
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs


Editing in Progress…

~Chapter 60~

Carlos and Cassius looked at both Don with suspicious gaze. Carlos leaned close to Cassius ears as he whispered into them. "Do you think we would come back to two perfectly, not injured Dons?"

Cassius hummed as he thought of his reply, "You pray, while I drive" Carlos brows furrowed with a questioning look. "Why do I have to pray? You pray while I drive… Yes?"

"You assholes, we can hear you!!" Diesel exclaimed, going back to his meal. 

Carlos grabbed his wristwatch as he listened to his boss's orders. "We are heading back tomorrow. Don't get carried away and come back with a hangover. 

"Aww, what the point of going if he isn't coming back drunk?" Cassius asked, swinging his arm over Carlos as he directed his teasing question to Joaquin.

Quin vehemently ignored him as he continued conversing with Carlos. "Anyway, as I was saying before something rudely interrupted me," He stated, glancing at Cassius before redirecting his eyes back to Carlos. "If you come back late or are drunk out of your mind by morning. I am leaving your ass here," Quin threatened, and he dunked his entire glass of wine. 

"I know, I know, I just want to go get laid. Nothing too serious"

"And here I thought you were going to gamble with me"

"DEFINITELY NOT!!!" They replied at the same time. Their simultaneous response made Diesel to burst out laughing. It is starting to seem like it was he who was enjoying dinner the most.

Cassius furrowed his brows at them as he lifted his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Fine. I would not coax you to gamble," He assured.

"Hmm?" Quin only replied, giving him an eye. The Don clearly didn't believe his words, but it wasn't like he was going to say something about it. 

"Of We go," Cassius said after grabbing his key from the key tray.

"Don't get into fights!!" Diesel shouted after them. "I will try not too"

Diesel sighed as he rubbed on his temple. "What a worried mother. You worried that your baby boy is going to do something that would tint the family's name?" Quin teased after they left.

"Truthfully yes. Cassius and fighting are like 5 & 6" Diesel replied, pushing his plates away from him. He hadn't finished his meal because in between his laughing and teasing, the food had gone cold. SO he had lost interred in it.

After a while, soft footsteps trailed down the stairs. Quin and Diesel lifted their eyes to see the person, and it was Vinnie. In his hands held his black martin high-top boots. Diesel's eyes thinned out as he looked at Vinnie with a confused expression. "Heading out?"

Pausing on his lace that he was knotting, he signed his response. [Yeah. I got a lead about that stuff. So I am going to check it out to see if it is real or fake.]

"You think it is real?" Diesel asked in a low voice. The air of seriousness loomed around him as he stared at Vincenzo with an intense look. Vincenzo shrugged his shoulders as a response.

[That is what I will find out. So no promises] Diesel sighed in understanding. 

"Just be careful. If shits get crazy, back away immediately. Don't fuck around to find out," He advised. 

Vincenzo on hummed his response before also grabbing his key from the tray. Diesel's eyes trailed on Quin, so seemed focused on his phone than the conversation they just heard.

"Did you hear anything?" He asked as he spun the wine into his glass cup.

Quin lifted his eyes to him. "Well, I am no Carlos, as I don't speak Sign language" he shrugged as he placed his phone face down on the table. "But I can guess the major gist of it," he added.

"Which is?"

"You are actively looking for someone?"

Diesel breathed out as he nodded. He was his first ally and friend. So he sorts to look for advice from him. "Is the person important?"

"Somewhat important." Diesel replied truthfully. "His importance can be ranged at when you have an added advantage to your personnel."

"So it is not like is of importance, it is just you need to grow more powerful within your rights?" Quin asked, as he confirmed if he was following the right trail of thought.


"Male or Female"



There was a pause from Diesel. To Quin, it felt like he was hesitant to tell him, so he didn't push further until he spoke again.

"Ever heard of Scarlett Thorn?" Diesel asked. He looked very serious with his question.

"Scarlett Thorn? No… Doesn't ring a bell"

"Hmm. I see," Diesel replied lowly but was still heard by Quin. His thoughts soon began rushing together. 'If Quin doesn't know her, then does that mean she is not famous world-wide? Or does that mean his network isn't wide enough to know of her?' Diesel didn't know, but since he had already begun talking, it would be nice to finish it up.

"Scarlette Thorn is an assassin woman, here in New York. Not much information is known about her"

"Information? Like what? Age, name, race and all that?"

"Yeah, even origin. There is no saying of what organization or family she is in, and it is also hard to know if she works alone or in small groups"

Quin furrowed his brows at him. A female assassin picks his interest? "So, what information do you have about her?" Quin inquired as he leaned back in his seat, cross-legged. 

"Just the type of weapons she uses." Diesel answered. "Which are?"

"A pair of stilettos and A pair of karambits."

Joaquin's brows deepened with intense confusion. He had expected something like poison or short dagger and knifes. Even a Walther PPK or Glock 19 would be better. But a fucking stilettos and Karambits were wild.

Diesel didn't fail to notice the surprised and shocking look playing on Quin's face.

He stood up and signaled to Quin to follow him. He did so amicably. They descended the stairs until it felt like they were underground. 

The sounds of working men and gun shooting rang through the air. It didn't take long before gunpowder was through into the mix as well. 

"Underground training?" Quin confirmed.

"Yes," Pushing open the twin door. The men around immediately stopped what they were doing and greeted their Don.

Diesel and nodded as he made his way to a show glass. He tapped twice and a man with an eye patch appearance.

"Don" He gave a curt nod of respect to Diesel. His eyes trailed to Quin behind him, and immediately a look of suspicion appeared on his face.

"Eyes on me," Diesel ordered, and without delay the eye patch man turned his eyes back to his boss. 

"Who is this?"

"My first Ally and partner"

The eye patch man turned his eyes again to Quin, this time with no expression playing on his face. The man began openly analyzing Quin.

Turning back to his Don, he asked, "Same age?"

"Older by a year" The man nodded, but spoke no word to Quin.

"Vault X key"

"Yes Don" 

He pulled out a silver key and slid it in between the space on the show glass alone with a shirt book. Flipping the book open. He took the wired pen and signed on the register. 

He wrote in his name, the date, and the time he picked up the key with a sign in signature.

"I will await your return"

Diesel nodded and left with the key. Quin followed him as he wondered where they were going and what the key was for. 


He asked no questions as he followed Diesel diligently. They soon arrived at a large steel door with a big red X inside. 

Diesel stood in front of a small retinal pad scanner attached to it on the wall. He bent a little, placing his eye on it. 

[ACCESS GRANTED. WELCOME BACK, DON GIORDANO] The machine voice said as a clicking sound followed suit.

Joaquin wondered what the silver key was until a mechanical keyhole suddenly appeared in front of him. He watched as he slid the key into it, finally opening it up.

Before pushing the door open, he turned to look at Quin. "We or both underdressed for a place like this. So will stay for five to ten minutes and leave," He informed. Joaquin arched his brows looking slightly confused. But it didn't linger for too long as once Diesel pushed open the door, he was hit it icy cold air. 

Cold room.

Stepping into the cold room. Quin's eyes widened in surprise at what was inside.


Not just any bodies, but dead bodies. With the cold air lingering around the place, Quin made sure to follow Diesel closely as he continued to let his eyes roam around the place. 

Walking towards the back room. He noticed that unlike the front where; the bodies were stuffed into standing glass fridges. The bodies over here were laid on either, long working table or a palette. But they were altogether placed on a flat surface.

"You see these four men and women?" Diesel asked, standing over the dead bodies.

"They were killed by Scarlett Thorn"
