

Dolly11 · Urban
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2 Chs

EHSAAS - The Feelings Left Unsaid

"Mummaa how many times u would call me? i told um on my way back home..!" Tara shouted on phone and cut the call.

Her friends giggled at her, she made a baby face, "I dont like nagging na" and they all laughed at her expression, finally she Laughed too.

Tara was roaming around and shopping with her friends in a complex near her house. She lived in a small town of Jammu,basically the area was thinly populated with traditional familes, and almost all the families were familier about each other since it was a small town.

Tara had many friends of her age, she was popular amongst most friends at school and its just been few days snce she joined college and she was more popular here very soon; she was very lively and bubbly in nature, exactly opposite to her elder sister, Mira.Mira was the eldest in the family, she was very obedient, sober and a bit reserved in nature, then they have a brother named Jai, he was quite protective for both his sisters but he was over protective for Tara, actually all the members of their family were over protective about her, she was the apple of their eyes, the most notorious but filled with innocence and purity.

Their mother was a typical home-maker but she was more of a friend to them, and father on the other hand was more busy with his work, and apparently seemed quite protective of his family, but inside, he was a kind-heart man, a father who was scared about his children, who wanted to fulfill all their wants and demands ,who loved them same like their mother but wont show it and hide his emotions behind his always stony image like a strict head of the family : ltke most tathers in indtan families are. That day was a special day for their family as Mira was of marriageable age and that day a family was coming for the purpose of arrange marriage.

I ar home" She said carelessly throwing away her footwears and lying on the sofa, keeping her shopping bags aside. Taraaa.... get up trom here, and pick up ur shoes, 00 Lod..! i just cleaned the room, u cant help me but u help in ereating mess in the house." Mira shouted at her, "000000.. dii...u cleaned all this for ur in-laws? our jiju ?? 00.. she teased her, Jai camne and they both hi-five each other, Mummaa see both of them are teasing me Mira shouted, their mother came out and scolded both of them. Then she asked Tara to get ready and help Mira too to get ready.About an hour Later, the guests arrived. Their mum-dad and Jai welcomed them, Tara came after changing up, she looked at her di who was looking at the mirror absent-mindedly, she kept her hand on her shoulder, "Di, u r looking beautiful." Mira smiled but her smile faded soon, Tara noticed it she knew at that instant, Mira wasnt happy, but she had no clue for the reason behind it.She kept on asking her, but Mira didnt told her anything, soon their mother called out and they both went downstairs.

Mira wasbeautiful, well qualified, a girl with a fusion of moderh and traditional values, the suy and his family Liked her tnstantly.Akshat too seemed a very hice guy and his parents too were quite friendly and down to earth.They informed Mira's parents, and they both got very happy, sweets were served, fruits, dry-fruits, clothes etc were exchanged and that way, Roka" was done on the same day, evryone in both the families was happy, but Tara could notice it well, Mira was faking the smiles, she did not have that happiness on her face. They had a splendid dinner together, Tara find Akshat quite jolly and friendly as he gel up with them so well, Mira was noticing how happy her family was, she too tried her best to enjoy with them, but her heart was not helping her, itt was instead arguing with her, "Atleast tell them, take a chance Mira, tell them about it, it, they love u, they will accept it." But she did not had the guts, she kept quite and pretended well. Later as Akshat and his family Left, He is a nice guy" Jai said to his father, he nodded her mother too smiled. Tara looked towards Mra but she Looked least interested about anything, her mind was storming with a battle, only she knew it and Tara had a hint about it. When they reached in room, Mira Mira came and sat on the bed after changing up. Tara looked at her, she could see distress occuring on her face. Whats wrong di? I am ur sister, know u well, i know u are not happy tell me what is it? tell me please di." She said holding her hand She didnt responded but tears trickle down her eyes, Tara wiped them away but they continued to slow again and again. They were hot very close to each other though as Tara was usually busy with her friends and Mira was busy with her studies, household works-knitting, cooking, etc. but they both loved each other alot, lara could not see her trying this way, it made her her very upset and worried tor for her. She kept on asking her and after pushing her so much, Mira Looked at her ans spoke finally, "promise me, u will keep it to urself? promise me u wont judge after i tell u? U will keep me Loving me, and would stand with me?" Tara instantly speak out, Promise di, i promise."

Mira smiled at her and wiped away her tears, she then took out her cell from the drawer near their bed and pushed it on, she handed over it to lara, "Read the messages" she said and waited for her to read and react.