
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

57- Gabi… Addition?

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 57

Gabriella turned to leave as she hooked her arm with Noah's arm. This caught him off guard for good reasons. And Gabriella also anticipated his reactions as she looked up at him. "We were having a conversation… Weren't we?"

"Uh, uh?"

Even though Noah's response was as if he was unsure of what to say, she took it as an affirmation and pulled him towards a random direction, just to get away from them, "Then we have more to talk about than standing around and listening to shit talk"

Noah nodded as he let her drag him to wherever she wanted him to. 

"Hey Noah!!" Jake called out suddenly. This sudden and unnecessary call out pulled a stop on them leaving. Again, Noah turned his head, but not his full body to give him attention. "Aren't you going to collect the prize money?!" He asked.

His question, for the first time, actually pissed Noah off. Squeezed his fingers into a tight fist. 

Gabriella looked up at him and her eyes widened at Noah's dark face. She had never seen someone with a visible intent to kill. It was clear Noah wanted to kill Jake in a very sinister and brutal way. 

She slowly tried to slip her arms from his hooked ones. She didn't want to be part of anything that was going to happen, now or later. But again, it wasn't like she didn't know why he was peeved. Jake had betrayed him and that Aban guy. 

If what Hugo had said about him being a manager, then she knew Noah had every right to be angry. But this much scary the hell out of her, and she didn't want to be part of anything that was going on. 

Noah clenched her arm back in position. She furrowed her brows at his action as she immediately lifted her head to command her release. 

For a second.

He was angry for just a millisecond. Her eyes widened like saucers as Noah's killing face had disappeared like it wasn't even there. Gabriella began second guessing herself. 'Did she really see him angry, or had she expected him to be angry at Jake's betrayal?' She didn't know, but for the moment, she held onto her suspicion and said nothing. 

He turned around to fully give him attention as he spoke. "I am not your manager," Noah replied. And it seemed as though his response had caught Jake off guard as he had mentally analyzed every response Noah would say, but not this. 

No, he had analyzed every response Aban would say in response to his betrayal. But not Noah. He hadn't even put the man in any of his thoughts, as he concluded Aban would be too enraged for Noah to calm down. 

After all, anyone who knew that he was under Aban's team would clearly see from today's race that he had betrayed his manager and therefore resulting in his contract with them to be dissolved and even having Jake to pay compensation to the two men. 

Jake then finally noticed something. Aban wasn't even there. He began openly looking for him. After all, the race was over, so Jake knew he should be on his way, fuming with rage and ready to lunge at him.

But to his utmost dismay, he didn't even find Aban's profile, not even talking about his full presence.

"Are you looking for something? Or perhaps someone?" Noah asked, as he had noticed his looking about in search of something.

Noah had taken into account of Hugo and Jake's facial expression. And that was all he needed to conclude his suspicion. 

They truly were working together. For Noah, just the act of betrayal during the race wasn't enough for him to conclude on Jake's betrayal. At the very least, it was clear; he was not in and over his head about the accusations.

"Where is Aban?" Jake straight up asked. It was as if he wasn't even trying to cover up his trackers. 

This alone had Gabriella rolling her eyes at him. She was sure Hugo and Jake deserved each other. Both are dumb, stupid, and pathetic. It was unfortunate that Noah had to deal with a nonsense like Jake. But there was nothing she could do about it than to sit back and watch.

Noah shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know. Aban is a grownup and was old enough to take care of himself without a babysitter" Jake didn't believe the fact that Noah didn't know where Aban was. But it was the truth, because he had called him to come back and not do anything stupid, but he didn't, but he sent Gabriella. 

Noah was beyond happy that Aban didn't listen to him and didn't come back as he had asked him to. Now all he prayed for was that he stayed where ever he was and not come around. Because only the presence of Jake was enough to set Aban off. 

"That is a fucking lie, and you know it," Jake declared, stepping towards him. 

"Hey!" Hugo called out as he made a move to pull Jake back. 'This asshole is going to ruin everything but over reacting'. He thought inwardly as he tugged hard on his arm as he aggressively pulled him back.

If he didn't calm down, and he picks a fight with Noah, Noah would more likely win as it didn't look like Noah was hot headed as Aban. Hugo had noticed this during his conversation with them before the race. 

Noah was the type also hated. Like Jake, he didn't like the fact that Noah's expression was always the opposite of the surrounding situation. He didn't know how to handle them, as he always believed they were the types to pull the conversation in the direction they wanted.

Noah lifted his arms in ignorance as he continued talking, "Honestly, that is for your belief alone. It is barely any of my concern." 

Hugo's brows deepened, as he had hoped that Jake's sudden confrontation would lead him to taunt Jake some more. But Noah had only swept his reaction underneath the rug like it was unnecessary and relevant to his take.

Hugo thought it would be best if he just ended the conversation as he knew. If he continued, there was a possibility of him saying something incriminating about him.

He pulled Jake by the arm. "Let's go" he said, but Jake didn't move a muscle. But rather, he was busy having a stare-down with the unbothered Noah.

Noah sighed as he scratched on his brows. "Why did you do it?" he asked simply. The four of them all knew the meaning of what he said. But for the first time, Jake actually used his senses and said nothing.

But then, it wasn't like Noah had much hope of him being honest from the start. He just threw the question at him, expecting a facial expression. And he got it, not from Jake, but from Hugo. 

Hugo's eyes widened at his statement. If he wasn't sure about leaving the conversation before, he was dead sure he wanted to leave that very moment. 

'He is crazy!! Why did he suddenly throw an obvious question out like that?' He thought. 

"Hey, let's go right now!" He commanded, this time with wasn't a causal statement. It was a full on command that had a mix of panic in them.

Noah chuckled at their noxious behavior. They looked pathetic in his eyes, and he would be happy to see the fall-out with his very eyes. 

"Be sure to return the board to the store as you leave," Noah said as he turned around to leave with Gabriella in his arm, "Ah also" he added. "If you find Aban, tell him I am waiting for him by the car." He finished as he waved at them before finally leaving their presence.

"Dammit!!" Jake cursed angrily. 

"Then what do we do?" Hugo asked him as he watched Jake mumble.

"We just have to cover our tracks after all. I can't get fired without a reason or else they would pay for breach of contract"

"So we wait?"



"You really aren't going to do anything about it?" Gabriella asked, looking up at him. Noah thought about it for a while before replying.

"Jake is more loose lip than you think, it would not take long before he spills something incriminating about him and Hugo"

A hum was all Noah got as a response. They walked together, arm-in-arm, as they made their way towards where Aban and Noah had parked their car.

Sudden, something cold was pressed against their neck, catching them by surprise.

"Caught ya!"