
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

61-Going Club

Editing in Progress…

~Chapter 61~

"What the hell" Quin uttered in a low voice. As he came closer to the frozen bodies. He squinted his eyes as he analyzed them. Diesel nudged his shoulders a little as he handed him medical gloves. 

Slipping them on, Quin could now touch the bodies. Just based on looking at it, it was clear it had being here for a while. Most likely over seven months.

"Have they being here?" Quin asked, still maintaining his eyes on the bodies. 

"They died at different intervals. But roughly three to four years ago." He answered. He watched as Quin didn't for a moment take his eyes off the bodies. "Doesn't it make you sick?" He asked. 

Quin lifted his eyes up for a moment before putting it hack to the bodies. He shook his head negatively before he answered. "Not really. I have seen many dead bodies. I doubt a stale one would make me sick" He shrugged as Diesel nodded.

Quin rudely slipped his finger into one of the clear puncture would in a male who was lying on his back. The whole was just slightly below the sternum. It was obvious he died within seconds, after which he was punctured by the weapon. 

He went to the next body; it was another male. He moved the cold and hard body to its side. A small, but precise, hole was just beneath the base of his skull. Placing it back to its previous position, he noticed his eye were wide, probably from shock or surprise or maybe even both?

"Find any information, detective?" Diesel asked, pulling him from his analyses. 

"Not really. I am not actually looking for anything." Quin replied, moving to the next body. It was another male. Unlike the rest, this one was facing down with his back facing Quin. 

And he immediately knew why. The slashes of Karambit were littered on his back. His back was badly destroyed from the weapon, as it had deep, curved gashes from it.

Quin knew he would be sick from the body if he had actually seen it, back when it was still new and fresh. 

Moving to the last male before the female, he could say out of the other three males, this one most likely had the easiest and quickest deaths. As he had two clean slashes from the front and the back.

"How did you know what weapons were used to kill them??" Quin asked as he moved to the last body. They were both slashes and puncture, which could similarly be found in guns and knifes wound. So Quin was serious as to how they concluded it was a stiletto and Karambit weapon 

"It took us a while before we could even know the killer." He answered, walking towards a wooden cabinet. He pulled out things that made clink sounds. 

It was a pair of stilettos and Karambit.

He pulled one of the Karambit knifes and placed it on a body. He did as though he was trying to cut him open from the already opened wound, but that wasn't the case. The sharp sides of the curved Knives perfectly fitted the slash.

"This was how we knew that it was made from this knifes. Our forensics team googled curved knives when we told them it didn't match any commonly used knives." He placed the Knives back on the tray and did the same with the stilettos.

"It's similar" Quin stated. He looked at the female body in front of him. She was positioned with her arms raised. She had multiple shallow curved slashes on her body. It looked to him like Scarlett Thorn was hinting at slicing her up. 

"Was she tortured? Like was she taken and then torture before she died?" He asked, pointing to the girl.

"You know, you should quit the mafia and join a detective agency," Diesel joked as he nodded to his answer.

"She was actually tortured before she found her dead body"

"Did they want a so type of information from your clan?"

Diesel sighed, cold air came from his nose. "I really have no idea why she was tortured. Probably for fun?" he wondered.

"It wouldn't be far-fetched. Quin replied in agreement. "This is crazy," he mused after taking steps back, so look at Diesel.

"Let's continue the talk outside. I am slowly losing feeling on my fingertips," He announced. Diesel nodded as they both left the cold room.

They continued their conversation as they walked on. "But I don't still understand something"

"Um? What is it?" Diesel replied as he reached the front of the eye patch man's. Knocking like he did previously. He waited for a response while he answered. "If she had killed five of your men. Why do you want her in your clan?"

"You know the saying. Keep your friend close and your enemies closer. "He replied. The eye patch man so came around as we slid the short book towards the Don as he waited for him to write. Time dropped and completely Sign out"

"Right now, some of my men that were present during these five accidents hate going for a killing mission because they fear they would encounter her. So it would put their fears in order if she were to be part of the clan," he reasoned.

"That makes sense. And her techniques are gruesome," Quin added. 

Getting to the living room, Quinn flopped himself down on the as he watched Diesel go around and bring out some CDs.

"So tell me… What made you tell me about the body and Scarlett Thorn?" 

"Hmm? I guess just because…"

"Just because?" 

Diesel said nothing as he was changing through the CDs in his hands. "Maybe I plan on tying you down and ensuring you don't betray me by filing you up with my secrets and ensuring you don't spill anything out." He turned to face Quin.

Quin's face had formed a disgusted look. "That sounded weird and very wrong"

Diesel furrowed his brows as he wondered what he was going on about. He thought his words once again and when he realized what he said and what quin meant, he immediately grabbed a throw pillow and hurled it at Quin. Which he dodged with ease. "Your head is in the fucking gutter"

"It is what you said that I said." Quin said, defending himself as he held onto the throw pillow.

"You play games?" Diesel asked, wiggling a console at him. 

"Not much. But Carlos does. Like crazy does. If you had told him you had games, he would one hundred percent not go to the club," Quin informed with a tease. Diesel arched his brows as he wondered how that was even possible.

"For real?"

"Yeah. He spends most part of his day playing games or learning code. He says, and I quote, 'I am learning how to code, just so I can hack into servers with ease'"

"That's fucking crazy. Was he the one who found out we owned the car race?"

"Yes. And no offense, but he said your access code was shit, and he thought he would spend so much time getting through it. Apparently he used 14 hrs straight."

"AND THAT WAS NOT A LONG TIME?!" Diesel shouted in surprise, making Quin chuckle. 

"Honestly. The dude has the goofiest smile while hacking. It is both crazy and scary at the same time"

"I will have to tell Dean to change the access code and possibly input an automatic virus to any device trying to have gain access," Diesel said. 

"Yeah, you do that. I am sure he will have fun trying to crack it open or something" 

Before Diesel could open his mouth to comment, one of his men comes into the room.

"Don Salazar, Your order from the stores has arrived."

"Ah, I see. I will be there shortly" 

The man nodded as he took his leave. "Well then, I guess I have to offload and also park shit up before heading to bed." Quin, standing from the chair. 

"Let me follow you out"


In Mexico City.

Kehlani's heart race as she stepped into her house. Just on the last step in front of her were men's shoes.

Naturally, in her house, there was no reason for guest to leave their shoes downstairs or even take it off. But she knew the owners of the shoes just wanted her to be scared. Which they succeeded in doing. Kehlani didn't want to go upstairs.

It was Sunday night; the weather was chilly because of the late autumn season. She had just come back from Savannah's house, as she didn't have any school clothes to wear for the next day. 

She had planned to enter inside and make a beeline to her room with hopes her dead-beat, drunk ass dad isn't wake to abuse her.

But, just by standing down the stairs, she knew that would not happen.