in my backpack as I walk into the forest.

"First I need to figure out what part of the park I'm In" I say with a frustrated groan, 'How the hell did I end up camping in a place like this! It was snowy in this damn national park just yesterday!'

I stop and look back seeing my tent, 'Maybe I should grab it just in case...? No it'll be better to leave it as a landmark the trail can't be far from here' I think before continuing on my walk through the forest, It really does look like it's Autumn but the heat feels like summer.

2 hours pass of me senselessly wandering throughout this damnable forest.

"WHERE EVEN AM I?!" I shout in a irritated tone as I look around at my surroundings, "I DIDN'T EVEN CAMP THAT FAR OFF FROM THE TRAIL! WHERE DID ALL OF THESE TREES EVEN COME FROM?!" I shout as I punch a tree hurting my hand in the process.

Suddenly I hear I crack.


I turn my attention to the sound, An arrow now sticking into the tree lodged deep inside I quickly look in the direction the arrow came from and I see them three gruffly built men wearing crude leather clothing.

'They looks so barbaric! Why people like this in a park?!' I think before seeing them quickly running towards me.

"GET HIM BOYS THOSE CLOTHES MUST MEAN HE'S A NOBLE!" I hear one shout as they rushed me at abnormal speeds.

"WAIT WHAT?" I shout in response before turning and running away trying to avoid the arrows being fired at legs when suddenly, CRACK.

I open my eyes and I'm in a cage, My clothes are still intact but I feel lighter... They took my backpack didn't they?


"Ah! Mr noble is awake! Sleep well little princess?" I hear him tauntingly say as I glare over at him slowly sitting up from my slumped position, "Wonderin how you got knocked out?" He says with a grin before he brings out a giant wooden club "I hitcha REAL good with this bad boy!" He says to me.

I rub the back of my head feeling the throbbing on my head before glaring up at my captor.

"What the fuck are y'all doing? Why does it look like we're in a cave?!" I shout angrily as I continue to gather my bearings and take in my surroundings everything is so... Medieval looking, There's 4 swords on a wall and only wooden and crudely made chairs and tables surrounding me.

"Are y'all playing medieval dress up or something?! LET ME GO!!!" I shout again then he strikes the cage once more.

"Shut up! You may be a noble but we that doesn't mean we won't fucking beat you! We won't let someone look down on us in our domain!" He says before grabbing one of the swords off of the wall and stabbing at me through the holes of the cage!

"Mr-Silver-Spoon must have never seen a bandit before huh?" He say before pulling the sword out of the cage and hanging it back up. 'Bastard was just taunting me with that...'

'...What is this guy talking about?! Nobles, bandits and swords and those ugly ass chairs! Feels like I'm in a play right now.' I think while rubbing the back of my throbbing head.

The 'bandit' then crouches down to my eye level.

"So tell me Mr noble man what's your name?" He asks me his wooden club still firmly in his hands.

I stare at him and just give a frustrated groan 'Noble? This guy is an idiot.' I think before leaning against the back of the cage.

"Erne Ygis." I say simply, 'I can't tell them that I'm not a noble they'll just kill me... Probably... Why would a noble even be camping in a park anyways?' I think before shaking my head.

The bandit stands up staring down at me with his hand on his chin.

"Ygis huh? That one family in the Imperial City? Oh we're going to fetch a nice few septims for you!" He exclaimed quickly running into a dimly lit tunnel where I can hear him celebrating with those two other stupid 'bandits'.

'Imperial City? You cannot be serious what the hell is an Imperial City? And what is a septim?' I think before standing up and staring at the metal door of this cage.

'Maybe I can break it...? It looks rusty enough... That'll be too loud though.' I think before looking at the crude wooden table noticing a bag full of... Gold?

While I stare at it I notice a small metal needle looking thing...

'Is that a lockpick? Seriously this does feel medieval.' I think before walking over to other side of the cage and sticking out my arm trying to reach it but it's still a pretty big distance away from my reach.

Their laughter suddenly gets louder as I hear them about to re-enter the room so I quickly sit back down and observe them.

"Ygis?! Man we need to write the demands now! This is just buckets of gold to be made!" Exclaims one as he entered the room followed by the man with the club and a guy carrying arrows and a bow.

"Still kidnapping and ransoming a noble is good and all but the imperial watchman would probably just come down here themselves if we do attempt this. " Says the one with a bow as he sat down at the crude wooden desk and pulled out Ink and a quill.

"Quit being such a downer! Like they'd find us in a damn cave!" Says the one with the club as he looms over the arrow one's shoulder.

The other bandit looks at me and walks over pulling out a dagger and etching an x on the metal cage.

"Yeah you seriously worry too damn much about being caught! If we think they're coming we just kill the guy and flee to Hammerfell or something!" The dagger one says as he joined the other two over the writing.

The bow one just shakes his head and continues writing on the paper.

"You're both idiots if we kill a noble they'll just have the borders on lockdown and search this entire region so killing him is NOT an option unless you want to be tortured and excuted" He says firmly before glaring at me then he returns his attention back to the paper.

I sit there staring at my shoes before just exhaling heavily, 'Well I guess I'll just feed into their stupid delusion that I'm a noble... I kinda wonder... What if this is actually real? Bandits, Nobles, Imperial Cities... That'd be pretty cool but i got shit to do back home... ' I think before a strange hovering orange ball of light appears infront of me so I tap it.

Suddenly a pop up menu appears on my face showing my... Attributes?

