
Elder Martial Brother is Always Right

"Senior brother, brooms can't fly!" "I was thinking a bit of mana would do the trick." "Senior brother, what's the deal with uranium ore and herbs?" "I was thinking I could rub up a nuclear reactor." "……" "How did you manage to do it?" "Nothing's too difficult if you're willing to think it through!" Song Yin addressed his junior brothers, "As long as you think it through, that's enough. Leave the rest to the all-powerful mana. Do you juniors agree?" The junior brothers bowed their heads, "Senior brother is right!"

Salty Fish Army Leader · Eastern
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370 Chs

Chapter 3: Storing Qi in the Body, Flawless True Body_2

That was a ginseng with dense and robust roots, and there was even the faint outline of a human face on the ginseng.

"A nine hundred-year-old ginseng, just a hundred more years and it would have gained sentience. I had intended to wait until then to use it..."

Jin Guang looked at the ginseng reluctantly before tossing it into the water.

"It's all for you, my disciple!"

Jin Guang gritted his teeth and pulled out one glowing object after another from his bag, throwing them all into the water in one go.

"Three hundred-year-old Vermilion Fruit Peels, five hundred-year-old Polygonum Multiflorum, eight hundred-year-old Lingzhi mushrooms..."

The light varied in intensity, and as it was thrown into the water, the water became even murkier and started to emit a fragrance.

In a previous life, it felt like a single sip could replenish a person's past...

"Master, stop adding them, I can't use so many," Song Yin said as he watched Jin Guang's face, torn as if he was cutting away flesh, his own expression showing his inability to bear it.

"No, we've already added so much; we must add it all. Only then the results will be the best when refined!"

"Master..." Song Yin was moved.

Such precious medicinal materials, being used so readily, his master really did treat him extremely well.

He would definitely not let down the Jinxian Sect!

It wasn't until nothing else could be pulled from the bag that Jin Guang threw the bag away, took a deep breath, and looked at the cauldron again with a face full of longing.

"Disciple, let me tell you, our entrance process at Jinxian Sect is different from other sects. It requires some special methods, treating the human as if we're refining an elixir in this cauldron, to form a Flawless True Body that directly points to the Golden Core Path, in order to conceal Qi within the body and refine Qi for cultivation," Jin Guang said.

"Yes, Master!"

"Good! Then I shall pass on the incantation to you. The scripture our Jinxian Sect cultivates is the 'Great Golden Immortal Elixir Decree,' a doctrine of the Orthodox Sect that leads directly to the Golden Core Path. When I begin the refinement, you should hold tightly to the incantation and keep your essence unified. The 'Great Golden Immortal Elixir Decree' states at the beginning—'The human body contains the Great Medicine, which can lead to the Great Path'..."

The complex incantation flowed out of Jin Guang's mouth, seemingly indifferent to whether Song Yin could remember it or not. Song Yin listened and nodded along, his face solemn.

"...it is called the transformation of the mysterious heavenly. When the elixir forms as one, alright, let's begin."

After finishing the last part, Jin Guang did not waste words. Bringing his two fingers together, the empty-hearted Treasure Pagoda that lay on the ground floated into the air and enveloped Song Yin.


With another gesture, flames spontaneously ignited within the pedestal of the cauldron, and a fierce fire blazed forth.

Jin Guang formed a Dharma Seal with both hands to stoke a more vigorous fire inside the cauldron. It wasn't long before wisps of blue smoke began to emerge from the cauldron.

Shortly after, Song Yin's voice came from inside the cauldron, "Master, it is stifling inside."

Jin Guang struggled to contain his excitement, "It's going to get even hotter later. One must pay a price to refine Qi. You've been preparing for two months. I have high expectations for you, so you can't fall short now!"

"Yes, Master, I won't speak anymore."

Indeed, there was no more sound from within the cauldron, only the crackling of flames burning and the swirling blue smoke becoming even thicker.

As the fire within the cauldron burned more intensely, Jin Guang's facial expression turned increasingly bizarre.

It was too quiet...

Cautiously, Jin Guang asked, "Disciple, are you still alive?"

"Yes, Master...I...am still alive," a halting voice emerged from within the cauldron.

A hint of relief washed over Jin Guang's face, and maintaining the Dharma Seal, he crossed his legs and sat down with a smile, "How extraordinary. I've seen many fail to endure inside the cauldron. Up to this point, they all cry out for their fathers and mothers. After all, flesh is difficult to bear being refined by fire. Yet, you're the first not to cry out, truly...the Superior Grade Pill amongst superior grade pills!"

"Master...what... I can't hear clearly..."

The voice inside the cauldron made Jin Guang smile even wider, "Of course, you can't hear clearly. Your skin has melted, self-ignited, and started to burn to the bone. By now, you should be in the stage of bone burning. Your flesh has nearly all been consumed. That you can still hear and speak is already surprising to me."

Jin Guang's smile became more wanton, "'The human body contains the Great Path and can become the Great Medicine.' I didn't deceive you; this is the true method. It's just that you are the elixir, and I will become the Great Path, hahaha, hahahaha!"

He was very excited, his heart trembling.

