
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Video Games
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906 Chs

Brain freeze

After around 7 minutes Penelope returns, only carrying the small box with her, Ciri looks at her worried and asks, "Did you not find them?"

The young shop keeper shakes her head, puts the box down and opens it, revealing disproportionate insides which house a stack of books. She doesn't say anything about it as if this thing is just an everyday occurrence and starts unpacking it. "Charms, Tranfiguration, Astronomy, Defence against the dark arts, Herbology, History of magic and Potions... I think that's everything?" she asks them.

Reima rubs his chin, "Are there any books on Arithmancy, Runes, Occlumency and Animagi?... Oh, and Alchemy?", usually it'd be best to search for them himself but this girl seems like a trustworthy person...

She nods slowly, "Er, I think so..." she glares at him but eventually relents in their staring contest. "Fine, I'll go look for you... Stay here." she says reluctantly and walks off with the box.

Ciri "Do we really need all those books? I thought we only needed to practise the base subjects?"

Reima shrugs, "You can ignore the extra's I've ordered, I'm just interested in the different kinds of magic in this world. Back home Sorceresses can transform into animals but they seem to have a different method here, I wanna try my hand at becoming an Animagus, it seems interesting enough."

His words catch her attention, she'd previously heard Yennefer and Triss talking about techniques that'd allow self transfiguration. They'd been most intrigued by the concept and had almost ignored her presence entirely while discussing it. Truthfully she felt the need to prove herself to everyone back home, she was no longer just a child who needed protection, perhaps this is the chance she needed.

Ciri "If it's not any trouble I'd like to learn as much as I can while we're here... This Animagus technique sounds interesting, do you choose the animal you transform into?"

Reima shrugs, "I'm not an expert but I'm sure you turn into an animal that most suits you, if your a disloyal coward you'd be a rat or if you're a brave person you might be a lion... But that's just my speculation."

They're discussion ends when a slightly sweaty Penelope briskly walks back to the desk and drops the box on the table. She opens the box and pulls out many books detailing Alchemy, Animagi, Occlumency, Arithmency and Runes. "I hope that's everything?"

Reima skims over the titles and grins, "This is great thanks, how much will that be?" he says retrieving a handful of Galleons.

Penelope writes on a piece of paper, seeming to calculate the cost of all the books and finally states "684 Galleons" Reima's grin drops and he mimics "684? For some books?"

Penelope doesn't look away and explains, "While the base Hogwarts subjects books are discounted for students the extra book you requested are considerably more expensive than everything else. Don't blame the store as it's due to the ministry heavily taxing all advanced magical knowledge... This is the only way to make a profit sadly."

Reima can only swallow the lump in his throat and fork out the huge pile of Galleons, "Very well... Thank you for assisting us Miss Clearwater." he says as he seals away all the books into his Folded Space, drawing the surrounding peoples attention at what he'd just done...

"Wandless magic?"

"Lord, what spell was that!"

Penelope "What was that?"

Reima feels like kicking himself for doing this in plain view, "Err, It's a magical artifact that I had acquired in my travels... Don't mind it."

They seem to buy the excuse and turn to go about their business, Penelope however still eyes him with a suspicious look but he and Ciri quickly leave the store to escape anymore attention towards them.

Outside on the street the two chatter, "That's basically everything, there are a couple other things like pets but I doubt you're interested in that."

Ciri "Pets?"

Reima "Like a Mail Owl, Cat or toad, those were the creatures listed but I don't think it really matter what you bring."

Ciri "Do you think we should get an Owl? It seems pretty important around here, I mean look at that." she points above them to building with almost one hundred owls just perching on it.

Reima "It's up to you, I'd suggest you wait until we get some proper accommodation that isn't just an Inn though." She agrees and they decide to find something to eat, it's around 1:30 Pm as they sit down on a table outside of a place called "Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour". Reima had eaten ice-cream before but nothing like this, he had bought a flavour called "Unicorn Horn Surprise", it tastes kind of like vanilla but mixed with bone marrow? It's actually quite nice but the after-taste is a bit sour. Ciri had gotten one called "Bezoar extract", it was brown and Reima suspected it to be rather disgusting but Ciri wanted it nonetheless, she bites into it and filches back at how cold it is, it seems the Elder Blood doesn't protect against brain freeze... Reima himself is fine, as soon as the Ice -cream enters his body it instantly melts, he is quite literally something akin to a god of fire currently.

Ciri groan "This is disgusting... It tastes like medicine, and something else I hope isn't the case."

Reima shrugs, "Wanna swap? This is pretty good." she nods and Reima immediately gets what she meant, the only edible tasting part of this was the cone, she however seems to be thouroughly enjoying herself.

Ciri "I'd heard about mages creating frozen sweets but this is the first time I'd actually had one."

Reima "Yeah? Well there's a lot more where that came from, this worlds technology will probably blow you away." he states with confidence.

I'm not actually sure if the Witcher has Ice-Cream but whatever, it's my fic so it's Canon!

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

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