

"In a world of regrets and missed opportunities, Ethan Carter, a struggling young man finds himself unexpectedly transported back in time. Faced with the chance to rewrite his own history, he grapples with the dilemmas of altering the past while navigating the complexities of a second chance. As he strives to correct past mistakes and carve a new destiny, the line between fate and free will becomes blurred. Join him on a poignant journey through time in 'Echoes of Eternity,' where every decision holds the power to reshape his life and perhaps uncover the true meaning of second chances."

SwiftSaga · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Ethan found himself in the past, bewildered in the hospital where he was born in 1987. As his family celebrated his arrival, he grappled with the realization that his deceased grandmother, Mrs. Mary, was inexplicably alive in this timeline. When asked about his name, Ethan unintentionally blurted out "Ethan Rivers," leading to a comedic moment of embarrassment.

As days passed, Ethan, now a baby, marveled at the quirks of his new existence. His refusal to drink his mother's milk led to laughter, prompting the family to switch to bottled milk. Naked by the window, he pondered his rebirth, the past, and the mysteries of the subway light that brought him here.

Amusing encounters with the housemaid, Beauty, and playful banter about potential names showcased the unique dynamics within the family. During a visit to the baby shop, the name "Ethan Rivers" emerged, chosen by a lady at the counter, marking a memorable decision.

Months turned into years, and Ethan's first birthday approached. Though he hid his ability to speak, a carefully planned moment arrived. On February 1991, he uttered his first word, "I love you, mama," bringing tears to his mother's eyes.

With the passage of time, Ethan faced the prospect of attending Genesis International School, determined to rectify mistakes from his past. The encounter with the stringent Principal Darwin Smith the second proved crucial. Remembering their past negative interactions, Ethan orchestrated an elegant charm offensive, impressing the principal and securing a swift entry into classes.

Remembering his prior blunders, Ethan diligently avoided picking his nose during the discussion, ensuring his parents refrained from talking excessively. As the family discussed Ethan's future at the school, he recalled the past incident where a cupboard fell on the principal's cat. This time, Ethan was determined to showcase elegance and swiftly saved the cat from impending danger.

As the principal marveled at the family's elegance, especially focusing on Ethan's golden hair and blue eyes, he inquired about the boy's name. In a dramatic moment, just as Ethan was about to answer, a familiar accident involving the falling shelf was about to occur. Reacting with quick elegance, Ethan saved the cat once again, leaving the principal astounded.

The principal, appreciating Ethan's actions, exclaimed, "Such elegance! I've never seen an elegant behavior like this before." With this, he granted permission for Ethan to start classes, commending the family's elegance once more.

Ethan settled into school life, he reflected on the myriad possibilities of fixing his past in his new timeline. Armed with a list titled, "A Thousand Things to Fix While Starting a New Life in the Past" , Ethan crossed out the first item, winning the principal's heart, and uttered, "Let's begin".

In Chapter 2, "Whispers of the Past," aimed for a seamless blend of nostalgia, humor, and intrigue. The accidental naming scene brought comedy, while exploring Ethan's thoughts as a reborn baby added depth. The introduction of characters like Beauty and the lady at the baby shop enhanced the story. The climax at Genesis International School aimed for a mix of humor and charm with Principal Darwin Smith the second. The chapter closed with a mysterious teaser — a list of "a thousand things to fix while starting a new life in the past," inviting readers to anticipate Ethan's journey.

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