
Echoes Of The Stars

In a realm where magic and honor intertwine, young Welkin Silverhelm, heir to the esteemed Silverhelm family. was accused of the murder of his own Father. Being hunted down for 3 years his life finally takes turn when he gets caught up ...... what happened? what did he encounter? How will his fate change? it will be a heros journey. From proving his innocence to finding the mysteries of this world. Lets see together.

Corporeal_ · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: - Eutherian

Kellian and Carl, clad in golden armor that shimmered with an ethereal glow, emerged from the portal that connected the mortal world to their homeland. They had left Welkin outside the village of Eisklippe, knowing he would be safe for now. The portal closed behind them with a whisper, sealing away the passage to their lands—a place of unparalleled beauty and rich, vibrant mana.

The Eutherian lands were a different dimension, a world teeming with life and magic. The skies were a brilliant azure, dotted with floating islands covered in lush greenery. Rivers of pure mana flowed like silver veins across the landscape, nourishing everything they touched. The cities were magnificent, built with an architectural elegance that combined natural forms with magical constructs. Buildings seemed to grow from the ground, their walls infused with mana crystals that glowed softly, providing light and energy.

The Eutherians themselves were a race of beings deeply connected to mana. Their society thrived not on technology, but on their innate ability to manipulate and harness mana for everything—from transportation to healing, from communication to creating defenses. Magic was the lifeblood of their civilization, and their mastery of it had allowed them to create wonders that would seem impossible in the mortal realm.

Kellian and Carl looked around, taking in the breathtaking sight of their homeland. The city they had arrived in was called Auroria, known for its golden spires that reached towards the heavens. These spires were adorned with intricate patterns of mana crystals, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display of colors. The streets were paved with smooth, luminescent stones that glowed softly underfoot, guiding the way even in the darkest of nights.

In the heart of Auroria stood the Grand Temple, a majestic structure that seemed to pulsate with raw magical energy. Its towering arches and spiraling towers were a testament to the Eutherians' architectural prowess. The temple was surrounded by lush gardens, filled with exotic flora that thrived on the mana-rich soil. These gardens were tended by skilled magi who used their powers to cultivate plants that could heal, nourish, and enchant.

The people of Auroria moved gracefully through the city, their movements fluid and elegant. They wore robes and garments that shimmered with mana-infused threads, and their eyes glowed with an inner light, a sign of their deep connection to the magical energies that permeated their world. Eutherian children played in the parks, creating illusions and manipulating elements with a natural ease, while adults engaged in animated conversations, sharing knowledge and ideas through telepathic links.

The marketplace was a bustling hub of activity, where traders showcased their magical wares—artifacts that could store and amplify mana, potions that could heal any ailment, and enchanted items that could enhance one's abilities. The air was filled with the scent of exotic spices and the hum of magical energies as merchants demonstrated their products to eager customers.

Above the city, the floating islands were a sight to behold. Each island was a self-contained ecosystem, with waterfalls cascading down into the rivers of mana below. Bridges of pure energy connected the islands, allowing easy travel between them. These islands were home to the most skilled magi the elders of the society, who used their elevated positions to study the stars and the flow of mana across the land.

Kellian and Carl made their way through the city, heading towards the Council Hall where they would report on their mission. As they walked, they were greeted by familiar faces—friends and comrades who had fought alongside them in many battles. The sense of camaraderie and unity was strong in Auroria, a testament to the Eutherians' shared purpose and dedication to their homeland.

As they approached the Council Hall, they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride. The Eutherian lands were a place of wonder and beauty, a testament to the power of mana and the ingenuity of their people. They were home, and there was no place in the mortal realm that could compare to the splendor and magic of Auroria.

Kellian and Carl were eager to report their discovery to the Council of Elders. Both were high-ranking members of their society, respected for their skill and wisdom. As they made their way to the Grand Hall, the central hub of Eutherian governance, they couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of their homeland, a constant reminder of what they were protecting.

Entering the Grand Hall, a vast chamber with walls adorned with intricate mana-infused carvings, Kellian and Carl approached the Elders, who were seated in a semicircle on elevated thrones. The Elders were ancient beings, their eyes filled with the accumulated wisdom of countless years.

