
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

20- Meeting Marco

Editing in Progress

Chapter 20.

"YO BIG BILL!!" Carlos yelled his greetings as the four boys rolled into the garage.

"Big Bill, you here?" Santiago called out once more. There were a lot of paint cans everywhere, bottles of beer, and also tools for vehicles. There was a loud Mexican song playing in the background from a Bluetooth.

"He isn't around?" Xavier asked no one in particular. He picked up an empty beer bottle and threw it across the room, and it entered the bin, making a shot.

Xavier smirked as it entered the waste bin, but it was short-lived as another beer can was thrown toward the waste bin, this time it bounced off the wall and circled the top of the bin before entering it. Also making a shot.

Xavier turned to glare at the person, "You couldn't let me live my short-term glory?"

"Relax man, It is just a can shot, it is not a serious situation" Carlos teased. Xavier only rolled his eyes at him.

Meanwhile, Santi and Joaquin roamed around the garage. Santi hummed to the playing sound in the background.

"Yeah, thanks!!! I will call you later!!!" A deep manly voice shouted from outside.

Bill opened the door with his back because he had many things in his arm. Bill's eyes widen in shock at the sight of his boss.

"Ah! Boss" Bill stuttered, anxiously dropping the things he was holding. He scrambled towards the Bluetooth system to turn it off. Finally, the garage was quiet and the only sound that could be heard was the cold air that came out from the air conditioner.

Bill nervously turned to face his boss. He bowed his head and placed his fist across his chest as a salute of respect.

"I greet the Boss" He greeted Joaquin respectfully, who just sat at the hood of a car and stared at him.

"Boss, I had no idea you were visiting. If I did, I would have cleaned up better" He explained.

That was something everybody in the Armani clan knew about.

Joaquin hated dirt. 

He didn't like the idea of being in a dirty and unkempt environment.

"Then use five minutes to do just that" Quinn ordered. And like a well-oiled machine, Bill did as he was told. However, he was inwardly panicking.

The garage was littered with so many beer cans and takeaway plates. Which was a given as one of his buddies had thrown a party two days ago and since then he was too tired to clean it up. He deeply hoped that he would be able to get the place by the five-minute mark-up.

His prayers were heard when Carlos, Xavier, and Santiago all stood up to help him clean up. Because they had no idea what Joaquin would do to him if he didn't.

Quin moved away from the vehicle hood to the window, just to give them space to clean up.

Bill placed a table for them to discuss and arrange 5 cans of beer for each of them. Noticing that they were done, Quin came back to sit with them.

"Did Godfather tell you, you are participating in the race happening next three weeks ?"

"Yes he did, I was checking my vehicle just in case anything was loose or wrong with it, and I also plan on practicing before the game starts" He answered consciously.

He made sure to think before he answered. This was the amount of fear Joaquin instilled in those who had no idea who he was personally.

The remaining three boys just sat there drinking their beer as they either listened to their conversation or ignored it and focused on their phones.

"Are you prepared for the race? Are you familiar with the Areas? Do you want to race it?" Quin rapidly shot his questions. Big Bill paused his thoughts before he spoke.

Ready to answer his questions, Quin spoke yet again, "What Areas was it again?"

Carlos looked up to give him attention as he answered his question, "It is AREAs X54"

"Are you ready or are you not?" he asked. Multiple questions were thrown at him. Big Bill looked confused at the questions, as it took a while for him to respond to them.

"Yes I am prepared for the race, I am also very familiar with AREAs X54, and if you command it, I will race for the Armani family"

"Why did Godfather ask you specifically to race it?"

"Because when I don't have duties to do in the clan, I do a few illegal races in the AREAs"

"And you are confident in your speed and car?"

"Yes, I am". Joaquin sighed at his response. He rubbed on his forehead. Quin didn't just like the idea that his father was rushing so deep into it without taking much thought and consideration.

It could be a trap or something that could forcefully bind and enslave them to these so-called event organizers.

And they aren't even Mexican.

Truthfully, Joaquin had hoped that Big Bill was interested and that would give him the limelight or glimmer of hope to push against going for the race, but Big Bill just said "If you command it I will do it"

Quin clicked his tongue in annoyance, and this made the men wonder what suddenly soured his mood.

"Well, since you are done and ready, make sure you practice and train before the due date. You wouldn't want to lose now, would you?" Quin stated.

What he meant was [Please lose, I will side and protect you against Godfather's wrath]

But what Big Bill translated it to was [I will end you on the spot if you lose].

"[Sigh] I guess that would be all" Joaquin said standing up, showing signs he wants to leave. He was disappointed that he didn't get to do what he wanted to do.

He didn't even touch the beer that was brought to him. This to him was a fruitless meeting. He let out another disappointed sigh. The four men looked at him, trying to understand what was up with their boss.

"Let's go, shall we?" He left without waiting for anyone.

"Don't know what is up with him, but train hard and just don't lose because if you do then, I hope you be fine," Santi spoke up.

Tucking his phone into his back pocket, he grabbed his half-full beer and Joaquin's unopened can. He walked out with Xavier and Carlos following closely behind.

Big Bill tugged Carlos's arm, pulling him out and away from the two guys, just to talk to him.

"Why didn't you tell me the boss was coming over?!!" He whispered-yelled, since Joaquin was still present.

"Dude I did!! Check your phone" Carlos answered truthfully. Squinting his eyes, turning them into splits.

Bill pulled out his phone to check, and he did send a message.

Bill sighed as he looked at Carlos, "So much for wanting to be on his good grades" Leaning on the wall, he looked defeated.

Even though he was eight years older than Joaquin, but only the air Quin pulled, the way he demanded and made orders. He was sure to always keep his men in line.

Bill could remember the first time he met Quin and also the first time he saw him laughing.

The first time they met was when Bill had officially joined the clan. That day, Joaquin had flat-out told him if he betrayed the family, his entire family plus him would die, and he would watch his family die before he did.

And he did all this while smiling and being friendly. Honestly, Bill would have not believed him, if he hadn't witnessed it firsthand.

When he had him laughing was when he was with Santiago, Xavier, and Carlos. He wasn't there from the start when the conversation began, but when he heard his boss laughing, it wasn't a normal laugh, but instead a full-blown belly laugh that filled the air.

Bill found himself happy throughout the week, just after seeing him. He worked hard just trying to get his attention, and now he did, it was a terrible experience and now Quin most definitely thought he was a dirty slob.

Bill felt defeated. 

It was also Quin who gave him the nickname 'Big Bill' and Bill was happy and stuck with it, and even went as far as enforcing and circulating it, Just to make sure people called him by the name Quin had given to him.

'Big Bill'