
Elaine Academy

Monica Elaine Vilanuez is born into the demon race and faces a tough situation – she's destined to be the queen of the whole world. This causes problem as many others can't accept having such a vicious queen. Monica was able to survive for seventeen years in the mortal world. However, her enemies finally track her down, and she has to return to her real world, leaving her adoptive parents' safety uncertain. Back in her true world, Monica seeks refuge in an academy to stay safe. But the danger isn't over yet. She must continue to hide her identity and wonders how long she can keep this disguise.

Yu_Mira01 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter Ten: Cause Of Death (1)

In the Marquis Estate, the Family Fogartaigh was as usual perfect and harmonious. Despite the absence of the head of the household, the estate was peaceful. The sun was up in the sky shining brightly, the slight cold wind but warm air, birds were chirping and even with the bustle of the servants working were peaceful.

At this time a lady's clear voice was heard chanting a name while walking. She walked with a gentle grace, her steps light and purposeful. Clad in an elegant gown that accentuated her refined beauty, she radiated a sense of sophistication and poise. Her eyes, warm and filled with affection, sparkled as she called out her son's name.

"Ernie~" She called out. "Ernie dear, where are you?" her voice filled with maternal love and tenderness. The tone in her voice held an unmistakable warmth, like a soft embrace that enveloped her son.

With a soft smile on her face, Lady Genevieve looked around the room, her eyes searching for her beloved child. Her gaze was soft and nurturing, devoid of the cold expectations that often plagued their family's reputation. In her heart, she carried a deep love for her son, an unconditional affection that knew no bounds.

She believed in Ernesh's potential and saw beauty in his individuality. Lady Genevieve understood that perfection was not a rigid construct but rather an ever-evolving journey of self-discovery. She nurtured his dreams, supporting him with unwavering encouragement and gentle guidance.

In her doting and loving nature, Lady Genevieve saw her son as a reflection of her own heart, and she embraced his perfections. Her belief in him was unyielding, and she believed that through this, he would find his own path to happiness.

Despite her twisted belief in a distorted sense of perfection, Lady Genevieve's intentions were rooted in her deep affection for her son. Her love for Ernesh was both a blessing and a curse.

In the heart of Lady Genevieve, there was a mother's love, flawed and complex, but fueled by an unending desire to see her son thrive and find his own sense of purpose in the world.

Finally, Lady Genevieve saw her son walking towards her. Ernesh didn't think he would meet her mother at this time. He froze and stood rigidly as she grew closer and closer towards him.

Lady Genevieve smiled at her son, her eyes filled with love. "There you are little Ernie, where have you been?" She ask with a soft voice. Little Ernesh, however, was scared. His body shook with nervousness and fear and he stammered a reply. "I...I was..." Before he could reply, Lady Genevieve glance down at him, her doting and loving gaze was gone replaced with a sharp tone that scared Ernesh so much he was stuttering.

"Don't tell me you were there again." Her Mom's voice was soft but her eyes were filled with anger and reproach. This familiar situation scared the seven-years-old Ernesh.

"I... was... was... not!" Ernesh bit his lip as he replied. "I was..." Ernesh thought of many places that would please her mother, he continued to stutter. "was from...from...the study!" His eyes lit up with hope. "Was studying there."

"Ernesh baby. That is a good thought. However, what did I say about lying? That is a flaw and you should not have that." Her tone was commanding and with this, she continued to scold her son repeating over and over again the importance of perfection. "You know I did this only because I cared for you. You need to be perfect. To be successful, loved, and respected, we strive to be perfect. You want to become like Mommy right? I became like this because I am perfect. Your Grandmom and Grandad saids so." Ernesh nodded constantly. He couldn't help but shrunk, bitting his lips to force the tears and shaking of his body to not show.

"What are you doing?!" Lady Genevieve's voice raised that shook Ernesh to the bone. There was coldness creeping up his body. When Lady Genevieve's notice her son's posture and his mannerisms, she couldn't take it and asked. "Did I or did I not tell you to stop acting like this! You should be perfect, stop biting your lips," Lady Genevieve roughly grabbed his chin forcing his lips to curve up into a 'perfect' smile. She stared at his eyes filled with fear and she glared at him fiercely. "You do not look at me or anyone like that. Do you understand?! Fix that! At once!" Her loud voice cause Ernesh eyes to become wet and there are tears strimming down his face.

