
Echoes Of The Stars

In a realm where magic and honor intertwine, young Welkin Silverhelm, heir to the esteemed Silverhelm family. was accused of the murder of his own Father. Being hunted down for 3 years his life finally takes turn when he gets caught up ...... what happened? what did he encounter? How will his fate change? it will be a heros journey. From proving his innocence to finding the mysteries of this world. Lets see together.

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11 Chs

Chapter 5: - Betrayal

-Previous night-

Elric paced back and forth in his small cottage, worry gnawing at him like a relentless insect. He didn't know what Caption Merek was planning and feared for the safety of Welkin and Harrison. He couldn't just visit them recklessly, not with the knights patrolling the village. Elric wasn't well-versed in the ways of the world; he was born and raised in this secluded village and had never ventured far. However, he wasn't naive either. He knew that any suspicious movements, like visiting Welkin and Harrison, could draw unwanted attention.

His mind raced with possible scenarios. What if the knights decided to search every house? What if someone had already betrayed them? He couldn't sit idly by, but he also couldn't act rashly. He needed a plan, but he didn't know enough about the world beyond his village to devise a foolproof one. His heart ached with the weight of responsibility and the fear of failing those he had sworn to protect.

A sudden knock at the door jolted him from his thoughts. Elric's heart skipped a beat. Who could it be at this hour? He cautiously approached the door and opened it to find Aru, the hunter who had found Welkin outside the village four days ago. Aru looked agitated and hurriedly stepped inside.

"Elric, I need to talk to you," Aru said, his voice tinged with urgency. "Have you seen Welkin and Harrison? I haven't seen them since the knights arrived. And what's the deal with Welkin's poster that the knights are showing? Is he really a fugitive?"

Elric's heart pounded in his chest. Only he knew the truth—that Welkin and Harrison were indeed fugitives on the run. But why was Aru asking about them now? It seemed odd that he would be so concerned about people he didn't know well. Aru was usually away from the village, either hunting or visiting nearby cities for supplies and trade. Why was he so interested in Welkin and Harrison's whereabouts?

A chilling thought crept into Elric's mind. Could Aru have informed the knights about them? It seemed unlikely. Aru had always seemed trustworthy, and he had brought Welkin to the village when he found him. But still, the timing was suspicious. After three years of hiding, the knights had shown up just days after Aru found Welkin. Was it possible that Aru had sold them out for a reward?

Elric shook his head, trying to dispel the thought. He must be overthinking it. There was no way Aru would betray them, would he? Elric couldn't afford to let paranoia cloud his judgment, but he also couldn't ignore the possibility.

"Aru, I haven't seen them either." Elric said, trying to gauge Aru's reaction. "And I don't know much about the poster. The knights haven't told me anything."

As Aru turned to leave, he paused, a slight look of dissatisfaction crossing his face. He hesitated before speaking again, his tone carrying a hint of frustration. "Hey, don't you think we should just let them be captured? The reward money could really help our village. We're already short on supplies, and the snowfall has just started. Things are going to get tougher."

Elric felt a chill run down his spine at Aru's words. The hunter's sudden shift in attitude was alarming. Aru had always seemed loyal to the village, but now, his concern for Welkin and Harrison seemed to waver in the face of financial temptation. Could Aru truly be have betrayed them for the reward?

"Aru, you know as well as I do that our village has always stood by its principles," Elric said, trying to keep his voice steady. "We don't sell out our own, especially not to the likes of those knights. Welkin and Harrison are under our protection."

Aru sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I understand, Elric. But you have to admit, it would make things a lot easier for everyone. One big reward, and we wouldn't have to worry about supplies for a long time."

Elric's heart pounded in his chest. He needed to tread carefully. Revealing too much could jeopardize everything. "I appreciate your concern, Aru, but this isn't just about money. There's more at stake here than supplies. Welkin and Harrison are innocent. They've been wrongly accused. We can't just hand them over."

Aru studied Elric for a moment, then shook his head. "But you can't have the fate of outsiders over the fate of the village, Elric. Our people are struggling. Shouldn't we prioritize their needs?"

Elric's face hardened. "Aru, these so-called 'outsiders' have done nothing wrong. They've been unjustly accused. If we start betraying those in need for a quick reward, what kind of people are we? This village has always stood by its principles of justice and compassion."

