
Elden Ring: Cursed In The Lands Between

Imagine being thrown into the world of 2022’s Game of The Year. Well, this happened to an unfortunate young man. He was “taken” by a mysterious entity that claimed to be a Goddess and thrown to The Lands Between and was cursed to reincarnate every time he died. Tasked to become Elden Lord, The Newly Appointed Tarnished sets out in a journey. The cover is a fanart I found online, I do not own it. I mean, this is a fanfic so I don't make money out of it regardless.

Drive_Night326 · Video Games
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4 Chs

The First Step

(Rickard's POV)

What was with that cave? It had a bunch of weak enemies and at the end of it, it was some random soldier. I wonder what that was all about. Not to mention that grotesque thing that kicked my ass after the chapel I started in. I ended up where I assume was a different place.

I slowly made my way to the elevator that was in front of me. Everything felt so surreal to me right now.

I had died and now I was sent to this world. It was very hard to wrap my head around that. I had no memory of what happened before I met with the Goddess. It was all really hard to understand. This world is that of a video game and I have to become Elden Lord or something to resurrect back into my world.

I walked onto the elevator and stepped in the middle. Suddenly, I felt my foot push something down. I looked down as the platform shook a little and began lifting.

"What the?" I said

I just realized what I did. I had stepped on the pressure plate that activates the thing.

Wait. How did I recognize this to be an elevator in the first place? That's weird. If my memory was erased, wouldn't I be unable to recognize several things? That is weird.

As the elevator rose, I stood there resting my sword on my shoulder. I couldn't help but try to think why I knew that.

Then, the elevator stopped. I looked in front of me to see some stairs leading up to a shut door.

"I suppose this is where I start my journey," I said as I walked up the stairs and sheathed my sword

I then pushed open the doors as light poured into the dark room. I then walked out the doors and froze in place.

"Whoa," I said as I saw the amazing view

There was a Giant golden tree in the distance, that was the thing that stood out the most. I saw a castle in the distance. In front of me, I saw a broken-down church with a massive guy riding a horse.

I shook my head and began to walk.

As I took a couple of steps, I heard someone call out to me.

"Over here." I turned to see a man wearing a white mask just standing there

I reluctantly walked over to him.

"Tarnished, are we?" He asked

I didn't answer that. I didn't understand what that word meant.

"Mmmm, it appears you are." He said, "Come to the lands between for the Elden Ring hmm?

Of course, you have. No shame in it."

"Wha-" I started

"Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless." He continued

I raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

He chuckled, "Without guidance, without the strength of runes...." He said, "And without an invitation to the Roundtable Hold...You are fated, it seems, to die in obscurity."

"What's your deal, buddy? You have a problem with me?" I asked

"No, not at all. This is but the mere truth of your kind; the Tarnished." He told me, "Luckily for you, however, there is one shining ray of hope for even the maidenless. Me. Varré. Take care to listen. Are you familiar with grace?"

"I don't believe so..." I said confused

He then nodded towards my right, "Look there." He said

I turned to see a peculiar golden shape glowing with light in the ground.

"Is that the grace you speak of?" I asked

"Yes, The golden light that gives life to you Tarnished." Varre said, "You may also behold its golden rays pointing in a particular direction at times. That is the guidance of grace. The path that a Tarnished must travel. Mm, indeed. Grace's guidance holds the answers."

So these things, Grace, they're the checkpoints the Goddess mentioned, huh? I die in this world and I respawn on these things?

"Go on, touch it," Varre told me

I walked up to the grace and reached my hand out. As my finger came into contact, a small amount of light burst out.

"This is a Grace?" I asked aloud

Varre nodded, "It will lead you Tarnished to the path you are meant to follow. Even if it leads you to your grave." He said

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked him

"This is the Lands Between, Tarnished." He said, "Many like you have come here to achieve what you're trying." He told me, "Many have failed. These lands are not easy to traverse. Dangers roam everywhere, even here in Limgrave."

I looked around me, the environment was green, the sun was shining, and the land around me looked peaceful.

"Do not let the world fool you. I suggest you watch yourself." He continued, "Trust in the grace's guidance. Grace's guidance will reveal the path forward, most certainly. To Castle Stormveil, over on the cliff. The home of the decrepit demigod, Godrick the Grafted."

"Godrick the Grafted?" I said, "Who the hell is that?"

"The Lord of Stormveil Castle." Varre said, "The one you should defeat to go past the Castle."

I see. So this Godrick is this area's big bad.

"It's time you set off, I should think. To Castle Stormveil, on the cliff, where grace would guide you.

If you seek the Elden Ring, maidenless as you are." Varre said

I looked at him, "Call me maidenless one more time and we'll have a problem." I told him before walking away

I walked down the hill Varre and the grace were at. I proceeded to make my way to the broken-down church I saw from the door.

As I walked the path to the church, I noticed the massive armored guy on the horse was getting closer to me.

I looked at him as I walked, feeling a bit uneasy about him.

The rider then stopped and I saw as he turned his head toward me. I noticed his massive golden halberd on his hand.

"Oh." I said as I stopped

Before I could say anything else, the rider immediately lunged at me, swinging his halberd down at me with full force.

I raised my sword to try to block it.

Next thing I know, I am flying in the air. My vision is blurry, I can only make out the sky above me.

I then felt my body hit the ground hard.

"Ughh!!!" I grunted

I then heard the loud steps of the massive horse galloping towards me.

I sat up and watched as the rider made his way to me again.

"What the fuck."