
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Shattered Dreams. - Part 2

By the time I woke up, the sun had already set and the moon was up high in the dark night. Jeremy was out and I did not know when he would return. I got up and searched for water. After sleeping for I don't know how long, my throat felt extremely dry and I was unable to get a sound out of my dry throat. 

I had just stepped on the wooden floor which made a light creak when I heard the door of the house open. Since it was a small house with not much space, one could clearly hear other sounds more clearly. I watched as Jeremy walked inside with a plastic bag in hand.

"You're up? How are you feeling?", He offered me a sweet smile and I again wondered why he was being this nice to a stranger, not to mention, someone whom he could not even ask anything for, in return. I felt my guilty conscience rising up inside of me again.

"I feel much more better after sleeping for a while", I replied.

Jeremy brought the bag and placed it on the table which was placed next to the wall before pulled a chair and sat next to it, somehow facing me. "What about your arm?", As if to emphasis more, he nudged his chin towards my arm. My arm- Although, it was much better but it would still hurt a little, like when I would apply too much force on my arm or if I would try to use it to do something.

"It... it still hurts a little", Jeremy nodded and he then got up and walked behind the cupboard which was placed in between the bed and where we sat right now. I was about to ask what he was doing when he returned, and he held a water bottle in his hand. He handed over the bottle to me which I silently took without saying anything. Maybe he had sensed my difficulty in talking.

I did not use the bottle directly, using the glass to pour the water in it before I drank it so that the water could be drank again. Jeremy could also need some. At least, being this much thoughtful was needed as Jeremy had helped me a lot.

"Eat some food. I went out and found some fruits. Don't worry, they're edible. I had some meat with me. I've left half for you", Jeremy glided the bag from the other side to me and I stared at it.

"Now that I think about it, you still haven't told me your name", Jeremy's expressions soured, or so was I thought. He was right, I was yet to introduce myself to him even though he had done it the moment he helped me.

"It's Yuriel", I stared at the glass in my hands. With my heart which was beating, and to my hands, the water inside the glass slightly moved and ripples were created on the surface of the water from which I was able to look at myself. I could see my bright green eyes which stared at back at me. I didn't know why, but they looked empty and hollow. There was a brief silence until I finally felt Jeremy move on his chair.

He started," So, Yuriel. You know that the place we are currently staying in is dangerous, right?", I knew and I nodded. A wide forest and this village was located in the centre of the forest which was far more dangerous. There was the danger of wild animals coming in search for food which were probably humans, more so, wild beasts.

"So you also know that we can not stay here for long. We will need to leave this place", I raised my head, and found Jeremy staring at me.

"I don't want either of us to be in danger. Therefore, it will be better for us if we leave as soon as possible", He said in a monotone voice. My brows furrowed... I, no, We were lucky since we found this house to take shelter for one or so days but what will happen once we leave this place? Not to forget the danger that came with leaving this place.

"I don't know for when this place will be safe but someday, it will be discovered. That's okay if you don't want to leave along with me. But, for me, I can't stay here since I'm a hunter and I need to keep moving on", A H-Hunter? But he didn't have any weapons with him. I stared at him wide-eyed while his facial expressions remained the same, as if he had long expected this response from me.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. Hunters were people who hunt monsters and beasts. Most of the Monsters were found in deserted areas, where there were less people but Forests were also shelter for many mammalian animals who lived by feeding on humans and other animals.

"I...", How was I supposed to react at a moment like this? Being with a Hunter wasn't safe at all, I knew that. But I couldn't straight away back off right now and I had be careful about his feelings. No matter what he was, becuae first of all, he was a human. My grip on the glass tightened.

It was after a long silence, I finally managed to speak,

"...I, I will go. I will go with you", I looked up at Jeremy with a determined look while he had uncertainty in his black eyes.

"Are you sure?"




Jeremy moved his hand and extended it towards me. For once, I thought he was going to hold my hand and I was ready to pull back but I thought wrong. He took the glass from my hands and placed it on the table. "Look. I'm not forcing you to come with me. For how much I know, even if I cannot guarantee complete safety, it will be better to stay next to Someone who can protect you. Hm?", I pursed my lips. He was right. If I stayed back, I don't't know how I will survive. I didn't have any food or clothes with me right now and I don't think I will be able to find a work to do in this village where all people looked hostile towards the other.

"I know, that's why I will go with you", Jeremy seemed to have smile before he got up from where he sat. "Good. I'll be going out for a while now. I need to look for anything suitable thing to use as a weapon", He walked towards the door and pulled it open, not before looking at me one last time.

"Rest for the night. I don't want you fainting during the way."

I knew he was mocking me.