"You are crying? Imperfect!" Lady Genevieve grabbed his shoulders roughly slapping his back and kicking his legs. The shriek and hoarse cries of the child is heartbreaking but as if no one saw and heard them, nobody stood up to stop her. "This. This. This. Fix it. Stand straight. Ernesh Fachnan Fogartaigh! Straightened up and stop crying!"


In the dimly lit meeting chamber of the knight's headquarters, Captain Roland, a seasoned and stern leader, sat at the head of a long, wooden table. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Lieutenant Ernesh, the second-in-command of the knightly order, who stood before him with a grave expression.

"Explain yourself, Lieutenant," Captain Roland demanded, his voice firm and commanding.

Lieutenant Ernesh cleared his throat, his face etched with worry. "Captain, I regret to inform you that room number five caught fire unexpectedly during our last mission. The flames spread rapidly, and we were unable to save it in time."

"And the six knights who were stationed there?" the Captain inquired sharply, his jaw clenched.

"They... they didn't make it," Lieutenant Ernesh replied, his voice laced with sorrow. "The fire consumed them before we could reach them."

Captain Roland's eyes bore into the Lieutenant's, his disappointment evident. "Six brave knights, dead. Lives lost, and all because of carelessness? We cannot afford such mistakes, Lieutenant."

Lieutenant Ernesh's shoulders slumped under the weight of the reprimand. "I take full responsibility, Captain. It was an accident, but I should have been more vigilant."

The Captain's gaze softened slightly, his concern for his knights evident. "Vigilance is not a luxury, Lieutenant. Lives are at stake, and we must remain ever watchful. This tragedy could have been prevented."

"I understand, Captain," Ernesh replied solemnly, a deep sense of regret filling him.

"We cannot bring back those we have lost, but we can honor their memory by learning from this and being better prepared in the future," Captain Roland said, his voice carrying a mix of authority and compassion.

Lieutenant Ernesh nodded, his resolve firming. "I will ensure that every knight under my command is trained to the highest standard, and that incidents like this never happen again."

"See that you do," Captain Roland said, his tone unwavering. "The safety and well-being of our knights and this order are paramount."

As the discussion between Captain Roland and Lieutenant Ernesh continued, their attention returned back to the devastating incident that had befallen room number five. The once important chamber now lay in ruins, charred by a fierce and unrelenting fire. The sight was enough to send a chill down anyone's spine.

"How could such a catastrophic event occur within our own walls?"

Lieutenant Ernesh demeanor remained composed, as if he were completely unaware of his own involvement in the tragic event. "It appears that some dark and malevolent force sought to break in, Captain," he replied, feigning surprise. "I must say, it is a dreadful sight."

"We cannot simply accept this explanation without a thorough investigation," he said sternly. "Room number five was a secure location, and we cannot rule out the possibility of treachery from within our ranks."

Lieutenant Ernesh nodded in agreement, his facade of concern unwavering. "You are right, Captain. We must be diligent in our pursuit of the truth," he said smoothly.

Unknown to both Captain Roland and Lieutenant Ernesh, Gwendolyn had been discreetly listening in on their conversation from a hidden alcove nearby. She had been growing increasingly wary of Lieutenant Ernesh's actions and was determined to find out the truth behind the tragedy.

As Captain Roland questioned further for answers, Lieutenant Ernesh stuck to his fabricated tale about encountering a demon. He elaborated on how he had bravely confronted the supposed malevolent creature, subjecting it to a torturous interrogation in the pursuit of vital information for the safety of the kingdom.

The topic shifted, Captain Roland asked Lieutenant Ernesh about the use of room number five for the alleged demon interrogation, the lieutenant maintained his facade of compassion and concern, just as he always did. His demeanor appeared calm and collected, hiding the dark intentions that lurked beneath the surface.

"Explain your actions, Lieutenant," Captain Roland demanded, eyeing the charred remnants of room number five. "Why did you choose to use this room for the demon interrogation?"