Aru sighed deeply, clearly conflicted. "I get what you're saying, Elric. I do. But the reality is harsh. Winter is the starting, and we already don't have enough supplies. The reward money could keep our village fed and warm. It's an easy decision."

Elric felt the weight of Aru's words, knowing that the hunter had a point. The village's needs were urgent and dire. But he also knew that giving in to the knights' demands would set a dangerous precedent, compromising their integrity and turning them into people who sacrificed the innocent for convenience.

"Aru, I understand the challenges we face," Elric said, his tone firm but compassionate. "But compromising our values for short-term gain will only lead to long-term consequences. We must find another way to ensure the survival of our village without betraying our principles or those under our protection."

Aru studied Elric for a long moment before sighing deeply. "Alright, Chief. I am sorry, but remember, I'm doing this for the village."

Before Elric could respond, the door burst open, and Thane stepped inside, a smug look on his face. He had heard the entire conversation, and now he knew for certain that Elric was hiding both Welkin and Harrison. Aru stood beside Thane, a conflicted yet resolute expression on his face. The whole conversation had been a setup, a ruse to get Elric to confess.

Elric's heart sank as he realized the betrayal. Aru had sold them out. The hunter's concern for the village had outweighed his loyalty, and now the truth was laid bare before Thane, the Captain's spy.

"Well, well," Thane said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It seems we were right to be suspicious. So, Chief Elric, where are the fugitives hiding?"

Elric's mind raced. He couldn't let the knight find Welkin and Harrison. But with Aru's betrayal, the situation had become dire.

"You won't get anything from me," Elric said, standing his ground. "I don't know where they are."

Thane chuckled, shaking his head. "You're a poor liar, Elric. We know they're here, and it's only a matter of time before we find them. You can make this easier by cooperating."

Aru shifted uncomfortably beside Thane, guilt flickering across his face. "Elric, I—"

"Save it, Aru," Elric snapped, anger and disappointment lacing his words. "You've made your choice."

Thane stepped closer, his eyes cold and calculating. "You can either help us, or we'll turn this village upside down to find them. And if anyone gets hurt in the process, that blood will be on your hands."

Thane stepped closer, his eyes cold and calculating. "You have three seconds to decide, Elric. If you don't, I'll order the soldiers to search every house and burn them afterward. Three..."

Elric's mind raced. He couldn't allow the villagers to suffer because of his decisions. They were innocent, hardworking people who didn't deserve to be caught up in this mess. His sense of duty as chief warred with his loyalty to Harrison and Welkin, two men who had become like family to him.


Elric's heart pounded in his chest. What could he do? Betray his friends or endanger his people? He had sworn to protect Welkin and Harrison, but the lives of the villagers weighed heavily on his conscience. Each face flashed before his eyes—the children playing in the snow, the elders sharing stories by the fire, the families struggling to survive in the harsh northern climate.


I'm sorry, Harrison. Welkin. Elric's lips moved silently as if asking for forgiveness from the two men he had come to care for deeply. This isn't what I wanted. His thoughts were a whirlwind of guilt and anguish. How could he face them after this? Would they understand the impossible choice he had been forced to make? He felt torn apart, every fiber of his being resisting the decision he knew he had to make.

"Wait," Elric said, his voice shaking slightly. "If I cooperate, you have to promise me that no harm will come to the villagers. They have nothing to do with this."

Thane raised an eyebrow, a smug smile playing on his lips. "We'll see. Help us, and maybe I can ensure the search is more... controlled."

Elric took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his choice pressing down on him. He had to protect the villagers, even if it meant compromising his own principles. He felt ashamed he was the one telling Aru about principles just a few moments ago but when the situation changed even he couldn't do anything if it means the innocent villagers getting hurt in the process "I'll help you," he said finally. "But you have to keep your word."

Thane's smile widened. "Of course, Chief. We're just here to do our duty, after all."

Elric glanced at Aru, who avoided his gaze, then back at Thane. "They're in the basement of my old house. Just... please be careful."

Thane nodded, signaling his men to outside follow. "Let's report this to the Captain first. He'll want to know immediately." They marched toward the Captain Merek's quarters, with Elric following closely behind, his heart heavy with guilt and worry.

