
Capture 3

Rey knew instantly what they were about to do. This was a suicide undertaking which they were sure he couldn't fulfill. But they have also made a mistake by giving him weapons.

It was obvious to him that he had thought he wouldn't be able to aim for such a long distance. He doubled his speed; now he was about 70 yards away.

He zoomed in with his wolf vision and could see that the sand walkers were now 30 feet from reaching the corpse, with the touch of fire in their hands. If he still had his telekinesis power or any of his element control, it would have been an easy chore for him.

Even though his wolf was back, there was still 1some tight or significant spell that was rendering his sovereignty useless. Rey knew he had to do something, or else it would be the end of the game for him.

He halted his speed, then took out his bow and an arrow from the quiver. He could feel the sand walker's eyes boring a hole into his body. The same went for Spector. They suddenly became calm, all their commotion diminished, and they waited for what he was about to do. If there was anything he loved most before the god of terrorists attacked the pack, it was an arrow. He would stay on the range for hours and hours, long every other trainee had left. He didn't even know why.

All he knew was that he always loved anything that involved shooting. Like aiming at a knife, he always hits the bullseye. It was even his dream to compete in the yearly challenge that always takes place in the pack, but the attack had disrupted his plan and ruined everything.

His mind correlated to one evening when he was alone training in the field. His foster father had come to ask him why he was dedicating all his life to archery, and he couldn't provide an answer. It was like he could see through his soul because he didn't discourage him.

He heard his father say that day, "I'll enlighten you." He couldn't believe his heart. It was the happiest moment of his life.

"Don't you think it is a little bit late for that?" He had tried to make the man change his mind, so he wouldn't put all the burden on his head.

"No it's not," his father retorted firmly. It is never too late. He could hear the seriousness in his voice, and he was even surprised to see how determined the man was.

"I want to teach you," the man insisted. "And you will learn it, now." He concluded and his cold training voice came to the surface.

Rey looked over to Alpha Henry as he stepped closer to him. He adjusted the bow in his hand, and Rey could feel the weight as he held up the bow with his left hand and held onto the string with his right hand, testing it.

It was far heavier than he had thought, its large wood frame weighing down his arm. His father comes around behind him, reaches out, and puts his left hand over Rey's own, over the handle of the bow. Alpha Henry reaches around with his other hand, on the string.

"Hold it like this," Alpha Henry says. "Support your shoulders. If your grip is too tight, you will never hit your target. And hold it closer, "he says, pulling it closer to his chest. "Align your eyes on the ravine. You're too tense. Relax."

"How can I be relaxed when I haven't done better at this before?" Rey inquired.

"The paradox of archery," he remembers his father saying. "You have to be tense and relax at the same time. You are pulling on a string attached to a piece of wood, and that tension is what will make the arrow fly. At the same time, your muscles need to be lithe to direct it. If you tense up, you will miss your mark. Let your shoulders, hands, neck, and wrists all relax. Don't put your focus on the bow, but on the target. Now try it on the range. "

Alpha Henry said while stepping back to focus. "And don't forget, if you missed. Then you will spend the rest of your day in an angel's room. "

The sound of the angel room brought a shiver down his spine. He didn't like staying in the room, practicing all alone and sweating like a man thrown into a lava pit.

He breathed in, then out softly, and let the arrow fly. Rey watches as it sails through the air in slow motion. To his greatest amazement, the arrow Lodge at the center. It hit the bull's eyes perfectly. "Rey," his wolf shouted at him, jolting him out of his world. He could feel tears drop from his eyes.

"You are running out of time." His wolf warned in his head. Rey raised his head and discovered that he truly wasted enough time. The sand walkers are now 15 steps away from reaching the bodies.

Without wasting another moment, Rey raised his bow and assumed poise. Holding his stance, he silently prayed under his breath that the arrow shouldn't miss or strike the wrong target.

Then he lets go of the arrow, watching it sail through the air, covering the entire distance in the blink of an eye and landing on the first sand walker's forehead.It was a perfect hit. The man went down, dead with his eyes wide open in shock.

The second man stood beside him, unable to comprehend what just happened. Before he could react, Rey grabbed another arrow from his quiver and released it. It hit the second man on the eyes and black liquid poured out, while the man also went down like a fallen tree, and Rey took a breath of relief. T

he rest of the sand walkers roared out in disapproval. There's more blood.They kept shouting. Rey turned to face the audience and squinted against the spring sunshine. As his eyes orient themselves to the surroundings, A loud buzzing sound was heard and the crowds roared in satisfaction.

Rey knew instantly that anything after the sound was indeed something bad. An underground door opened in front of him and he quickly went back, running across the other end of the field where the bodies were located.

He was halfway across when he felt something grab him from behind and throw him upward. Rey went flying in the air, trying to control himself from going further.

But something sharp thrust into his stomach which prompted him to lose control and he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Blood spilled out of his face and he coughed several times, breathing hard with pain running all over his ribs and calf. He could feel his wolf trying to regenerate, but the adamantium that was used to beat him earlier was slowing the healing.

He looks up and sees the ugly creature with a hand that looks like a spider and saliva dripping from its mouth, running towards him with its sharp leg. Rey waited for the last moment and rolled in between the creature, making him trapped in its middle.

He let out his claw and thrust it into the creature's stomach, bringing out its intestines. The creature shrieked in pain while green blood poured down from its stomach. The creature fell on top of him, its weight pressing him down. Taking a deep breath, Rey yanked it off his body and managed to stand on his feet.

Another buzzing sound was heard. He watched in shock as different types of the creature started to originate from the ground and some were heading for Ariel and Jack's bodies. Without waiting further, he brought out the saber and dropped the bow. He took off at full speed, whacking like a ninja all over them, dodging and slicing them with the saber.

His sight caught one of the creatures which was ready to thrust its poisonous leg into Ariel's chest. Rey threw the saber in his hand and it lodged in the creature's back, coming out through its heart.

All around him, many of the creatures were approaching him faster than he could ever imagine. He braced himself and let out his claws, ready to charge into their midst.

But the unexpected happened. He couldn't feel his wolf or any special ability the wolf granted him again.

Without being told, he knew the wolf had abandoned him, leaving him in his susceptible state and in his human body.



Do not imitate.