-----Current Status and Attributes of Erne Ygis.------

Date: First Seed, Tirdas, 4:23 Pm, 3E 433

Health: 44/65 | Magicka: 100/100 | Stamina: 75/75

Strength: 35/100, Below Average.

Intelligence: 54/100, Average.

Willpower: 75/100, Greatly Above Average.

Agility: 23/100, Exceptionally Below Average.

Speed: 31/100 Below Average .

Endurance: 31/100 Greatly Below Average.

Personality: N/A, Error attribute is not valid.

Luck: N/A, Error attribute is not valid.


'What? Is this my... Information...?' I think before seeing another tab on the top right labeled "Skills" so I tap it.

--------Current Skills and Traits of Erne Ygis.----------

Date: First Seed, Tirdas, 4:24 Pm, 3E 433

Current Known Spells: None.

Current Attained Skills: None.

Current Attained Traits: Lotus of Luck.


'Man this is just sad to look at the hell is a Lotus of Luck anyways?' I think to myself.


I quickly turn and stare at the club bandit who's clearly giving me an anxious look.

"Hey quit hunching over like that you weirdo noble" He says he kind of sounds disgusted though he turns back to the other two and continues their conversation about ransoming me to a noble family I'm not even apart of. 'Can they not see that screen?'

'Yeah this is all too real... I think I actually might be in a different world... Tirdas? That's new I guess' I think before when suddenly the popup menu vanishes and the orange light goes alongside with it.

"Okay so how much should we ask for." I hear the bow one say so I tilt my head and look at the 3 once again.

"Hmm maybe like 100 thousand septims that's reasonable ain't it?" The club one says and I just see the other two bandits give him a dumbfounded look.

The dagger one just bursts out laughing and pointing at the club one

"100 THOUSAND SEPTIMS?! THEY WOULD NEVER YOU IDIOT AT MOST I THINK THEY'D PAY 8 THOUSAND!" He shouts out laughter before the bow one smacks his head with and arrow.

"Be quiet he may be an idiot but it wasn't that funny, anyways Delecar is right 8 thousand would be the most they would pay, You should really understand economics a bit more Farndar" The bow one says before leaning forward and I can see him using the quill

I hear Farndar gives sputter for a moment before groaning a bit.

"FINE! 8 THOUSAND IS ENOUGH!" He turns to me and narrows his eyes.

"Just barely enough to delay me from killing you, you're lucky Alerose knows about money." He says before stomping away and into that dim hallway cave hallway again Delecar quickly following right behind him.

'Are all bandits this immature? Well... That Alerose one actually seems levelhead, still this is getting old... I'd rather escape than let them figuere out I'm not a noble.' I think before staring at Alerose and well he's already glaring at me.

"You know I went through your stuff and I seen things I don't understand at all." He says before standing up and setting his quill down and walking over to my cage.

I see him dig in his pocket before pulling out my flashlight and my knife I use to cut fish and a lighter.

"At first i believed these were just infused with spells or something but the more i looked at them they just don't have any trace of magicka" He says before pointing the flashlight at me and turning it on.

"So tell me are these some Dwarven artifacts? Maybe Ayleid?" He asks me before turning off my flashlight.

"The hell is a ay-" I stop myself from speaking any further, 'Wait... I think I could just lie right? I mean he has no way to fact check... I have to save face somehow.' I think before looking up at him.

"Ye- Yeah it's a Dwarven artifact I uh.... Found it..." I say as I notice him looking at the flashlight intently.

He then brings up my lighter and flicks it on.

"And I presume this one of the Dwarves creations aswell?" He asks while then flicking it off and setting it in his pocket.

"Um... Yeah that one I bought at an Dwarven auction..." I lie in a mumble, 'Okay... So Dwarves exist apparently I guess...' but when I look back up the expression on his face is shock.

"A DWARVEN AUCTION?!" He shouts before covering his mouth in shock stumbling back a bit before setting his foot down firmly.

"Seriously nobles are something else huh...?" He says with a chuckle holding his head and shaking it in what i think is in disbelief before hearing him clearing his throat.

I see him pull out my knife again and he runs his finger across it.

"Now for this... What steel smith did you acquire this perfect craftsmanship from." He asks before setting it back in his pocket.

"Just... Uh someone in the city" I say but there was something different about his reaction this time.

"Don't lie to me. There is no one in the imperial city who could create such a well forged knife, So tell me honestly who did you buy this knife from." He says lowly crouching down to my eye level.

'Um... Okay... What should i do... Or say...' I think, His glaring is suffocating it's worse that that club guy Farndar... It's like he's looking through me that's when I notice something.

"Why are your ear-" I say before being interrupted by Delecar and Frandar coming back from that dimly lit cave hallway.

"AHA! WE SHIPPED THE DAMN RANSOM PAPER!" Frandar shouted loudly that it even hurt my ears.

"YOU WHAT?" Shouted Alerose as he rushed to the table. "YOU IDIOTS THAT PAPER HAD A MARKED INSIGNIA I NEEDED TO REMOVE!" I hear him shout angrily...

'We're in the middle of nowhere how did they ship it out so damn quickly?' I think to myself as I continue hearing Alerose's panicked shouting.

"THOSE INSIGNIAS NEED TO BE REMOVED! THEY CONTAIN MAGICKA OF THE OWNER IT CAN BE TRACED TO ME!" Alerose shouts before glaring at me narrowing his eyes... Shit.

Hello I'm Eli or akinsirr, I'd like some criticism and even help on learning to be better writer and also thanks for reading to the end! anyways relax and take care of yourself.

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