"They're in the basement of Chief Elric's old house," Thane reported to Captain Merek, with Elric in tow. "He gave it to Welkin and Harrison."

Merek listened, a thoughtful expression spreading across his face. "Good work, Thane. Now we wait until sunrise. Elric," he said, turning his gaze to the village chief, "you will get them out without letting them know we're coming. Do you understand?"

Elric nodded, his face pale and drawn. The confident chief that Merek had seen in the evening was gone, replaced by a man burdened by the weight of his betrayal.

"What's the matter, Elric?" Merek mocked lightly. "Where's that bravery you showed earlier? It seems the prospect of your villagers getting hurt has made you more cooperative."

Elric swallowed hard, struggling to keep his composure. He couldn't afford to let his emotions show now. "I'll do as you say," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Merek's eyes glinted, a hint of disappointment. He didn't relish this duty, not against an innocent kid like Welkin. But he served the kingdom and its demands, and right now, that meant ensuring Welkin and Harrison were captured.

"Good. Remember, Chief, this could have been much worse if you'd resisted. Now go, and make sure they don't suspect anything. We wouldn't want them slipping away now, would we?"

As Elric turned to leave, Merek's words echoed in his mind. he had no choice but to comply. He walked away, feeling the eyes of the knights on his back.

Merek watched him go, a hint of disappointment lingering. Elric had seemed so confident, so sure of himself earlier. Now, under pressure, he had crumbled. It wasn't what Merek had hoped for. Despite his orders, he didn't want to see an innocent boy like Welkin punished. But he had a duty, and he would fulfill it, even if it meant crushing a few ideals along the way.

Elric's mind raced. He had to warn Welkin and Harrison without alerting the knights.



Captain Merek wasted no time. "Capture him!" he ordered, pointing at Welkin. A soldier stepped forward, advancing toward the young man with a grim determination.

Welkin's head was filled with one terrifying thought as the soldier drew closer: He would be publicly executed as soon as they took him back, without any chance to prove his innocence.

Just as the soldier was about to reach him, Welkin heard a whisper, almost ethereal, in his ear. "Run to the north, Welkin. You must get past the border. That's the only way you can survive. They won't be able to follow you there."

Before Welkin could fully process the message, a figure moved swiftly into his line of sight. Harrison, who had been standing beside him moments ago, skillfully tackled the approaching soldier. With a fluid motion, Harrison seized the soldier's sword and took a defensive stance, the blade glinting in the morning light.

Welkin stared in astonishment. He had never known that Harrison could use a sword, much less with such expertise.

Harrison's voice snapped Welkin out of his daze. "RUN, WELKIN! NOW!"

The urgency in Harrison's voice propelled Welkin into action. He turned and sprinted towards the north, his mind racing as fast as his feet. He had to make it past the border. It was his only chance.

"Do you think we will allo..." Captain Merek's words were cut short as a powerful aura began to emanate from Harrison. A strange energy encompassed his sword, causing it to glow green. His clothes fluttered as the ground beneath him cracked, sending ripples of power through the air.

The soldiers who witnessed this instantly knew who they were facing: an aura expert, a swordsman able to manifest his will in the outside world. The realization struck fear into their hearts.

Captain Merek's eyes gleamed with excitement as he took in the scene before him. A smile spread across his face. "Isn't this unexpected," he said, stepping forward with an air of confidence. "I will handle him."

Turning to his soldiers, Merek's gaze fell on his vice captain. "Serah, go get the boy," he ordered, his voice cold and authoritative.

Serah nodded, motioning to a few soldiers to follow her. As they moved to pursue Welkin, Harrison's eyes darted to the side, catching sight of their movements.

"You won't touch him," Harrison growled, his voice resonating with power. He raised his sword, and darted towards the soldier trying to go after welkin and slashed but his sword met another stopping in its path.

Merek's blade in contact with Harrison's he taunted, "Let's see what you've got Harrison Ashborne ."

With that, a similar aura erupted from Merek's body, matching Harrison's power but blue in color. The air around him crackled with energy, and his clothes fluttered in the surge of power. The ground beneath him began to tremble and crack,

The clash of their auras sent shockwaves through the area, and the soldiers who witnessed this stepped back in awe and fear. Merek's smile grew wider as he advanced toward Harrison, his blue aura pulsating with energy.
