
Echoes Of The Stars

In a realm where magic and honor intertwine, young Welkin Silverhelm, heir to the esteemed Silverhelm family. was accused of the murder of his own Father. Being hunted down for 3 years his life finally takes turn when he gets caught up ...... what happened? what did he encounter? How will his fate change? it will be a heros journey. From proving his innocence to finding the mysteries of this world. Lets see together.

Corporeal_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: - Meeting (2)

Welkin walked down the hallway with Harrison leading the way, followed by Kellian and Carl. They were headed to the council hall where the elders awaited their arrival. As they walked, Welkin noticed the carvings on the walls of the hallway. They seemed to depict the history of this place, but Welkin couldn't understand them. What caught his attention more was the glow emanating from the carvings. They were infused with mana, though for what purpose, he did not know.

No one else in the group seemed to notice it. Curious, Welkin whispered to Harrison, "Hey, Harrison, do you notice the glow coming from those carvings?"

Harrison, seemingly confused, asked, "What are you talking about, young master?"

Welkin, as though expecting this outcome, replied, "Never mind," and kept walking. There were many thing going in his mind that he wanted to ask. He looked at Kellian Walking in front of him curiosity growing even more. Then, unable to hold back his questions any longer, he asked, "Why exactly do the elders want to see me? What is this place? Are we still on Grofal?"

Kellian sighed, looking thoughtful for a moment before answering. "This place is a sanctuary, hidden from the rest of Grofal. As you might have already sensed the quantity and quality of Mana here is far superiors to any other place on the Grofal. The elders find something unique in you, Welkin. What is it I don't know but it might be related to the power u hold within yourself. As for why they really want to see you, that is something only they can fully explain. But I can assure you, it is of utmost importance."

Welkin furrowed his brow, trying to process the information. "So, you're saying that place is on Grofal but it seems to hidden from the rest of the worlds and the entity inside me these elders of yours might know more about it?"

Kellian nodded. "Yes, precisely. I know you have many questions about this place and about yourself that the elders might be able to answer, but I ask you to please mind what you say and do in front of them be respectful and careful with your words."

Welkin couldn't tell if this was a warning or genuine concern, but he nodded and said, "I understand."

Kellian then placed his left hand on the gate. Welkin could see the mana from inside Kellian seeping into the door, and it started opening.

"So, it opens with Mana huh!" Welkin said as he looked at the door.

Carl came beside him and explained "Yes, most of the things here operate on mana, its imbued into almost everything u see, to make them more efficient and sturdier. It also works as a security measure only those Authorized can interact with them."

Welkin nodded at him. This explains all what he saw in the walls and all those carving. they were reinforced with mana and for the door it works as identification system He thought fascinated by their ingenuity. As the door opened.

Kellian looking back one last time said. "Let's go." And stepped forward.

Following behind him all of us took a step and entered.


As the grand door slowly creaked open, Welkin's eyes widened in awe at the sight before him. The council hall was an immense, majestic chamber, filled with an ethereal glow that seemed to emanate from every corner. The hall was circular, with an intricate mosaic on the floor that depicted the seven ancient stars, their light captured in dazzling colors of gold, silver, and azure. The mosaic seemed almost alive, with the stars subtly pulsating, infusing the entire hall with a serene energy.

Massive statues stood proudly along the perimeter of the chamber, each one representing a different guardian of the ancient stars. These figures, carved from gleaming marble, held various magical artifacts, their eyes appearing almost lifelike due to the soft mana glow within them. The statues seemed to watch over the hall, their presence both imposing and protective.

High above, the vaulted ceiling was adorned with elaborate frescoes that told the story of Grofal's past—depictions of some sort of cataclysmic event that he doesn't understand. The frescoes were enchanted, the images moving ever so slightly, making the scenes feel vivid and real. Banners hung from the arches, inscribed with ancient runes that shimmered with magical energy, their meanings long forgotten by most.

In the center of the hall stood a raised platform with three grand thrones, each one etched with symbols of power and protection. Behind each throne, a beam of light cascaded from the ceiling, highlighting the seat in a divine glow. The light seemed to be drawn from the mana-infused carvings on the walls and ceiling, converging here to signify the importance of the Great Elders.

