
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

21- Meeting Big Bill

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 21


"Hey, are you going to your house with your mom or Marco?"  

"I was thinking of staying with Marco till after the race. And I am also thinking of leaving part of the money in Marco's house, I can't imagine the thought of leaving a large sum of money in that trailer"

"Oh? Why don't you just move in with Marco?"

"We are not that close and besides he hasn't asked me to move in with him" She stated Lani was about to contribute or counter what she had, but Savannah didn't give her a chance before she continued.

"But I am planning on asking him if I could move in with him after high school, I am also planning on cutting ties with my mother" The way and tone Savannah spoke was as if she was casually asking for what the time was.

Kehlani sighed and nodded. "I wish I could leave" Her voice was very little as she spoke. Savannah's mood saddened and their walk-talk went mute.

Sensing the atmosphere she had created, she took to readjust it "Well I have already thought to move out with my brother after school also so" She turned around to smile at Savannah who had lagged behind her.

"So don't worry or be sad about me for me" Her smile made Savannah smile also.

Savannah didn't understand how and why she could still smile after everything her father had done. To be very honest, she didn't want a case whereby she would lose her smile, she was happy that she was happy.

There were times when she wouldn't know she had bruises from her father unless she saw it, or they were undressing together. She had tried to call CPS, but Lani had stopped her because, in her words, he was the only parent she had, and it was better to be beaten than to be an orphan.

Also, who was going to take them? She was underage, while Santi didn't have any income, so they would most likely be taken to an orphanage home and separately adopted, which would only drift them apart the more

"Alright then"

Finally, they arrived at Jamie's work shop. Kehlani let out a shriek of delight once she saw her Audi R8.

"Savvy! The car is beautiful!!!" she looked over the moon as she went around the car to the driver's seat.

The slide door made noise, making Savannah turn her head to it. A study muscular person emerged from the door.

Jamie had a study and muscular build. His body was adorned with tattoos, some had meaning and most of them were just designs he had seen off the internet.

He wore a practical attire suitable for working in a garage. His coveralls had greasy stains on them, his jeans were heavily bleached and worn out, and the bottom leg of the jeans was tucked into his scuffed work boots. His general clothing was often dark or earth-toned to blend into the area.

He usually repeated the same clothes, but if asked, he gave dumb lies that he liked the Jeans so much that was why he bought multiple of them. But they always knew that it was a blatant lie to be excused.

Coming closer to Savannah, Jamie had a bright smile contrary to his study and hard appearance.

"Well hello to my favorite lady, how has your day been? What about school?!" He asked, brushing his fingers against her cheeks as he smiled flirtatiously.

She slapped his hands away from her face "You will go to prison for coaxing a minor, you asshole"

"Come on, didn't you clock eighteen, just the other day?"  he teased, leaning onto the hood of the vehicle. "You are not a little kid anymore" Placing his hands on her head and gave her a head pat.

Slapping it away again "You know Marco is going to kill you when he finds out"

At this point, he removed his hands from her head and put them up in a surrender. He was more afraid of Marco than actually going to jail. He would always pick Jail over Marco any time and any day.

"How was school, did you go to school today?" He asked. "Also, where is your second half?  Thought you lots were inseparable" he asked after Lani.

As if on cue, Kehlani pressed the horn of the car. This startled Jamie, making him jump off the hood of the car.

"BLOODY HELL!!!" He shrieked loudly. Kehlani came out of the car laughing her ass off.

"Oh, Dear! Did you see his face?" She wiped off the imaginary tears away from her eyes as she threw her arm around Savannah, who was equally laughing her ass off.

"You bloody witch, you almost gave me a heart attack!!" He shouted at her.

"I am sorry your reaction was so priceless, I couldn't help but laugh" She came closer to him, placing her hand on his chest as if to steady his racing heart.

Soon he was steady, and he didn't have a racing heart "I was just asking of you, You know? You both are hardly ever not together, so it was a surprise for me when I saw Savannah and I didn't see you I got worried" He said but this time smiling at her.

"You will go to prison, for flirting with an underage" She stated, hugging him around his waist as he also returned the hug.

"Don't hug me and threaten me at the same time". Pulling away from her, he placed his hands on the girl's head, "How are you doing? How was school today"

"Speaking of school, your voice record helped us take a ditch day"

"Oh? That was him? I had no idea!!, Why did he sound like that, tho?"

"That is how he sounds like when he wakes up from sleep after taking weed" Savannah replied pressing a button on her phone, which played the same voice record that Lani used to get out of school.

"For real?!" She turned her head to him with wide eyes. "That was you?! The lady at the desk was scared shitless"

"I am glad it worked, Savvy woke me up just to do that for her, I was so disoriented. But I am glad it helped you get out of school" Jamie walked past them and went to grab a beer and Smirnoff Ice for the girls.

"So did Marco shit on you for ditching school?" He had cracked open their bottle with his teeth and handed it to them, "Oh don't tell Marco I gave you Alcohol"

"It's just 5% alcohol"

"It is 5.5% Alcohol" Savannah corrected.

"Whichever percent it is don't let him know I gave you alcohol, it is that simple" The girls just hummed a reply, making him shake his head.

Well, he would just deny it when asked.

"How do you like the Audi?"

Kehlani was very happy to voice her excitement about the car, "I do like it— no wait I love it, It's amazing" she bubbled with glee. She ran around it to the driver's seat.

"I am glad you love it" He smiled at her, He looked around trying to avoid their gaze and overall suddenly became suspicious.

"Dude you are so suspicious, it's not even funny" Savannah stated looking at him with weird eyes.

"I know right!!" Lani who had already come out from the car was now leaning over and had a devious smirk on her face.

"I wonder what he wants"  

"Don't say it like that!!" Jamie yelled but suddenly doubled down. "What I mean is hear me out first"

The girls turned their heads, he now fully had their attention.

"You know I didn't charge you for the servicing and mechanics for the Audi," he said to Savannah.

"Yes. But I will still pay" she confirmed.

"Yes I know, you don't do credits. I know but I want something else"

"Hmm? Don't beat around and say what exactly you want" Lani stated

"Give me 20% of your win in the race" The shop was silent at first then the two girls began laughing.

"You are joking, right?!"

"He probably is"

[I am not] He thought quietly to himself.

Seeing as he wasn't laughing, they both slowed their laugh but kept their smile

"I am dead serious. Girls I don't have money to pay for the shop. I am lucky I don't have a family or else we would be living on the streets."

"How does that concern us exactly?" They both asked at the same time.

"C'mon girls don't be like this" he pleaded.

"Maybe if you don't spend it on weed, drugs, and beer, You would still have money left" Savannah stated truthfully.

"Do you drink water?"

"Do you know what water is even?" Jamie sighed at the girls and leaned back in the car. "And even though you had a family, CPS would take them from you" Lani continued.

"That's beside the point!!. But I do need this money, C'mon girls please, Think of all the times I have helped you and all"

They thought about it for a while and nodded.






and "10%"

Jamie paused his bargain with Savannah, he sighed and nodded in agreement.