
Elder Martial Brother is Always Right

"Senior brother, brooms can't fly!" "I was thinking a bit of mana would do the trick." "Senior brother, what's the deal with uranium ore and herbs?" "I was thinking I could rub up a nuclear reactor." "……" "How did you manage to do it?" "Nothing's too difficult if you're willing to think it through!" Song Yin addressed his junior brothers, "As long as you think it through, that's enough. Leave the rest to the all-powerful mana. Do you juniors agree?" The junior brothers bowed their heads, "Senior brother is right!"

Salty Fish Army Leader · Eastern
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371 Chs

Chapter 3: Concealing Qi within the Body, Flawless True Body

The decrepit architecture, the peculiar statues, shelves filled with organs and skulls, and this steamer-like cauldron, along with the master's present ghostly countenance...

Song Yin, with his profound gaze, spoke lightly, "Master, I meant to say this earlier, but this place... doesn't seem like the Righteous Path."

Jin Guang's previously impatient heart suddenly sank to the depths.


He had forgotten about the medicine shelf.

Usually, he would also take care of the items on the medicine shelf, but the scene of him killing Zhao Yuanhua earlier was so astonishing that he forgot all about it.

"Yin'er, listen to your master's explanation!"

Jin Guang spoke in panic, yet his hands formed a seal.

"No need for explanations, Master, I already understand everything clearly," Song Yin said gravely.

All his efforts came to naught, and his heart bled.

Ferocity flashed in Jin Guang's eyes as he was about to release the seal.

"Master!" Song Yin took a step forward, his gaze seemingly divine. Jin Guang, upon being gazed upon, shuddered involuntarily, and failed to complete the seal.

"You give me..."

Jin Guang bit his tongue, forcibly regaining his concentration, raised his arm, and released the seal...

"I know Master doesn't sweat the small stuff, but there are things that still need to be done. This building needs repairs, the statues need renovating. How can we attract disciples with such disrepair? They would either think this place belongs to the Demonic Path or just not up to standard. Appearances do matter."

"And those senior brothers, their courage is too frail. Faced with a situation from the Demonic Path, they lack the valor to resist, only standing there in a daze, which tarnishes the reputation of our Sect."

"The items on this medicine shelf are also an eyesore. I am not a pedantic person. I know that those skeletons and bones surely have a legitimate source since we're the Elixir Clan, and some unconventional remedies are normal. But others may not think the same and could misunderstand, so it's best to put them away."

Song Yin let out a string of remarks, then with a fist salute, he said, "Master, I'm a straight talker and speak my mind, please forgive my offense."

"Ah... no offense, no offense."

Jin Guang's arm, which had just been raised, now trembled as he drew it back, wiping the sweat off his face.

This state of affairs really affected one's mood...

Affected Jin Guang's mood.

Adjusting his mindset, Jin Guang once again put on a smile, "Disciple, you make good points, your master has taken them to heart. Let's start with... no, let me begin your initiation first."

"Yes, Master. What should I do?" Song Yin asked.

Jin Guang waved his sleeve, and the door of the side hall behind him closed with a 'creak,' a gust of green wind emanated from his sleeve, sealing the door shut as if with a seal.

Then, with another wave of his sleeve, the Treasure Pagoda above the cauldron automatically flew off. The pagoda was hollow inside, and the edge of the stand at the position of the cauldron rose, making it look not just like a steamer but also a large tub.


Stream after stream of water flew out of Jin Guang's sleeve, quickly filling the stand.

"Disciple, go inside," he tried to make his tone sound more soothing and harmless.

"Yes, Master."

Song Yin stepped onto the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust, and leapt into the stand, causing a splash of water.

"Disciple, don't be afraid. Your master was reluctant to tell you earlier for fear you'd overthink it, but entering the cauldron is... hmm? You went in?"

Jin Guang continued to speak smoothly, but mid-way noticed something was amiss, staring blankly at Song Yin who seemed to be taking a bath inside.

"What's the matter, Master?" Song Yin asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing..."

In the past, when fooling the Human Elixir to this stage, Jin Guang had to be quite deceptive, nearly forming a routine. However, the results weren't always ideal, considering it involved a living person entering an alchemy furnace... Yet, with Song Yin, the most troublesome step was unexpectedly skipped.

"Disciple, our initiation process at the Jinxian Sect is slightly different from other sects and requires some unique methods. Don't be too alarmed..."

Jin Guang's tone was very calm as he walked to the medicine shelf and began to take some materials.

"Mercury, saltpeter, alum, saponite, and also salt..."

"Cuscuta, bupleurum, licorice, peony, saposhnikovia, stephania, papaya, poria, dipsacus, huangqi..."

"Gecko bone, tiger bone, deer's antler, achyranthes root, colored glaze..."

He threw the ingredients into the water indiscriminately, turning the clear water immediately murky, and he even saw something similar to chili peppers, which made his nose sting.


Jin Guang was about to continue adding, but suddenly paused, looked at Song Yin, and gritted his teeth, "Disciple, wait a moment!"

He walked to the shelf, made a hand seal, and the wall by the medicine shelf rippled like water, the wall disappearing to reveal a large, broken hole.

Jin Guang went into the hole, and after a short while, returned carrying a bag adorned with silver decorations, then saw Song Yin looking at him intently.

"Master, was that an illusion spell?" Song Yin pointed excitedly at the large hole.

"Ah, yes..." Jin Guang nodded.

"Are there any other spells? Pass-Through-Walls? Multiplying Beans Into Soldiers? Riding the Clouds and Commanding the Mist? Turning One into the Three Pure Ones?" Song Yin's eyes sparkled with excitement.

For a cultivation practitioner, spells were surely a given!

Song Yin had read the mythological texts!

"Ah, they exist, they do... Be initiated first, and then your master will slowly teach you."

Jin Guang was somewhat distracted, casually replying, his eyes fixed on the bag in his hands with a pained expression.

"Ah well, you are a disciple with extraordinary talent; you deserve these materials!"

He took out something from the bag that glowed, its radiance so bright as it came out that it was blinding, but it quickly dimmed.