
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

56- Gabi Out

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 56

"DAMN!!! I THOUGHT — I THOUGHT THEY WERE IN COHORTS TOGETHER?!!" The commentator stated after he saw Hugo purposely push Jake off his board. 


Noah glanced at Aban to see his reaction to the sudden antics of Hugo. He was sure he would blow up again, but to his surprise, he wasn't there anymore. With confused brows, he wondered where he had gone to. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to call him. 

He watched it as it rang, and on the fourth ring, he picked it up. "Um, where are you?"

[Why don't you guess?]

"I will do no such thing. Where are you?" He injected sharply, like guessing was the worst thing he was going to do.

Aban sighed as he shook his head. Though Noah couldn't see it, he did it anyway, [I went to get our replacement for Jake]

Noah sucked in and paused his thoughts. The sudden silence made Aban think the call had being cut. "What the bloody hell, dude?!"


"Didn't you listen to a word I said? Just minutes ago?"

[Yes, I listened, and that's why I am doing this. After all, you said, Jake betrayed us, right? That is enough reason to cancel the contract with him, right?]

"No, that is not how it works. Did you even read the handout? You need to have actual proof that Jake actual betrayed us, you fucking sicko" Noah groaned, knowing that he would have a lot of problems in his hands if he actually goes on with his plan.

[It alright. You worry too much about unnecessary things.]

"They are not unnecessary things if they are going to reflect on my finances"

[So, what do you want me to do right now?]

"I want you to turn back and come back here"

Aban kept quiet for a while, which only made Noah more anxious. [Fine!] Aban finally answered, and Noah breathed a tremendous sigh of relief.

"I am still at the same spot that we were on"


Noah turned his attention back to the screen as he watched Jake stand to his feet and continued racing. It wasn't like he was speeding down the slope. 

After all, who was going to beat him and take the second position from him?

"AND THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS, THE NIGHTS RACE HAS FINALLY COME TO HEAD AS HUGO CROSSES TO THE FINISH LINE!!!" The commentator shouted at the top of his lungs as he declared Hugo the official and final winner of the night's race.

Per usual, there were multiple cheers and 'I love you's' with the occasional boos and get a life, and even someone shouted he should hang himself. 

But the comment did nothing to trample on the joy pumping through his veins. Noah stared with a blank face as he watched as Hugo riddle himself with the attention he was getting. 

"Pathetic," An alto female voice spoke behind him. He turned his head but not his entire body to see the woman who just spoke.


Noah snorted as he stepped back to get in line with her, "I thought I was the only one thought the same thing" 

She rolled her shoulders as she kept her eyes strained to Hugo. If looks could kill, Hugo would definitely be six feet under.

"I should have won that," she admitted. 

"Yes, you should. And you have way welled skills than he does"

The TCH sound fell from her lips as she folded her arms. "I should have cheated like he did"

"And how would that make you any different?"

She shrugged and replied simply, "This is an illegal race area… I am very sure cheating is morally accepted than good fair play," she rolled her eyes as she ended her statement.

"I guess that is true." He replied, bouncing on his feet. He stared at her up and down. She had gotten first aid for her wounds and scratches. He looked away once he realized he was staring at her for a long time.

"I am sure pictures last longer than the eyes," She said, clearly starting that she had caught him staring before he looked away. 

"I wasn't being creepy" 

"Of course you weren't. And besides, I never said you were" She pointed out. Noah rubbed his temple, knowing he wasn't going to win against her.

"So? Why are you here?"

She arched her brows at him. "I didn't know this part had being privatized?"

"You know that is not what I meet"

Gabi simply snorted a laugh. "I know, just felt like it." She brushed the hair from her face as she looked up at him. "Some dude, I think his name was Alan? Or what about it, Adam? I don't know, I was busy cursing Hugo in my head to pay attention to him and—"

"You mean Aban?"

"Well, if that's his name, I guess? He wore a heavy coat and had a piercing on his right ear?"

"It is Aban," he confirmed. "Well, he said to come over to the tall, big dude with similar heavy coat as his," She informed as she looked at him from head to toe, "And I guess you cut for a complete description"

Noah rubbed on his brows as he soon realized that Aban didn't listen to him like he had hoped, but he had brought her directly to him.

What was he to do now?

"So, what did he want to talk about?" She asked, turning her full attention to him.

Noah looked at her as he deeply wondered how he was going to phrase it for her to give it a thought and not just object it to it immediately.

"Well, you see, Aban and I are—"

"Managers," A voice interrupted Noah and completed his statement. 

They both turn simultaneously toward the voice. 

Hugo and Jake.

Noah naturally resumed his unreadable expression. It was as though it was already in built and ready to use, just for Jake's presence.

"Aren't I right?" Hugo asked, pulling him from his thoughts.

"I guess…" Noah answered with little to no enthusiasm. Which very much offended Hugo.

As his face morphed into an angry one, it immediately flipped back to a smile in a second, like nothing had happened at all.

"Did you like my race" he intentionally asked. 

Though he was looking at Noah, his question was purposely asked for Gabi. 

Her response was a simple roll of her eyes, and a disgusted snort added to its mix.

He was really a nobody who only rode on people's attention and praises. People like him were bottom feeders in Gabriella's eyes 

This infuriated Hugo as he got hold of Gabriella's arm, squeezing it tightly. 

The grip he had on her arm was enough to peel the plaster and force the already healing wound to re-open again. 

She audibly winced at the pain from his grip and also pain from her freshly opened wound. 

Her lids trimmed, not begging for release, but showing the intensity of her anger and hatred towards him. 

"You can act all high and might, but just remember that you weren't the one who won the winning cash. It was me and only me!" He spat aggressively at her face.

Gabriella gave him a disgusted snort as she matched his gaze. "And you also remember‌, I have better skill and techniques than you would ever have. Even in your next life." 

Her deep brown eyes stared deep into his with no fear nor fret in her words. Though there was pain, but it was from the fresh wound. She moved her free arm to her back as she secretly pulled out something.

"So I will say this once, unhand me before I castrate you," She commanded. Hugo flinched as he looked down and saw. She held a pocket knife in her hands.

"You are fucking crazy," Jake said, conscious, walking away from her to Noah's side. 

Noah stopped to look at him as he wondered why he thought the next safe thing to do was to hide beside him. Him, who doesn't care about what happens to him?


Gabriella looked and rolled her eyes at him. His sudden input was very uncalled-for and unwarranted. She turned her attention back to Hugo. "Regardless of whether you beat me, today, tomorrow, next week. It doesn't change the fact that I will always be better than you at skating. If you take away your cheating tactics, you will notice even baby Theo is better than you."

"And promise you," she continued, "There will be someone who will beat you even while you try your best to cheat," She bumped his shoulders as walked past him. 
