
Eclipsed realms

"In 'Eclipsed Realms,' Michal Java, a young man subjected to military experiments, finds himself transported to a new world infused with magic. Empowered by nanites known as 'Rogue Processes,' Michal navigates this unfamiliar realm. As Michal grapples with controlling his newfound abilities, he unwittingly becomes entangled in a conflict involving powerful families seeking ancient artifacts of immense power. Amidst accusations of demonic influence and internal struggles with malevolent forces bound to a ring he possesses, Michal's journey unfolds as he explores themes of power, morality, and the complexities of controlling forces beyond human comprehension in a world teetering on the brink of divine intervention."

Broker_Of_Death · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Split

I woke up the next morning confused because i was now standing on the top of a building with Luna and the other bellow me "why am I up here" Luna seemed scared "Just come down and talk" I looked down at my hands and they were covered in blood "what did I do" I climbed down from the building and was immediately tackled by luna she then said "Why did you attack that group of people" I tried to look up but they restricted my head "what are you talking about I just got up" she continued to hold my hand behind my back, I began to move my hands away and then I got up from my feet being flat on the ground, she couldn't keep against my strength "someone tell me whats happening" when I took a step towards them they backed up, "someone please just tell me whats happening" Luna got up since I had shoved her off of me she then said "why did you do it Joel" I looked around "what did I do?" she the looked angry "you know what you did so don't try to act dumb" I looked back down at my hands and saw that there was blood on them, then a flood of memories appeared from Rogue Proccesses, I had held me captive in the mind while explaining everything it had done since appearing in Michals body and one of the things it did was Erase memories from earth, but something had went wrong and erased all of his memories, I also knew that it had used my form and name to kill the people who worked for the Dark Nexus, the people I had killed they thought were innocent "Go back to the body and check them to see if their part of Dark Nexus" I then ran off into the forest, they tried to follow me but they couldn't since I was too fast for them, I did go to an extremely tall tree nearby and watched them, at first they talked then an argument broke out between Luna and Vexx eventually they left, I followed Vexx since he had left alone, I didn't know where he was going but I followed him quietly from behind, after a some time he came upon the body he then searched them and just under the shirt of the first he found a tiny gold and silver medalion that depicted a dargon and a demon, Vexx then said to no one "So he was telling the truth" I then walked out of bush that was infront of him, he then said "I see you followed me" I nodded "and I see you believed me" he nodded "well I'm going to the capital anyway even if they think I did that" he looked up from the bodies "you didn't kill them" I shook my head "that Is a complicated subject" he then said "Well we have a lot of time so you can tell me" i sighed "ill tell you throughout the trip" he nodded and we began walking to the burnt city.

Else where, A pink haired man was sitting in front of the group of dead body "who did this" he said in an eerily calm voice, a woman who was standing next to him said "we found a pure white hair next to the body" he nodded "find out who this hair belongs to and eliminate them