
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

A Filial Son and his Fathers Butler

At the young age of 18, a young-looking man sat on a bed talking to a semi-identical version of his older self.

The young man's eyes were watered with dark circles under them, most likely from him constantly crying for several days now.

His energy depleted as he looked down dejectedly, heartbroken at what was inevitably going to be the outcome of the man laid on the bed.

The man in question was his father, and the young man knew that this bed in which his father laid would be his father's deathbed.

He was smart enough to know that denying it would only make the inevitable outcome more painful than it should.

But honestly, how do you quantify the amount of pain a son should or would feel towards his father's inevitable death?

The answer was simple; you don't! Pain cannot be quantified, as it is not something tangible, measurable by any form or sort of meter.

Simply put, it is a set of signals and waves sent to the human brain that then triggers a response that portrays a visible appearance to other people.

This phenomenon becomes translated by the human mind and, of course, other people's vision as the word we call "Pain."

Behind the young man stood his father's most trusted friend, butler, and most of all, someone he could call a loyal younger brother.

James was the butler's name. He had known the man who he called an older brother, currently laying on his deathbed for over 30 years now.

James had met the young man's father at the age of 10, whereas the boy's father was 25 years old.

The boy's father had saved him from the streets, fed him, clothed him, and sheltered him. For this simple reason, he had sworn an undying loyalty towards the boy's father.

James had seen him through the birth and life of his business empire, now worth approximately $ 3.1 trillion.

So, seeing the man who gave him a life better than those of multi-millionaires, a life where someone cared about him and his wellbeing, a life where he had a purpose!

Seeing the one who gave him hope when he had given up on it all, his heart trembled in pain as his eyes poured out tears without any sign of it slowing down.

Slowly the man who laid on the bed opened his mouth.

"Cough, cough… Xavier?"

"Yes, father… I'm here."

His father had a solemn look on his face, not one of someone who feared death but someone who had accepted it.

He had long since known that his demise from age could not avoid it, so he just chose acceptance, and to be honest, he was going to die a happy man.

He had lived a life of joy, success, a life of consistency, a life thoroughly filled with satisfaction and contentment.

"Remember what I told you after your mother died when you turned five?"

The man said as he took a deep sigh after.

"Hah… That you wanted me to go live somewhere far from here, away from all this greed and filth of man, to attend the prestigious Edge University."

"Mmm. You know what, Xavier?"

I retained my silence as even though he asked, it was not for me to answer.

"I just realized the irony of that. The irony of wanting you to go to a place free from the filthy minds of man, but at the same time cough, cough…."

"Take it easy, father."

I said, raising him as I added two more pillows to get him into a more upright position in hopes of easing his pain.

"Thank you… moving on, I want you to continue your life in a place free from greed and selfishness, but that's the exact opposite of where I'm sending you to."


James hearing the words of his dying master to his son was painful to hear, so painful that it felt like his heart was getting squeezed by a rope.

"I do hope you forgive me, my dear boy… look at you; Your mother would be so proud of the man you've become, and I, for one, am proud of the man you've become as well."

"Dad… *sob* *sob*"

Tears rolled down my cheeks as my heart burned in pain.

"I have had James sort out all matters regarding your residency for the school, and you are to begin classes in a month.

Your belongings are on the move as we speak, and upon my final breath, you will follow suit. It would be best if you were not here when those hyenas arrive, seeking what doesn't belong to them.

They will find nothing but a highly disappointing will, for them, that is. They do not know you exist, and I would like to keep it that way, but I know for a fact that one or more of them will catch on in due time.

James, my dear friend and brother, I am grateful for your loyalty and friendship with which you have graced me.

I genuinely hope you will carry that loyalty to my son and continue to be a father in my place, taking care of him as I would and as you have already been doing for all these years.

I do hope both of you can fulfill the final wishes of an old man such as myself…"

"Yes, father I will."

With tears in my eyes and a great pain that seemed to drown my heart, I steeled my resolve and said with much difficulty.

"I will see your final wishes through till the end of my days master."

James said. His eyes filled with tears, reddened, and swollen from the uncontrolled sobbing.

"Good. Live a good life my boy, and James, take care of yourself and my son."

His eyes closed shut, a smile ran across his face, a man without regrets. He took a deep breath, his final breath, and upon his exhale, the world as I knew it was no longer the same.