
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs


Editing completed…

Chapter 2

'I AM NOT COMING HOME TONIGHT, DON'T WAIT UP FOR ME' is the message Kehlani got from her brother on her way to the babysitter's home.

Coming to a stop, she got off her skateboard for a moment to read the text message. Sighing in annoyance, she spoke to herself, "Same thing as yesterday and the day before yesterday".

She was both worried and tired of her brother not coming back home and even leaving her with the monster at home. Putting her phone back in her small pouch on her waist. She continued her little journey to the home she was going to babysit.

'I just hope the kids aren't as problematic as the last' she sighed again.

She seems to be doing that a lot.

Finally approaching the home. It was a very luxurious house, just from the exterior decoration alone you could see the wealth of the family. Breathing out calmly, she pressed the doorbell and heard it ring through the house. A sonorous voice responded and a beautiful lady in a blue and silver dress emerged. It didn't take much to know that the dress was expensive, only the jewelry alone would probably pay off her debt and even have some change left.

"Oh! You must be the babysitter, yes?" The beautiful woman asked sweetly as she opened the door wider for her to come in.

"Ah…um… Yes," Kehlani nervously babbled on her words, still overwhelmed by everything. It has been a long while since she babysat a wealthy family.

Slowly walking in, her footsteps were soft and silent because she was cautious of her environment, she walked as if there were nails underneath her feet.

"You are babysitting two kids, two boys to be exact" She mentioned swaying her hip as she walked through the inner interior of the house. Before she could give her response, she heard the yells of kids and the sound of things breaking. Kehlani groaned inwardly at the sound of a crashing object.

'Are they going to be one of those problematic kids?' she muttered to herself.

"As you can see they are very energetic" The woman smiled wearily as they finally saw the source of the crash and noise. They were a pair of twin males no less than 4 years old.

"Mom!!!! Ricardo took my dessert" A blonde-haired boy yelled angrily as he rushed towards his mom. But was stopped when she held his shoulders, as he was covered in red icing cake, it was most likely to prevent him from making a mess on her clothes.

"I did not, Eduardo is lying" The accused Ricardo was quick to defend himself. She took in his appearance too was covered in red icing cake. "I ate mine, and he ate his, but he was playing around with his T. Rex and bumped the table and his cake fell to the floor" he continued to defend himself. Even with the excessive use of 'and' in his sentence, the sentence made some sort of sense.

Looking in the direction he pointed to, she did see a fine china plate shattered on the ground and a half-eaten cake littered on it. But the mother looked very perturbed beyond words.

Glaring toward Kehlani's direction, she shouted, "Am I supposed to tell you how to do your job?! Take this kid away from me before he messes up my dress." Kehlani looked stunned beyond words at the way the mother spoke of her child like he was an unpleasant person.

"Is the babysitter here? We need to leave now, we can as well leave a paper instructing her on what to do instead of staying here—" A man with the same luxurious aura as the woman came into the kitchen. The two little boys looked exactly like the man, so there was no denying that the older man was their father. The wealth sure does run in the family.

"Is she the babysitter?" The father asked, barely giving attention to Kehlani's direction.

"And she doesn't look like she is serious with the work," she said, pursing the little Eduardo towards Kehlani's direction. Kehlani picked up the crying little boy as she quietly petted the little child on the back.

"Well, it's too late to call for another one" He gave in response as he handed her yet another expensive purse.

At this point, she wasn't even surprised at the sheer amount of wealth they had. Standing up straight as she began adjusting her dress, "We will be back late so clean up the house and do whatever babysitters usually do" The mother retorted, not even glancing back to say goodbye or anything.

'Do whatever babysitters usually do?' Kehlani muttered questioningly to herself.

Hearing the door slam shut, her eyes widen in disbelief that a parent could act like that and just leave her with no instructions. She was left with a quietly sobbing toddler and another sulking toddler.

"Mommy don't care anymore about us" Ricardo muttered silently with his broken toddler voice, but it was loud enough for her to hear.

"That's not true" She injected immediately, even though it was a blunt lie. Just the five minutes she had spent with the parents, she knew that they were a terrible excuse of a parent, much more of a human being.

"They probably just went to get more cake"

"Really?" The twins asked at the same time, their eyes sparkled with happiness and expectation.

"Yes, Of course" She nodded, giving them a closed smile and gathering them in a big family hug.

"Can you not lie to my siblings?" A voice said. Looking up in the direction of the voice, she was met with a boy her age glaring down at her. "And stop giving them false hope" he stated in annoyance as he released exasperated sighs.

She hadn't heard the door open, so his sudden voice had startled her. Scanning the newly arrived male, she realized that the three boys all looked like their father. Blonde hair and beautiful gray eyes that gave an intimidating look.

"XAVI!!! Welcome" The twins screamed at the same time as they left Kehlani's arms and ran to their brothers' own.

"How was school?" he questioned, smiling at them. And once again Kehlani was ignored, it was as if she didn't have an existence to them. Why was she employed if they had a son her age?

"How about we have both of you showered and—" She began speaking to get their attention but was cut short.

Throwing a bulky envelope at her feet, "Your help isn't needed anymore, you can leave" He rudely countered. Her face flushed red with anger and embarrassment, she removed her sight from the money and glared at the boy. Oh! How she wanted to slap him across the face. But she held it in, he was her boss's son, so she wasn't going to act irrationally.

The pay was worth it.

"I was employed to babysit and that's what I intend to do—" she began defending herself but was cut off again.

"And that's why I gave you your payment, if you didn't understand what it means, it simply means you can leave I will take care of them."

"If you could, I would not be here in the first place but here I am so let me just do my job" she yelled slamming the money on the counter.

"TSK! Don't blame me if you are still here by 11 or worse" He warned with that he walked inside. Breathing out a sigh of relief, she took the twins to the bathroom to shower and clean off the dessert littered on them.


"That should be the last of them, right?" Santiago asked the workers, as they nodded in affirmation before slamming the empty bullion van shut. The men had just supplied the drugs they were asked to supply.

Leaning on the side of the van, he pulled out his phone, and still no response from his younger sister, but since it was read, it gave him some faith. 'She is probably asleep'.

"Santi! I got the payment from the old man" Joaquin came forward and opened a briefcase. There were roughly 80 million pesos in there. Hearing the second truck slam shut by Xavier and Carlos, another member of the Armani mafia clan. The men were ready to take their leave.

"As expected of the Armani clan, they deliver their goods on time, and they are also quality products" Jose Perez stated, giving them applause, He knew better than to mock the Armani's. "I would be sure to order again if this is how your clan services are," he said in continuation. Making two sound claps with his hands, a man came out with two briefcases.

"My gift to Salvador," He said as he gestured for the man to hand it over. Carlos stepped forward to collect the case and opened it before Joaquin. It was Amphetamines, possibly from the ones that were just ordered. The second case was half filled with money stacked with over 10 million pesos and the other half were different guns and bullets.

"I am sure the Godfather will be grateful for your gift" Joaquin complemented, "Ah! And it's Godfather to you Mr. Perez" he finally got into the driver's seat with Santi by the passenger seat. Eventually, when the two Armani trucks were out of sight, Jose breathed a sigh of relief.

"For a couple of teenagers, they sure have an explosive aura".