

"In a world of regrets and missed opportunities, Ethan Carter, a struggling young man finds himself unexpectedly transported back in time. Faced with the chance to rewrite his own history, he grapples with the dilemmas of altering the past while navigating the complexities of a second chance. As he strives to correct past mistakes and carve a new destiny, the line between fate and free will becomes blurred. Join him on a poignant journey through time in 'Echoes of Eternity,' where every decision holds the power to reshape his life and perhaps uncover the true meaning of second chances."

SwiftSaga · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Ethan entered the classroom, memories of his past echoing in his mind. The fear of humiliation from Mrs. Snow, the teacher with a dazzling presence, lingered from his previous experience. However, this time, Ethan was not phased.

When Mrs. Snow singled him out, Ethan confidently answered the question, surprising both classmates and teacher alike. The teacher, who once humiliated him, was now embarrassed by Ethan's extensive knowledge. The class erupted in applause as Ethan returned to his seat, his reputation transformed.

During the break, Ethan headed to the cafeteria, anticipating the confrontation with Scar, the notorious bully. In the past, Scar had humiliated Ethan, forcing him to dance naked in front of the entire school. But this time, Ethan was prepared.

As Scar attempted to knock the juice out of Ethan's hand, Ethan remained unfazed. Standing up, he pointed to Scar's henchman, revealing the trick behind the badge challenge. Scar, humiliated by Ethan's wit, retreated with his gang, leaving the cafeteria in laughter.

Ethan knew the importance of badges at Genesis School. Students earned badges for academic excellence, and those with more badges were respected and honored. Scar, feeling challenged, brought out his two hands, each concealing a badge. He taunted Ethan, promising all his badges if Ethan guessed correctly but threatening a humiliating spectacle if he guessed wrong.

Ethan, with his devilish eyes and a smirk on his face, confidently pointed at Scar's friend beside him. The revelation stunned everyone. Scar's friend, who had concealed the actual badge, was exposed. Scar, embarrassed and defeated, retreated with his gang, leaving Ethan victorious and earning the respect of his peers.

The day continued with sports, and Ethan excelled in football. Memories of Scar pushing him during their past encounters fueled Ethan's determination. This time, Ethan's team emerged victorious, leaving Scar in defeat once again.

As school ended, Ethan marked on his paper, "Fixing my first day at school." His parents picked him up, eager to hear about his day. In the car, Ethan declared it the best day of his life.

Upon reaching home, Ethan pondered whether to share the truth with his mother, Clara. He hesitated, unsure of how she would react. When Clara entered his room, sensing his confusion, Ethan mustered the courage to share his secret.

"Mum, I'm not from this timeline. I came back to the past," Ethan began. However, before he could reveal more, an unknown force gripped his heart, After five seconds of silence, Clara bursts out in laughter.

"Sweetie, are you watching too many cartoons again?" she chuckled. Ethan attempted to continue, "Actually, in the future, you're d—" but was interrupted again by the force squeezing his heart. As Ethan fell, Clara screamed for her husband, Dick, leaving the revelation hanging in the air.