
Echoes of Time, Surviving in the MCU

Hello! I am a very inexperienced author, but I would like you to give it a try. I'm not going to delete reviews to fake appearances and will try my best to be consistent. With that out of the way, let me talk about the story. No harem or whack shit. There will be romance later in the story, so hang tight. the protagonist finds themselves mysteriously transmigrated into the body of an individual within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As they grapple with their new reality, they discover extraordinary powers intertwined with the fabric of time itself. Guided by curiosity and a desperate will to survive the MC embarks on a journey, learning to harness their newfound abilities while adapting to the unforgiving world of the MCU.

Deobot · Movies
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16 Chs

New home

As I am being escorted through the metal hallways, I engage in some small talk with Agent Hill. "So, that's it? I don't get any profit from giving S.H.I.E.L.D. this info?" I inquire.

"You are one step away from being considered a security threat. Be happy that you're not in a cell," Agent Hill responds sternly. "In return for your cooperation, you will be assigned a identity within S.H.I.E.L.D. that only a limited number of people can access."

With her guidance, we arrive at a door secured with a keycard. Agent Hill swiftly swipes her card, and as soon as I step inside, the lights illuminate a medium-sized apartment. "You will find your clothes and other necessities inside, and your training will commence tomorrow," she informs me, handing over a phone before leaving.

As I settle into the space, I hear footsteps approaching from the hallway. "Hey, new guy!" a cheerful voice echoes through the doorway as a young woman enters my newly acquired apartment. She is dressed in a S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform and possesses a natural beauty that turns heads. She has wavy chestnut brown hair that cascades gracefully around her shoulders, complementing her bright hazel eyes.

A warm smile lights up her face, and her petite stature adds to her presence.

"I'm Magnus. Nice to meet you," I introduce myself.

"I'm Ava. Ava Matthews. Welcome to the helicarrier, Magnus," she responds, her smile widening. The two of them engage in a conversation about the apartment. "She seems nice. I wonder what the other agents in training are like," I contemplate silently.

After conversing for a while, we both receive a notification for dinner. Without hesitation, Ava grabs my arm. "Let's go eat! I'm starving." I follow her as she excitedly leads the way through corridors to an open area where numerous S.H.I.E.L.D. members in training have gathered. We stand in line, gather our food, and then search for a place to sit.

It doesn't take long for Ava to drag me over to her table. As I take a seat beside her, she starts pointing at her friends near her. "this here is jaden, he is big Ole sweetheart." as she says this pats this massive 6 foot 8 monster of a man who blushed from Ava's words. shaking his hand I feel the strength in his grip. Ava then points across the table at stunning blonde with emerald green eyes and curves in the right places. "this here is Jane. she's nice, cute and single" as she said that last bit, she winked at me causing Jane to blush like a tomato. she looks at me and waves "nice to meet you" while still lightly blushing. "and lastly, this is Grace." she stands up and greets me. she has black hair, blue eyes and looks to have Korean heritage with her black hair with some white streaks flowing down her back. "welcome to the group" she says with a light smile. "my name is Magnus, it is nice to meet you all." we started talking amongst ourselves and even Jane stopped shying away and talked with us. as dinner ended, we were all friends.

I bid Ava goodnight as I enter my apartment. As soon as I lie down on the bed, I breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm not dead. Phew. It's a start," I mutter to myself. Just as I am drifting off to sleep, the sound of the door opening interrupts my thoughts.