
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Video Games
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906 Chs

Match Box

Later once the two had returned to their room in the Leaky Cauldon Reima immediately delves into the books, Ciri sits on the bed next to him as it quickly reads through the first year Transfiguration book on the floor.

He glances at her and nods his head to the pile of books, "You should probably get started, we have a lot to get through before we're ready... It'll be embarrassing if they have to put you with the 1st year students." She groans and picks up the 1st year charms textbook, lies on her back and starts reading through it.

Reima is engrossed in this worlds transfiguration, there seems to be many different kinds. First is regular strict transfiguration, this kind is the easiest as it's more lenient with the power you use and your concentration... All you need to do is chant the spell, use the wand movements and the target will change, it lists some basic spells in the first few pages and Reima wants to try them out. He looks at a glass ashtray sitting on the table beside the bed and holds his hand out towards it, he chants "Flintifors" and it turns into a Match Box, this isn't perfect however as the matchbox is still glass...

Ciri who'd just watched this perks up, "You just used wandless magic?"

He nods, "We're both wielders of the Elder Blood, of course we'd have advantages over regular people... Have a go yourself, use a charm from that book."

She nods and points forward with her finger, "Lumos!" she exclaims excitedly and her finger lights up brightly.

Reima "Great job!", it seems she's getting into it now, hopefully with this momentum he'll get her up to date...

Ciri grins and points at him "Wingardium leviosa!", he feels something tug on his jacket but nothing more. He looks at Ciri and sees her straining and trying to lift her arm upwards, probably in an attempt to float him.

She stops and huffs, "Why doesn't it work on you? Are you too heavy?" Reima shrugs, he guesses that it's probably due to his magical resistance... His soul level doesn't mean nothing after all. "I'm quite heavy..."

After successfully casting his first transfiguration spell he dips into the magical theory text book to find out how this magic actually works... He and Ciri don't even require wand movements and probably eventually even chants to cast these spells, he skims it until he finds the information he's looking for.

"The key to casting spells is Will Power and Magical Power and Concentration, lacking any of these will severely limit the spells you can use and may even lead to unexpected effects." He relays this to Ciri and tries to change the glass matchbox into the ashtray to have another go. "Transuerso" it quickly reverts into it's previous state, he closes his eyes and concentrates on what he wants to happen. He feels his power churning as if it's a volcano waiting to blow, opening his eyes he points at the glass ashtray and chants "Flintifors!", it quickly morphs into a regular wooden matchbox, it's plain but looks good.

He breaths a sigh in relief, looks like this'll be a breeze he mutters.


He jolts as he looks at the location of the small explosion, he looks over to the small bedside table and sees a black scorch mark where the matchbox had previously sat...

Ciri "An explosive spell? Could be used to lay traps?" she analyses when only causes more mental harm to Reima... He'd tried hard to actually make that work!

After a 10 minutes of pondering what went wrong he'd concluded that he had used too much magic and it'd been influenced by his attunment towards fire. He tried the spell a couple more times until he could do it reliably without any mishaps, his progress felt slow to himself but if any Hogwarts student heard this they'd try to strangle him. Who apart from Merlin could learn and perfect a spell in under an hour!?!

In the end he left transiguration for now and dipped into the Animagus book, he vaguely remembered that it took a long time to actually accomplish and wished to get it done before they had to confront the Wild Hunt.

He started skimming the book and came to one conclusion, he needed to train his occlumency before attempting this... Luckily for him and indeed Ciri, they'd already basically mastered the first step of Occlumency : Meditation.

The next step had them organising their minds in a way understandable and familiar to themselves, for Reima this meant categorising everything, Sorcery is stored here, Pyromancy stored there, ect... This was a relatively easy thing to accomplish. The third step however is the most difficult, you need to enter a meditative trance and "create" your inner world, this builds from the organising they'd previously done in that they'd now have to create protections for them. For Reima he'd figured that storing all of his knowledge in bookshelves would work pretty well and so started to slowly create a pristine version of Kaer Morhen, the library being the centre-piece where his knowledge would all be. As someone from modern earth he couldn't not mess around with this though, for protection he'd created 10,000 Lord Gwyn's to wander around the halls of Kaer Morhen to kill all those trying to invade his mind. He'd found this incredibly amusing to do and even had some fight against each other when he felt like it.

Reima is suddenly nudged and brought out of his inner world by a worried looking Ciri. "Reima? You've been sitting like that for hours, I think they've already stopped serving dinner as well." His stomach growls and his rubs it while feeling sorry for himself, "Oh... Well that's a shame... Did you eat?"

She shakes her head, "It would be rude to eat without you, plus I don't really have money..."

Reima "Ah, sorry then..." he says as he retrieves some of the last remaining dried meat and hands it to her along with some Galleons, "Don't wait for me next time."

I want to see Reima transfiguring someone into something, they'd probably explode aswell :P

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

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