
Echoes Of The Stars

In a realm where magic and honor intertwine, young Welkin Silverhelm, heir to the esteemed Silverhelm family. was accused of the murder of his own Father. Being hunted down for 3 years his life finally takes turn when he gets caught up ...... what happened? what did he encounter? How will his fate change? it will be a heros journey. From proving his innocence to finding the mysteries of this world. Lets see together.

Corporeal_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: - Meeting

As Kellian and Carl approached the unconscious Welkin, there weren't many emotions left in either of them after witnessing the destruction he had caused. One thing that struck Kellian was that no one was dead, only knocked out.

Kellian knelt beside the boy and his butler, examining their conditions. He was shocked to find that Welkin's insides were a mess; it was a miracle he was still alive. Just like before, there were tendrils of anima connecting him to the Grofal and healing him, but this time the process was considerably slower. Compared to Welkin, Harrison was in relatively good shape, wounded but nothing that some good healing potions couldn't fix.

Turning to Carl, Kellian said, "We shouldn't delay any longer. Let's take him back."

Carl nodded and then asked, "What about him?" He pointed at Harrison.

Kellian looked at Welkin and then at the butler. "Let's take him with us. The boy seems to care about that man."

Carl replied positively and used his aura to make both of them float. "Let's go."

Kellian opened a portal, and they walked through it, leaving the scene of chaos and destruction behind. The air was heavy with the aftermath of the battle, but now their focus was on ensuring the safety and recovery of Welkin and his butler.


Harrison awoke slowly, his mind shrouded in a fog of confusion. He found himself lying in an unfamiliar bed, the room around him dimly lit by the soft glow of a single lantern. The decor was elegant, with intricate tapestries adorning the walls and finely crafted wooden furniture arranged meticulously. Despite the luxurious surroundings, an unease settled in his chest.

The first word that escaped his lips was, "Welkin," spoken with deep worry. The name echoed in the silence, pulling fragments of memory back to him. He remembered the fierce battle with Captain Merek, a fight he had not emerged victorious from. Harrison did not take pride in losing, but his concern for Welkin far outweighed any personal defeat. He could only hope that Welkin had managed to escape amidst the chaos.

The door to the room creaked open, and a woman entered, carrying a tray with essentials and medicines. She had an ethereal quality to her, with delicate features, translucent skin that seemed to shimmer faintly, and eyes that shimmered with light. Her movements were graceful.

Harrison instinctively took a defensive posture, sitting up in bed and watching her warily. The woman looked momentarily surprised to see him awake.

"You woke up?" she said, her voice melodious and soothing. "Please wait here, I will inform the elders immediately." She gave a courteous bow and exited the room, leaving Harrison bewildered by the brief interaction.

His mind raced with questions and anxiety. Where was Welkin? Was he safe? Harrison couldn't shake the image of the boy being captured or worse. The thought of Welkin in danger filled him with dread. He had promised to protect him, and the idea of failing gnawed at his very core.

After a moment of stillness, Harrison swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, his muscles protesting from the strain of his recent ordeal but all the injuries were already healed. He began to examine the room more closely, noting the fine craftsmanship of the furniture and the intricate patterns in the tapestries. There was a sense of serenity here, but it did little to calm his racing thoughts. He noticed closely that everything is imbued with mana. He felt like a caged animal, every second that passed without news of Welkin a fresh agony.

The door opened again, and two figures entered. Harrison's eyes narrowed as he took in their appearances. The first was a tall with Golden hair, imposing man with sharp features and a commanding presence. His eyes were a piercing blue, filled with intelligence and authority. The second figure was shorter, stockier, with a rugged demeanor, ethereal white hair and eyes that seemed to miss nothing.

"Where am I? Who are you people?" Harrison demanded, his voice steady despite his uncertainty. "And where is Welkin?"

The taller man stepped forward, his expression calm but unreadable. "I am, Kellian Valeron, and this is Carl Estrel. We mean you no harm and the boy you are asking about Welkin, right? He is currently in the room adjacent to this recuperating."

Harrison remained on guard, his mind racing. The names were unfamiliar, but the sincerity in Kellian's voice gave him a moment's pause. He wanted to ask many things but his mind got stuck at one word recuperating.

Harrison's worry intensified. "Recuperating? What happened? Is he safe? Answer me!"

Kellian raised both his hand to calm him down. "Welkin is safe. He was injured, but his condition is stable. We brought you both here to ensure your safety."