For many years since he acquired this method, he had repeatedly deceived mortals, causing them to consume the Great Medicine Pill to transform into the Human Elixir that he could take himself. Now, at last, he could leave behind Qi Refinement, complete Foundation Establishment, and become like an Earthly Immortal!

Jin Guang's hands shifted the Dharma Seal, and a sudden burst of fire erupted within the cauldron, swirling around it.

"Such a pity, such a pity..."

He suddenly sighed again, "If I had left you until I completed Foundation Establishment to refine, the effects might have been greater, but I can't wait any longer."

Once the foundation was established, there would be no more talk of the Human Elixir's mental state.

All those fine medicinal materials were prepared for after he established his foundation; now, to ensure the efficacy of the elixir is sufficient, he threw them all in without hesitation.

There are many with exceptional gifts in the world. Not to mention Song Yin's speed and time in absorbing the Great Medicine Pill, just based on his performance entering the cauldron, he was deserving of the term gifted. Thinking this way, those medicinal materials weren't wasted after all.

Jin Guang shook his head and closed his eyes, maintaining the Dharma Seal.

Not until an hour had passed did Jin Guang open his eyes and address the cauldron, "Disciple, can you still speak?"

With that, he let out a smile.

Bones beginning to burn, where would there be any capacity for speech?

Indeed, no words came from within the cauldron anymore, only flames that engulfed it continued to burn brightly.

Another hour went by, and the flames within the cauldron changed from scarlet red to milky white, gradually retracting inwards and diminishing in size.


The cauldron began to tremble, the green brick floor of the side hall violently shook, stirring up dust in waves.

This was a sign that the elixir was forming...

Seeing this scene, Jin Guang's face twisted into a savage grin. He rose to his feet to form a Dharma Seal, "Almost there, once this flame has burnt out, our Superior Grade Pill shall be ready. Hunyuan Tianzun above, I thank you for bestowing this youngster upon me!"


The trembling of the cauldron grew fiercer, while the white flames inside dwindled to a tiny flicker, swaying precariously like a candle in the wind.

Jin Guang formed a 'Yin' character seal with his hands and bellowed, "Rise for me!"


Like the tolling of a great bell, the treasure pagoda atop the cauldron exploded outright, a surging blast wave scattering dust and debris, shrapnel from the pagoda shot out, embedding itself in the walls of the side hall, ripping through Jin Guang's robes and hair, causing him to widen his eyes in shock.

Exploded the cauldron?! How could the formation of the elixir cause an explosion?

However, amidst the dust, a sudden burst of white light shone, radiant like an unparalleled treasure, drawing Jin Guang's attention to it.

"Such brilliant elixir light, good! Very good!!" Jin Guang couldn't help but exclaim.

This was undoubtedly the light of an elixir, although a bit too intense, but it was still the light of an elixir. His Superior Grade Pill was successful!

Jin Guang grinned so wide his teeth were nearly bared. He stepped forward, and before he could reach out, a voice rang out from within the white light.

"Thank you, master."

The voice caused Jin Guang to freeze on the spot, as if a spell had been cast on him.

A voice?

How could there still be a voice?

When the flame turned milky white, it indicated the final stage of bone incineration, a reduction of the flame; by this time, the person should have been long gone, transformed into the crucial step of pill condensation. Once the flames died out completely, the elixir would be formed.

If the person was gone, how could there be speech?!

Before Jin Guang could ponder any deeper, he saw it; the white light contracted, gradually forming a human shape.

That human figure had no skin; the entire muscular body was vivid red as if flayed, with all tendons and blood vessels clearly visible. But quickly, a layer of skin, smooth as jade, began to grow from within the flesh, covering the entire form in an instant.

Who could it be other than Song Yin!

The white flames within the cauldron continued to shrink, as if nourishing, and with every bit they receded, Song Yin's skin healed a degree. Fine fuzz then started to sprout from his crown and brows, growing ever denser and darker...

"My elixir, my elixir! No, you have to form the elixir for me!!"

Jin Guang's body shook, he stomped his foot on the ground and three flames burst from his head and shoulders. With a hand gesture, the flames turned into an eerie green, hurtling towards the person inside the cauldron.

With that release of flames, Jin Guang's body withered a fraction more, lined with additional wrinkles, no longer retaining the majestic bearing of an immortal.

The Three Corpses Divine Fire, his signature move, gathered the yang energy of a human to form flames that could even burn away the divine soul.

And at that moment, the white flame within the cauldron had almost completely burned out...


Thick white qi, like flames, twirled and wrapped around Song Yin's body. As soon as those three green flames touched the white qi, they melted away into the air like ice under the sun.


A piercing sound, akin to a sword being unsheathed, rang by Jin Guang's ear, and then abruptly, atop the cauldron, two eyes opened, radiating brilliant light like the sun at dawn.

With one look from those eyes, Jin Guang felt as if he had been struck a heavy blow, his vision went dark, and he almost collapsed right there.

"The human body contains the Great Medicine Pill, capable of achieving the Great Path!"

Song Yin raised his hands to make fists, laughing radiantly, "Flawless True Body, master, I have succeeded!"


Jolted by those words, Jin Guang could no longer hold back, a sweet taste rose in his throat as blood spewed out, and he collapsed to the floor.