

Why..... In this world..... why.....

eenyth341 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


He had always felt like an outsider in the world, like he didn't quite fit in with the people and the culture around him.

He began to wonder if he had always been like this. Had he always been so disconnected from the world and the people around him? Or was there something that had happened to make him this way?

He didn't know why, but he couldn't seem to muster any real concern for others, or even for himself. It was as if he was just going through the motions of life, without any real purpose or direction.

He couldn't remember a time when he had felt truly connected to anyone, or when he had felt like he belonged in this world.

As he looked out at the world around him, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and frustration. He had always loved anime and manga, but the world he found himself in was not the vibrant, colorful world he had always imagined.

Instead, it was a world of pain and suffering, where people with superpowers known as "quirks" were both revered and feared. He himself was born without a quirk, an anomaly in a world where such abilities were considered a defining feature of one's identity.

As he got older, he also began to feel a sense of disillusionment.

He saw the darkness and pain in the world, the cruelty and indifference of some people towards others. He wondered if it was even possible to care for a world that seemed so broken and flawed.

He knew that he had been given the gift of life for a reason

But why?

Why him?

He didn't ask for this or did he?

He'll never know there's always a blur between his previous memories.

He had been reborn into a world of superheroes and supervillains, where the line between good and evil was often blurred.

He didn't know how he got here in the first place.....

First, he knew that he needed to learn as much as he could about this new world he found himself in. He needs to immerse himself into the culture of heroes and begin studying the quirks of the various heroes and villains.

Even if he already knew most of them....

To survive in this world He needs to train himself physically and mentally, pushing himself to become stronger and more agile.

He knew that he had to use this opportunity wisely, to make the most of his new life.

He had been reborn into a world where superpowers were the norm, and heroes and villains battled for control.

He knew what would happen in this world....

He has watched it...

He has read it....

He didn't want to just sit back and watch.

That would be no fun.....


As he laughs he wonders is that why he's here? To find entertainment in this world?

As he smiles sadistically he wonders

What am I doing?