Lieutenant Ernesh feigned surprise, as if he had no idea how the room had been reduced to ashes. "Captain, I assure you, I had no knowledge of this," he replied smoothly. "There must have been some sort of accident."

Room number five was more than just a simple chamber within the knight's fortress; it held a mystique that set it apart from the others. As you stepped inside, the air seemed to crackle with a potent energy, and the walls were adorned with intricate, mystical symbols that seemed to dance and shimmer in the soft candlelight. The room had an air of ancient wisdom and power that permeated every corner, drawing all who entered into its grasp.

Legends whispered that room number five was once a sanctum of the ancient order of magicians who had resided within the fortress long ago. They were said to have delved into the deepest mysteries of the cosmos, harnessing the very essence of magic itself. The room's walls bore the echoes of their incantations, resonating with the untamed energies they had summoned in their quests for knowledge and power.

Over the centuries, the fortress had changed hands multiple times, and the room's true purpose had become obscured by the mists of time. Some believed it to be a sacred place of divine connection, while others saw it as a chamber of potent alchemical experiments. Whispers of its true potential lured knights and scholars alike, yearning to unlock the secrets within.

For Lieutenant Ernesh, the allure of room number five was too great to resist. He had caught wind of the ancient legends, tales that hinted at the room's ability to show one's innermost desires and fears.

Therefore, Lieutenant Ernesh explained this to the Captain and how this was perfect mental and physical torture for those demons.

Captain Roland Shadowbane accepted this explanation inwardly yet he was still reluctant to free the lieutenant of the questioning. He only knows all of this after an incident happened, if there were no incident did he even consider reporting to him? His superior? Captain Roland doubt that, that is why he was angry but he still shows the appropriate emotions a captain should have outwardly. No one knows how enrage he was inwardly.

Captain Roland's stern gaze fell upon Lieutenant Ernesh as he questioned him about the devastating fire that had reduced room number five to ashes. The captain's voice held an edge of authority as he sought answers from his subordinate.

"Ernesh, I want a detailed report on what happened in room number five. How did the supposed demons escape, and why did the room end up in flames? This incident cannot be overlooked, and we need to find out who is responsible for this catastrophe."

Lieutenant Ernesh's expression remained composed, his cold demeanor hiding any hint of guilt or fear. "Captain, it appears that the captors somehow managed to overpower the guards. They used their supposed demonic abilities to manipulate the elements, causing the fire that consumed the room. By the time we arrived, they had fled into the night, leaving nothing but destruction in their wake."

The captain's brow furrowed as he listened to the lieutenant's explanation. There was something amiss in the story, but he kept his suspicions to himself for the time being. "And the investigation? Have you made any progress in tracking down these supposed demons?"

Lieutenant Ernesh hesitated for a moment before replying, "The investigation is ongoing, Captain. We have questioned witnesses and are following leads, but these demons are elusive. It's as if they can disappear into thin air. Rest assured, I will not rest until we bring them to justice."

Captain Roland nodded, though his instincts told him that there was more to the story than what the lieutenant was revealing.

"See to it that the investigation is conducted thoroughly and with utmost diligence. We cannot afford any mistakes or oversights," the captain instructed firmly. "And keep me updated on any developments, no matter how small."

"As you wish, Captain," Ernesh replied with a nod, his mask of composure never wavering.

As the lieutenant left the room, Captain Roland couldn't shake the feeling that there was a web of deception surrounding this incident. He would need to tread carefully and gather all the facts before making any decisions. The truth lay hidden somewhere within the charred remains of room number five, and it was up to him to uncover it, no matter how deeply the darkness had taken root.

Ernesh who just left was walking in the corridor. His lips hooked up into a shallow smile.

Ernesh know that what he said was not the truth, he knows that those three girls are not demons, that is why it excites him that a mystery unfolded right after he decided to take action of making his own chaos. Should he thank the savior of those girls for killing all the witnesses of his deception?

Ernesh thought, after he found them, he will decided whether he will thank them or not. For now, he needed to find them. Not only for the sake of his position and reputation but for his own enjoyment too. After all, the reason why he was in here in the first place is because he wants control. Excitement and bloodbath, he needs to forget what his mother did to him.


Is Ernesh's reason too shallow? The following chapters will explain more about his past and his reasons for being a knight.

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