
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Shattered Dreams - Part 3

That night, I wasn't able to sleep properly. Many thoughts hovered in my mind which caused me a restless sleep. I was afraid to accept that... I was scared. Scared of what will happen once we leave this place. It had not occurred to me before Jeremy had told me that he was a Hunter. Considering the fact that it had been only a day since I was brought to this place by that man named Cabel, I didn't know if he was still here or he had left. Not to mention, I did not want to run into him again or who knew where he would take me with him next time.

The next morning, I woke up with dark circles around my eyes and it had frightened Jeremy or to be more precise, he was kind of... worried. Yes, I would say that since he gave me time to consider my decision. Maybe he was expecting a different response this time, that I would decline on going with him. But, No. I had made up my mind since the moment he asked me. It didn't matter if he was a Hunter or someone who wasn't safe, it was my own will.

I wanted to go with him on my own will. It was impossible to stay at this small village and I couldn't just sit here and wait for my death to arrive at my door. So that was why, I wanted to leave. Maybe, just maybe... I could die but still, it was useless to lose hope right now. I didn't know if I would be able to unite wkth my brother and Mr fîance, but even if I died, I would still be dying with the thought that I tried, tried to reach them.

Before I escaped from the establishment, the thing about the Monsters was completely out of my head. I hadn't thought once before I immediately left after finding an opportunity. And if at that time, if that man, Cabel had not arrived, maybe I wouldn't be where I am right now. So much happened in just a span of a day and I only hoped that our way would be easier for us.

I sighed as I splashed the cold water on my face, water droplets trailing the sides of my face before they fell down to meet the water again. I stared at my reflection in the water. My complexion looked paler than before, with dark circles under my eyes, it only worsened my looks and I wondered how Jeremy was able to look at my face without being disgusted. I was disgusted with myself as well so it was normal if someone else found me pitiful or weird.

I could feel it myself, the void in my heart which only increased as time passes by, sometimes my heart would beat vehemently, making me feel overwhelmed by my own emotions and that would automatically lead into tears settling down in my eyes but I never cried. Crying made people weak and I... I was weak but if I cried right now, then I would be a coward who was scared to face the future. The Reality. This was the world where we lived. It depended on us how we paved our way through because waiting for someone to push you ahead, it was a stupid step.

I didn't know for how long I was dozing off, when my shoulder was shaken off by Jeremy who had a perplexed look on his face as if wondering why was I staring at the water. Lately, Jeremy had been too nice towards me, and he worried a lot. I didn't even know he he had a family, since I never asked. It made me ponder if he was usually like this or people had to specifically worry for me because I was weak?

I shook my head while I got up from the ground, dusted my clothes before I followed Jeremy who was walking towards the house in which we spent a night. "You don't look so well? Are you sure it will be alright for us to leave today? Not to forget your arm which hasn't perfectly healed", He passed a side way glance towards me with a raised brow and I was contemplated to shake my head again.

"No, it's fine. I don't make use of my right arm so it should be alright. We shouldn't delay our plans because of my injury", I saw Jeremy pick up a wooden dagger-like object which he placed inside his leather bag. "How is it not? If something happens to you between our way, it will be a bigger problem", I chuckled, as I took some steps near him.

"You are here to protect me", Jeremy pursed his lips. For a second, I thought he looked displeased by my reply. "Yuriel, you should not trust anyone blindly. You should never be blinded by anyone's kindness. Everyone is selfish, including me and even you, when it comes to people's means, even one's own blood can betray them. So be careful."

I... So was be implying that I should not trust him? But so far, he had been so kind towards me that it was hard not to put my trust in him. He didn't look dangerous and I don't think... He had any intentions to harm me?

"But you are a nice person", I blurted out without even thinking which earned me sneer from the other person. Jeremy turned around, walking towards the back of the house before he came back with another bag in his hand, by its look, it looked more heavy than the previous one.

"You... You don't even know me", He added and as our eyes met, I pressed my lips together, not knowing what to say anymore since he was right. Instead of knowing each others names, we didn't know anything about each other. It was weird how I felt comfortable around him without even knowing him well but as he had said before, I didn't dare to say this to him.

"Thanks for the advice. I will remember it", Maybe it was my hallucination, but I happened to see a faint trace of his smile which pulled both the ends of his lips upward. I never noticed that he was good looking. With brunette hair and pale white skin, he seemed to stand out in this place. And his pitch black eyes felt like an endless abyss with a numbers of secrets hidden beneath.

"Have you eaten? We should leave now", Jeremy waited for my response and I nodded beforr making my way towards him.

"Let's go then."


"Young Lady! I Don't think it is eight for you to leave this place. Please stop!"

We were at the boundary of village. The farther we walked, the scarced the houses and people became until we didn't see any people at all while there were still houses and tents which were broken and old. It was when we heard the man's voice and turned around to see who was calling out to us.

My eyebrows drew in together when I found the old man from before, walking towards us before he stopped at a distance and took long and deep breathes. He was out of breaths while Jeremy gave me a questioning look. Suddenly, I found myself in a troubling mess again. Why was this man trying to stop me?

"Y-Yes, Mister?", When the man finally looked up, his eyes were directed at Jeremy. "A Hunter...", He took some steps back until he was ten steps from us. "We don't accept Hunters here. So Please leave without the girl. She cannot leave with you", I felt Jeremy move forward and he pushed me to stand behind him.

"I think you have mistaken her for someone else. But she isn't from this village", They glared at each other, both on the edge, and I stared between them.

"We know that the girl isn't from here but we are not allowed to let her go. Not for now", It looked like the old man was adamant on his decision of not wanting to let me go and I wondered why. Was it the man who asked them to keep me here? I didn't understand what they wanted from me.

"Do you expect her to live in a place where she can't even get proper food or shelter above her head? The People of your village are not friendly towards outsiders as well", Jeremy tried to explain the reason and for a moment, the old man looked like he didn't know what to say anymore.

"Don't try to be logical with me., Young man. I are just doing what I am told to do and that is, I can not let this girl go with you".

I think it would take us a lot of time to convince this man who didn't have any plans of letting us go easily. I stepped forward.

"... I don't know why you are doing what you are but I cannot stay here. I'm sorry", And right after I apologized, it was as if a gush of wind passed by me, Jeremy vanished from beside me to stand behind the old man. I stared at me while the old man looked confused, feasibly, wondering where Jeremy disappeared, but I knew. I stared as Jeremy raised his hand to hit the back of his head for the man to fall limply on the ground.

I had not meant for Jeremy to step forward and straight away hit the old man when I said my sorry, Rather, I was hoping for him to understand the situation I was put in, so that he might let us leave without causing much trouble.

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders before he came to stand next to me. "I didn't have any other option since he was taking a lot of time", I understood. Now that I was aware of the fact that the man next to me was undeniably a Hunter, he must be in a rush to reach his destination and that I might be causing him to slow down his steps for me reach up to him.

"Let's leave before someone else comes up to find you. I wonder who you are that they're trying to keep you here", I raised my head to find Jeremy looking at me.

"I am not hiding anything from you. So..", I was cut off when Jeremy placed a hand over my head, startling me as he had never done anything like this before. No one had.

"I know. Let's go", He turned around and started walking forward, thinking that I was following him. It was good that be believed me, which me ponder just how much.

After staying at the same spot for a second, I finally walked after him.