
Elden Ring: Cursed In The Lands Between

Imagine being thrown into the world of 2022’s Game of The Year. Well, this happened to an unfortunate young man. He was “taken” by a mysterious entity that claimed to be a Goddess and thrown to The Lands Between and was cursed to reincarnate every time he died. Tasked to become Elden Lord, The Newly Appointed Tarnished sets out in a journey. The cover is a fanart I found online, I do not own it. I mean, this is a fanfic so I don't make money out of it regardless.

Drive_Night326 · Video Games
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4 Chs

Author’s Note: No, This Story Is Not Dropped

I have done a lot of thinking and considering that I have little to no time to write, I have decided to open up a Patreon in order to help fund my time writing.

I do have intentions on focusing on this fic but i am not a fulltime writer, something I do indeed wish to be.

I opened the patreon with the intention on focusing on the One Piece fanfic and this one. My attention has been mostly on the other one due to how successful it has been. I know this one has potential but for it to be stuck at 3 chapters, it is despicable.

Anyways, if anyone has any interest in supporting, feel free. I am not forcing nor begging.

Thank you and have a great day