"Greetings, Elders," Kellian began, bowing respectfully. "We bring news from the Grofal."

A murmur rippled through the Elders. Elder Thalos, known for his stern demeanor, leaned forward. " You ventured to Grofal? Why? You could have risked exposing our existence to the world."

Kellian and Carl bowed their heads apologetically, accepting the reprimand. "We wanted to test our abilities in a quieter space," Kellian explained. "But we created a pocket dimension for the spar, ensuring that no one would know."

Elder Amara, the head of the council stopped the bickering that was about to start. "You acted out of a desire for growth and with caution, but remember, our secrecy is paramount and You will be punished for this incident. "

Elder Amara, nodded for them to proceed. Her presence was commanding, and her silver hair seemed to shimmer with a light of its own. "Speak now, Kellian Valeron and Carl Estrel What have you discovered?"

Carl stepped forward. "We encountered a young boy near the village of Eisklippe. He possesses no mana core, yet he can resonate with Anima. We felt it—something unlike anything we've sensed before."

The Elders exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. "Describe what you saw," Elder Amara commanded.

Kellian continued, "When we looked inside him, it was as if we were staring into a small star—a brilliant, radiant light, pure and powerful. Yet, he has no mana core to contain or control it."

Then, Elder Sylas, a quiet and contemplative member of the council, spoke up. "Did what you saw inside the boy resemble a star?"

Kellian and Carl exchanged a glance, then nodded. "Yes, Elder. It was like a star."

The whispering among the Elders grew more intense. "Another one has appeared," one Elder murmured. "But this time, it's different. He doesn't have a core."

The Elders clearly knew something that Kellian and Carl did not. There was an undercurrent of urgency and concern in their whispers.

Elder Amara raised her hand, and the chamber fell silent. "Kellian, Carl, you have done well to bring this to our attention. This boy may be of great significance. We have important task for you."

The two Eutherians stood at attention, awaiting their orders. "Your task is to," Elder Amara continued.


The next day arrived, and inside the basement, Welkin and Harrison were still anxiously waiting for a response from Elric. The silence stretched on, amplifying Welkin's nerves. He paced back and forth, while Harrison tried to maintain a calm demeanor, though worry etched his face.

"We can't just sit here forever," Welkin muttered, frustration creeping into his voice. "What if something's happened to Elric?"

Harrison nodded, but before they could decide to go outside and check, the door to the basement creaked open. Both men tensed, ready for a fight, but they relaxed slightly as they heard Elric's familiar voice.

"The knights have left," Elric said, his voice trembling slightly. "It's safe to come outside."

Welkin and Harrison heaved sighs of relief, exchanging a brief, hopeful glance before making their way up the stairs. Elric's presence was reassuring, and they trusted his word. Inside the house, Elric assured them again, his eyes avoiding theirs.

"It's safe outside now. Let's go."

As the three of them stepped out into the open, Welkin's senses were on high alert. Something felt off, but he couldn't quite place it. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a voice from his side.

"I am sorry."

It was Elric. Welkin turned, confusion and betrayal washing over him, only to notice the knights had surrounded the house, waiting for them to emerge. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. Elric had betrayed them.

Welkin's eyes widened as he looked at Elric, who repeated the same words, his face a mask of sorrow and regret. "I am sorry."

Harrison stepped protectively in front of Welkin, his eyes scanning the knights. "Elric, what have you done?"

Elric's shoulders slumped, his voice barely a whisper. "I had no choice. They threatened the village. I'm so sorry."

Welkin's heart pounded in his chest, a mix of fear and anger swirling within him. How could Elric betray them after everything? But there was no time for questions or accusations. The knights moved in, their weapons drawn, leaving no room for escape.

Captain Merek stepped forward, a triumphant smirk on his face. "Well, well, look who we have here. The fugitives. I must thank you, Chief Elric, for your cooperation."

Welkin's mind raced, searching for any possible way out of this situation. But surrounded and outnumbered, there seemed to be no escape.

Elric's eyes were filled with remorse, but his betrayal had sealed their fate. Welkin and Harrison were captured, their hopes of freedom shattered. The only thing left now was to face whatever came next.
