
Ebony Scales

"This is the perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures that have ever walked the earth. We call it the Indoraptor.", spoke the man known as Gunnar Eversol who was trying to sell the first Indoraptor in a auction. There plans were however foiled. The Lockwood Manor was then overrun by the Indoraptor who had escaped and was relentlessly killing everything that he could get his claws on. A fight soon broke out between the Indoraptor and a velociraptor known as Blue. Owen, Claire, and Maisie were in the fight of their lives, but in the end Blue knocked the Indoraptor into the manor where the Indoraptor was then impaled by a triceratops skull. Dr.Wu was taken away and many others fled while the dinosaurs ran freely into the world of humans. Sometime later, Dr.Wu decided to make another Indoraptor for reasons concerning money. Though, he couldn't get the DNA to make the Indoraptor controllable he decided to change the code. Instead of making another male Indoraptor, he made a female with greater differences than the first. As Dr.Wu works on his money situation, his very creation is watching him from the shadows. One of her caretakers from when she was young had named the Indoraptor 'Sable', for her colors were almost pitch black but that changed once she grew. Sable soon escaped her confinement and not wanting to risk the same thing happening again like the first did Dr.Wu decide to tranquilize her. Sable was then placed into a heavy facility where she will be monitored 24/7.

ThatAGurlBlue · Movies
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21 Chs

Segment Three, ‘Testing’

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

There was no way that his creation was going to cooperate properly after being so riled up. Hagan had no business in teasing his creation, and though he agreed to keep her there he still shouldn't of done that.

The low chuffing and growling that came from the cage greatly upsetted the scientist known as, Dr.Wu. Hagan was supposed to be setting up things in which he could properly see what his creation could do. Dr. Wu knew that she could do a lot of stuff, but in order to find a buyer he needed to have a form that explains what all she could do.

This form was more for proof than anything else, and besides he needed to understand his creation better. In order to do that, they need to let her have a bit of freedom and run around freely though that was something he was afraid of. There was no telling what she could do with that freedom.

Dr.Wu rubbed his temples as he sighed, his eyes soon shifted to look at his creation who was now circling her cage in her anger and impatience. As he watched her, he couldn't help but think about all that noise he heard earlier. To be fairly honest, he honestly thought that his creation was trying to break free which was why he ran over to her cage in a panic.

His panic went away however when he saw Hagan there, with a smugness to him. Hagan wouldn't be so smug if she broke out, or would he. The more he sees Hagan for what he is, the more Dr.Wu was getting annoyed by the man. Be that as it may, Dr.Wu still needed Hagan to help him through this dilemma of his. His money dilemma would not go away on its own, for he needed help in maintaining his creation until he finds a buyer.

Dr.Wu soon walked away, following after the trail that Hagan went off too. Walking away, did he leave his creation behind in hopes that she would calm down quicker if there was no one there to irritate her.

Looking around for Hagan, Dr.Wu finally saw the guy as he was yelling out orders to many workers. They were putting together a large room full of metal steel walls and hard cement flooring. Watching them work, Dr.Wu just stood there professionally. After sometime, Hagan took notice of him and he gave the scientist a big smug grin.

"Hey doc! You think this will be good enough?"

Dr.Wu walked over to him slowly before looking at the room that Hagan was pointing at. As he looked it over did he scan for any weaknesses or flaws. Practically, looking for anything that his creation could find and thus exploit it for its weakness.

"I don't see anything that is setting off any alarms.", calmly replied Dr.Wu.

Hagan merely scoffed out a laugh, "Don't worry so much doc, we got this."

Dr.Wu looked at him from the corner of his eyes in his silent judgment. He could easily tell the guy that he didn't know what he was doing, but he did some what. Even so, Dr.Wu was going to keep his eyes on him for he didn't fully feel comfortable with this individual.

"We will get this finished by the morning and then we can see what that little girl could do eh?", smirked Hagan who glanced back in the direction of his creations cage.

Dr.Wu frowned somewhat, "You need to understand, she is a lethal creature. You need to respect her and-"

"Look doc she ain't all that scary? If anything she is adorable. Pfft, if you don't find a buyer then I'll buy her off your hands." Hagan's response caught the scientist off guard, and he even glared some.

"What would you possibly do with her?", inquired Dr.Wu.

"Make her into a pretty purse?", chuckled Hagan who held no remorse or respect for the animal that Dr.Wu made.

Dr.Wu looked at Hagan beyond surprised, and it was easy to see that he was offended by such words. "She is not something you can make a purse out of! She is an intelligent creature unlike any other that I have ever made! She is more valuable than a worthless purse!"

Hagan pretended to look scared of the scientist as he put his hands up. His fake reaction of fear made Dr.Wu glare sharply and before he could say anything more did Hagan walk away while still laughing.

"See ya in the morning doc!"

Dr. Wu looked greatly angered before sighing, how could a man like that get under his skin so bad. There was no doubting it either, he didn't respect the power that his creation had. Heck, Hagan didn't respect anyone else besides himself and that was a fact. Dr.Wu was even now becoming more increasingly concerned for his creation, and what could possibly happen in the future. Hagan had no business in saying that to him, only cause he wouldn't sell her to him.

If he did sell her to him, one of two things could happen. One, his creation escapes from here after killing everyone and goes into the world killing everything in her way thus ruining his career further. Secondly, Hagan some how manages to kill her and makes her into a god awful purse. All that time and energy wasted because of a gentleman's smugness and harboring no respect for his work.

