
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

3- The Babysitter

Editing completed…

Chapter 3

SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIVING ROOM, Kehlani was already regretting her choices, as she should have taken the kid up for his advice. It was 1:23 am and the parents weren't back. Folding herself into her cardigan, she curled herself in a ball and slept on the couch.

Just as sleep was about to drift her away, she heard footsteps coming from the steps. They were not small and light, so it wasn't the kids, and the only other person here besides the kids and her was the eldest sibling.

She stood upright, just in case it was a burglar or someone armed. She looked towards the kitchen to see the distance and how long it would take her to reach it and grab a weapon.

"Do you now regret not leaving when I told you to?" he taunted dryly. He was leaning by the wall and was only clad in pajama pants.

She was in a daze as to why and how he was here. He wasn't around during dinner because she had asked the twins for his room and didn't find him in there. But now here he was. How?

She was lying in the living room, so she could have easily heard the door open.

"Yes I do" she responded as a matter of fact.

The fact she had not yet eaten was killing her, it was so cold in the living room and the Air conditioner control was too complicated for her to use, and she wasn't about to go spoil an expensive item.

Also, who in their right mind would put on an AC at this time of the year, it was getting close to winter.

Taken aback by her honesty, he was probably expecting a side remark or a jab. Leaving her there, he went back to his room. Sighing as she snuggled back into her cardigan, but soon heard footsteps again, but this time she didn't make a move to sit upright.

She suddenly felt a blanket placed on her. Opening one eye, she saw the kid had placed a blanket on her, sitting up a little to adjust it.

"Thank you" she greeted.

"Don't be, this is all because you failed to listen to me" He muttered "Goodnight" Seeing as he got no response he looked back to see that she had fallen back asleep. "Don't fall asleep while someone is talking to you".


Pressing a button, the automatic gates creaked open and a very expensive car drove in. Stepping out of the car was Xavier Axford. He had come back from his business with Joaquin, Carlos, and Santiago. He was dead tired and just wanted to collapse on his bed and sleep till the next afternoon or, worse, night. But knowing fully well that wasn't possible as it was still a school night, he knew he would have to be up and running in the morning.

Not bothering to enter the house through the front gate like the owner of the house, he proceeds to jump through the window that led to his room. Landing softly on the soft rug by his window, he began pulling from his body, his bags to his clothes to his innerwear, and threw it all over the place in his room.

Entering the bathroom, he began to lazily wash up as sleep was the only thing left in his mind. Finishing with the bathroom, he put on just Pajama pants, but suddenly the sound of the Air conditioner alarmed him.

He knew his little sibling's Air conditioner couldn't be on as it was already late autumn and the temperature was getting colder by the moment.

'Or did the babysitter leave it on?' he thought to himself.

Going out to check his sibling's room, but only saw the ceiling fan on, and it was on the lowest and, the twins were wrapped like a gift package with their blanket and soft plush toy in each of their hands.

Leaving the room, he continued to follow the sound of the AC and saw the babysitter folded and curl into the cardigan she had been wearing in the afternoon. She must have heard him coming down because she soon was standing and was staring right at him.

"You regret not leaving, right?" He teased, expecting a sarcastic insult of some sort.

"Yes! Yes, I do regret not leaving" She answered truthfully and went back into her cardigan.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had left when I asked you to" Xavier mumbled as he left to get a blanket for her. He knew his parent was not going to come back that night, and that's why he had told her to leave that afternoon.

Coming back to the living room he placed the blanket over her, being half awake she quickly straightened the blanket to cover herself and fell asleep immediately, not even hearing what Xavier had said. Turning off the AC, he let her sleep comfortably.


"Big Brother Xavi!!" The twins suddenly yelled, which shocked Kehlani so much that she dropped the pack of milk she held, as she was making morning cereal for the twins. Muttering out a series of sullen curses, she turned towards his direction, wanting to lash her mistake and vexation unto him.

"Don't go cursing in front of my siblings" He said, beating her into talking first. He had a very confident, smug smirk on his face, knowing fully well she was about to give him some colorful words. Biting down on her lips, she went to get a rag to wipe the mess she made and continued mixing the cereal for the twins.

"What is for breakfast?" He asked, slouching down on one of the chairs.

"Who the hell are you talking to? I only hope it is not me" Kehlani gave a snaky response.

"Aren't you making breakfast for yourself?" He asked, already sounding frustrated. Finishing the cereal, she served the kids and went to the living room where she had slept and began folding the blanket she used.

"No, I am not. It is not my house and besides I didn't ask for permission, so no I did not make breakfast for myself." Xavier looked at her, astonished.

"Hey! Wait a minute, did you eat last night or even last afternoon?" He queried, sitting up abruptly.

"Like I said, I didn't ask for permission and besides, I didn't think I would stay of night and—"

"The fuck do you mean by that? So wait, because of that, you didn't think to eat?!" He yelled, shooting up from his seat, shocking the two toddlers who had their attention on their food.

"Can you relax!!" She screeched, throwing the already folded blanket at his face. "I don't mind not eating for a while and not to brag or anything, but I can go 3 days without food. So it's not a big problem—"

"The hell do you mean by not a 'big problem' and argh!! Forget it, I will make something for us and next time do eat something. It is not healthy at all" he responded as he walked over to the kitchen muttering more to himself. Kehlani just smiled to herself.

"We are eating pasta, no questions asked" He yelled like there was a reason for her to decline the offer.


"I will take my siblings to school" Xavier informed, picking up his sibling's bag from the couch. Lani came out looking refreshed after taking a shower. Xavier had given Lani one of his shirts that she wore with the brown pants she had worn the previous day. The T-shirt he had given her was big, dare say extra large even. She folded the sleeves and tied the 'dress' shirt around her waist, with the knot tucked in underneath.

"This shirt is massive," She said after she was done adjusting it to somehow fit her size.

"I know just bought it because of the brand" He replied feeling proud of his expense.

"Very expensive brand?"

Nodding yes, "Very expensive indeed"

"I can't relate, but anyway I like it, it is soft, and it has a very smooth texture" she appreciated.

"I don't like the sound of that… I am taking it back after it is washed" he countered immediately. She just pouted and muttered the word 'stingy'.

"Anyway, Do you need me to drop you off somewhere?" He questioned as she swung her bag onto her shoulders.

"Nah, that's not necessary" she gave in a response, walking towards the door. "I have my ride" stepping onto the skateboard.

"So you did pick a skateboard over a smooth, air-conditioned, vehicle?" He questioned like that was the most absurd thing he had ever heard.

"Of course, and besides if there is traffic. I am sure I would get to my destination earlier than you dropping me off" She gave a combat response. "Anyway, bye!!" she greeted finally as the kids gave their excited response.