

Dolly11 · Urban
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2 Chs


Tara kept reading for a while, she would sometime look at the screen and sometime at her sister in total surprise. Finally she spoke, "who is Rahil di?" Mira shifted her gaze and nervously started to stare the floor, "My boyfriend." "What?? u got a boyfriend? Di how long it has been? And dont u know bhaiya and Papa? " Tara questioned."Its been about an year since me and him are committed.1 know Jai and Papa, that's the reason I-I could never tell them about it, I love him Tara, I don't want to marry someone else." She broke down. "Di, calm down, Rahil does not belong to our caste?"

Tara, he even does not belong to our religion, he is Muslim." She answered between the sobs. Tara stood in shock, "Di have you gone crazy? I cant believe it, u have always been so mature and wise while taking ur decisions, how could u fall for him knowing it will never happen? don't u know Ma-papa will never allow it, let alone allow, di if they get to know they would kill u for god's sake." She said in heavy voice. Mira bursted out ecrying, she was crying inconsolably, Tara was Looking at her, not knowing what she could do, suddenly the cell started ringing, Tara looked at it, it was from Rahil, "Talk to him and tell him you are engaged now and ask him not to call you again, and put the phone on speaker." Tara commanded to Mira, she did not wanted to answer the call but Tara pushed it to her, Hell..llo... Miraa.. miraa talk to me, i cant live without you." it was Rahil's breaking voice. Mira again started crying hearing him, Tara snatched the cell from her and shouted, listen, whoever u are, do not call back here again, Mira got engaged today, so just stay away from her, forget her." and without waiting for his reply she disconnected and switched off the cell.

Mira was crying inconsolably, Tara went towards her and hugged her. After she got normal, Tara asked her to tell her everything about the love affair. She began, It all started from a miscall on my cellphone. I was in college that day and called back the number i got a miscall from this number few minutes ago. who is this?" asked. I am so sorry, by mistake i dialled a digit wrong, but may i know where are u talking from? Its ok, i dont talk to strangers." Saying that i disconnected the call. Same evening i got a message trom that number and he kept on telling me he loved my voice and asked for my name again and again, finally i told him and then our chats started. I knew it was wrong, i knew he Was a stranger and i should not be trusting him but dont know why i could not get away trom him. Slowly we got close to each other and one day he

proposed me without even Looking at me i was stunned. I knew Jai and Papa would kill me, i refused him but could not end my contact with him. Then one day he told me he was coming to Jammu and would Love to meet me, i could not deny, after the college i met him. We both fall in love with each other on love at first sight, after talking for a while, he proposed me again, and this time, i could not deny. From that day we got committed and after that we had met just once but we use to talk daily on phone.When few days back i got to know papa had searched a boy for me, i told him, we both cried, he kept on asking me not to leave him but i cant do anything now Tara, i know i am cheating him, i am broking my promises but i dont have the guts to tell Ma papa about t and even if i will tell them, they will kill me, or may be would boycott me but never accept me and him together. I cannot live a hapPY life wlthout their blessings so i chose to Leave away my love, no matter how much i cry, he cry but i will mamy Akshat, not him." Tara had tears in her eyes, she had never tried to get close had never tried to get close to her sister, and actually she just realised it today, Mira had no friends even, she doesnt go out, just stays at home, and when she fall in love, she never crossed her limit and even then she has to sacrifice her love. Tara felt so much love for her sister, she wiped away her tears and felt respect for her.

"I know i could not do anything for u di, i am sorry, but i must say u r very brave."

Mira replied, "Hey, u know i am feeling as if a burden is removed, its ok, u cannot do for u di, i am sorry, but i must say ur very brave."

Mira replied, "Hey, u know i am feeling as if a burden is removed, its ok, u cannot do anything about it, but do help me to come out of it and do what Ma papa wants, i will try my best to love Akshat, its hard but for my family's happiness i would do it, i will not bring bad name to family."

Tara hugged her and whispered, you are a star di, ur are a Star."