Harrison's eyes narrowed, suspicion and worry battling within him. "Where is here?"

Carl stepped forward, his expression serious but not unkind. "You are in the Council Hall of the Eutherian. This is a place where we can help heal and protect you."

Harrison's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. Eutherian? Council Hall? None of this made sense, but his priority was clear. "I need to see him," he demanded.

Kellian nodded. "Of course. We will take you to him. Follow us."

Harrison, still wary but driven by concern for Welkin, followed them out of the room. The corridors were lined with more tapestries and carvings, each one telling a story he didn't have time to decipher. His only focus was on seeing Welkin and ensuring he was truly safe.


Welkin's mind was a whirlwind of confusion as he stood in front of his doppelganger in a room that seemed to belong to his childhood. The identical figure before him, with eyes as black as the void, stared back with a gaze that felt like it held the secrets of the universe. Tentatively, Welkin took a step forward, questions tumbling out of his mouth.

"Who are you? How can we be back in my room? What is this place?"

The other Welkin remained silent for a moment, as if weighing whether to answer. Finally, he spoke. "I am you, like I said before, but at the same time, I am not," he began, sitting down as a chair materialized out of nowhere. Another chair appeared beside Welkin, and the doppelganger gestured for him to sit.

Welkin took the seat cautiously. The other continued, "It's a bit complicated and too boring to explain fully, so I'll leave the detailed explanations to the old foxes outside. As for your second question, we're inside your mind. To be precise, this is your mindscape, a mental image you've created to protect yourself." He paused, looking around. "It's quite cozy if I say so. I've been living here for about a week now."

Welkin, still bewildered, asked, "Old foxes? Mindscape? What are you talking about?"

The other Welkin looked at him pitifully. "You're really ignorant, huh? I should have expected it. Well, I suppose I can explain a little." He said, "First, my name is Einar. I was with you since your birth but was in a slumber. I would have awakened sooner, but somehow I ended up in a coreless child—that is, you—and never got enough mana to awaken until recently when you were hit by the attack of those two pups."

Welkin's mind raced back to the fight, recalling the two warriors and the spell that hit him. Einar continued, "You were unconscious and about to die, but I felt a connection to Anima after such a long time because of being in their domain and started absorbing it. I couldn't let my host die, so I gave up on awakening and started healing you. But fortunately for me and unfortunately for you, the pups decided to pour more Anima into your body, which gave me enough to awaken."

Welkin looked like he wanted to ask a thousand questions, but Einar stopped him with a raised hand. "I won't be answering your questions. The old foxes outside will tell you anyway, so why bother me? So, where were we? Ah, right. When I awakened, I saw all your memories, and your personality seeped into me, but my own personality is much stronger. So, I am you because I have your memories and your feelings, but at the same time, I am not you."

Einar stood up and walked towards the door, stopping in front of it. "You should go back now. Harrison and the two pups are waiting for you outside," he said before vanishing.

Welkin, watching him disappear, muttered to himself, "Why did he walk towards the door if he wasn't going to use it?" but then he remembered something and said in frustration "At least tell me how to get out of here".


When Welkin opened his eyes, he found himself in a room, it was an unfamiliar but comfortable environment, with soft light filtering through the windows and a faint scent of herbs in the air. It was an almost identical room to the one Harrison had been in. He sat up straight, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on Harrison and the two warriors standing by his bedside.

Seeing Harrison, Welkin's eyes became moist, and his mouth quivered as he remembered the battered figure of his loyal guardian. The only word he could manage to say was, "Harrison..."

Harrison moved closer, taking Welkin's hands in his own. "I am here, young master. I will never leave your side again," he reassured, his voice filled with emotion.

From the back of the room, Kellian and Carl observed the touching scene, not wanting to disturb the reunion but knowing they had a duty to fulfill. Kellian cleared his throat with a gentle cough. "Forgive our intrusion," he began, stepping forward slightly. "I am Kellian Valeron, and this is Carl Estrel."

"Our elders would like to meet you," Kellian continued, his tone respectful but firm.

Welkin looked at them, recognition flickering in his eyes as saw them. then he remembered his conversation with Einar about the "old foxes." Understanding their significance now, he nodded.

Welkin, still holding onto Harrison, nodded again. He had many questions, and it seemed like these elders might have the answers he sought more than anything right now. "I understand," he said, his voice steady. "Let's go."

Kellian and Carl exchanged a glance, then led the way, as Harrison helped Welkin to his feet, ready to face whatever lay ahead.