To the side, arranged in a semicircle, was a row of about twenty seats where the rest of the council members sat. This layout gave the entire hall the atmosphere of a grand courtroom, filled with a sense of order and solemnity.

He took a deep breath and then looked at the elders. The first thing that came to his mind was, What the hell? They were far from how he expected them to be. He had thought of old, wrinkly-looking people, but the ones in front of him were all beautiful and handsome, looking like they were in their mid-20s. Especially the three sitting on the thrones—they were majestic. There was a woman of ethereal beauty in the center seat and two men sitting beside her. Welkin was bewildered.

This did not go unnoticed by Carl, who briefly explained in a whisper, "The Eutherian race has a long life span, but they still age. Many of us like to preserve our young appearances with magic. Most of the people you see here are from the very beginning when this place was founded. They are at least 1,000 years old."

Welkin was amazed, but something Carl had said caught his attention. the elders here were at least 1,000 years old? how could that be possible if mana was only discovered after the star fell 200 years ago? It didn't make any sense. He decided not to say anything for now; he would get answers to all his questions in just a few minutes. For now, he would wait.

As they stood before the majestic thrones, The woman in the center possessed eyes that shimmered like polished moonstones, their silver hue glowing softly with an inner light. Her hair cascaded in waves of iridescent blue, streaked with strands that seemed to catch the light and refract it into a myriad of colors. Each movement of her hand seems to send ripples of energy through the air.

Flanking her, the first man had eyes the color of deep, verdant forests, their gaze sharp and penetrating, yet imbued with a tranquil wisdom that belied his immense power. His hair, a blend of earthy browns and greens.

Beside him, the second man's eyes blazed like molten gold, their intensity tempered by an aura of controlled fire. His hair was a fiery cascade of crimson and orange.

"Welcome, Welkin Silverhelm," the woman in the center spoke, her voice melodic yet commanding. "We have been expecting you."

Welkin bowed slightly, feeling the weight of their gazes upon him.

The woman continued, "You must have many questions, and we are here to provide you with the answers you seek. But first, let us formally introduce ourselves. I am Amara, and these are my fellow elders, Thalos and Varys." point at the first and second man respectively.

Welkin nodded, noting their names and their poised demeanor. He could feel the power emanating from them, a testament to their ancient wisdom and mastery of magic.

Amara said, "So, let's start with this. As you know, we were notified of your existence by Kellian Valeron and Carl Estrel, and I was the one who ordered them to bring you here because of the entity you hold within you. A shard of the Stellarum, the star which split into seven different pieces and fell 200 years ago. You hold one of those pieces, Welkin Silverhelm. Do you understand the situation you are in?"

Welkin's eyes widened confusion. "A shard of the Stellarum? I... I don't fully understand. What is that? Are you talking about the star that fell 200 years?"

Varys asked, "Welkin, how much do you know about this world and its history?"

Welkin replied, "Not much, but my father used to tell me stories about how mana cores and other races came to be."

Thalos leaned back, his expression hardened. "We have much to teach you, Welkin. Your father prepared you with tales, but now you must learn the truths behind those tales."

Thalos leaned forward, his expression serious. "Those were only part of the truth, boy. Mana existed long before that, deep inside Grofal's core, only escaping through a few gaps to the surface, forming mana geysers in only two places. One of those places is here in Eutherian. We found this place, settled here, and after hundreds of years, our bodies grew accustomed to the pure mana in the surroundings. That's the reason Eutherian still has the highest quantity and quality of mana. Stellarum is an unknown entity, a parasite of sorts."

Amara continued for Thalos, "When it first entered Grofal, it might have annihilated humanity if it had hit directly. So I intervened, but failed to destroy it completely. It split into seven pieces, but the destruction was controlled."

Welkin felt a surge of conflicting emotions. "You intervened? How? What exactly is the Stellarum?"

Amara's eyes glinted with sorrow. "The Stellarum is an ancient entity, far older than anything known to our world. It is a source of immense power, but also of great danger. When it approached Grofal, I used all my strength to destroy it but the effort only caused the Stellarum to shatter into seven pieces,but it also cost me dearly"
