

Why..... In this world..... why.....

eenyth341 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


He has no quirk..


In this bias world having no quirk means and equals to "useless"..

In a world where quirks were valued above all else, he knew that people would underestimate him and assume that he was useless.

And that's exactly what he wanted.

Playing up the "useless" persona and letting others underestimate him quiet and unassuming, always blending in with the background and staying out of the spotlight.

People would underestimate him badly.

he could use his intelligence and strategic thinking to outsmart his opponents, always staying one step ahead of them.

After all who knew better about this world and its future better than him?

If someone were to underestimate him and not take him seriously, they could find themselves in a dangerous situation.

In a dangerous position...

Like a pray being hunted.

He could not enter UA

How can he when He knew he would not be able to be in a class full of immature children still growing? He who had already finished University?

In a class full of children he rather not be in their.

Meeting with the main characters.

No thank you.

He would help them. He would try to prevent events from happening.

After all it would be fun to see Shigaraki Tomura throw a tantrum when things don't go his way.

Should he make a connection with him?

Shigaraki is useful in some ways he could be used...

He can be easy to manipulate.

It wouldn't be that hard...