Dr.Wu though scared of his creation, held a great respect for them. Of course he didn't use to when he didn't worry about money, back then when all this started he just did what he was told and didn't really interact with his creations. Now, he had to interact with them and respect them only cause everyone didn't have any idea what they were doing with the creatures he had made.

Other times he got chewed up about what he made, when in turn he was following orders. People just could not comprehend what he could do, nor did they respect his work. He was a lead for many years, which meant he knew what he was doing.

Hagan was helping, but he needed to understand that his creation was not just some stupid animal. She was a highly intelligent creature who was getting smarter and stronger daily. In a way, Hagan was the bird teasing the cat and it was only a matter of time that the cat attacks. The cat being his creation who was already interested in wanting the man dead.

Dr.Wu shook his head before retreating to his office, for he had a lot of things to do before tomorrow. His creation would be free to do certain things, and he had to get the documents and papers ready. There would surely be a ton of note taking, and he had to be ready to write everything down.

All this information will be needed for the many buyers that he would be soon reaching out too. Again, he couldn't help but worry about it once she is bought and goes to those who bought her. Like with the prototype, he was being sold to be a weapon so this creature of his would be another weapon. Since the first buyers couldn't get the prototype, they surely would come here to get this new creation of his.

The only thing that concerned him was that she was not like the first Indoraptor, she doesn't even respond to the laser like the prototype did. She clearly could be trained, but no one would want to physically train her. Besides, it was probably to late to train her.

As he sat at his desk, his hands went up to his chin in a thinking posture. Dr.Wu knew first hand what his creation is capable of, she even saw humans differently than most animals. Most if not all animals saw humans as a threat or a type of prey. In this instance, his creation knew that the humans were without a doubt weak. She knew that they were prey and would not at all change her views on them.

If she were to be trained, would it be a miracle. Sighing quietly, he closed his eyes and placed his head on both of his hands. He really was in a predicament, and every time he gets close to his goal does he end up going five steps back.

It was always something, but he must push onward. Patience was key, and if he plays his cards right then his creation will be sold and he can get back onto his feet. This was without a doubt one of the biggest of challenges that he has ever faced. Hopefully, he prevails over this challenge and continue doing what he loves.

With his positive thoughts in motion, Dr.Wu begins working on all that needs to be done before tomorrow. It would be a big day tomorrow, and hopefully things will go well for him. The last thing he needs was for his creation to escape and cause a lot of panic and pain.

'Sable's Pov'

The moment that her eyes opened was she bombarded by a lot of light and noise. Screaming loudly, she moved about in her cage before losing consciousness. She was not asleep for long however, for she woke up quickly and began moving about in her aggression. Before she lost her consciousness, did she see that man who she despised with all her being.

She woke up ready to kill but what she figured out was that she was in a different cage unlike the one she was in earlier. The space was much greater than the last, on all fours she stalked her new enclosure with very observant eyes. Sable was unaware of the time of day, but she knew that all around her were the humans who she desperately wanted to get at and kill.

Her tail moved behind her as she walked, her body shook and flexed with a strong urge to run around. Long claws that were nestled on her hands, firmly pressed against the concrete flooring as she chuffed loudly.

Sable soon took notice of a black glass, that were above her and she stopped to look at the glass that clearly stood out. She could sense that she was being watched from that glass. Though, she didn't know what time it was it was clearly time for her testing not that she was aware of that yet. A goat was then released into her cage, her eyes took notice of the movement immediately as the harmless animal walked out from a hole in the wall.

The thrill of the hunt went off within her head, her brain came alive with electricity for her instincts told her to kill. Responding immediately to those instincts she roared out viciously before charging and lunging at the smaller animal.

Shrill the cries of the goat were, its body was right away smashed unto the concrete floor as Sable smashed its smaller body down hard. Her eyes were locked onto the other animals eyes as she unmercifully smashed and shook its body into literal pieces.

Sable left the mutilated body of the goat on the floor, her clawed hands leaving blood prints on the concrete floor. Her head turned around quickly as another goat was let loose in her cage. Like before, she didn't hesitate to kill it.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

The testing had begun, and the morning came quickly. Sitting behind the glass was the scientist, and right beside him was Hagan who looked to be watching a simple tv show. His creation right now was unmercifully killing each of the goats that they set free in her new cage.

He of course was writing down everything that he had seen, and how quickly she would kill each of the goats. Dr.Wu knew of her intentions but he was able to see them more clearly right now. She was just so murderous and callous, and the fact that she didn't use her mouth fascinated him.

Hagan didn't seem all that impressed, course why would he be since he was not scared of her. Dr.Wu continued his writing until he blinked to what Hagan had mentioned.

"Why don't we send something else in there? Maybe a human?"

Dr.Wu seemed surprised by this, "I do not think that would be a good idea. We can't just send someone in there, that is practically suicide!"

Hagan scoffed as a fresh cigar rested in his lips, "We want to see what she can do right? Besides, we will put the guy in armor and such so he has a fighting chance!"

Dr.Wu had a obvious look upon his features, he was disturbed that Hagan would suggest such a thing. To just put a human being in there was just crazy, and there was no telling what she would do to a human being. Before Dr.Wu could voice his opinion, did Hagan pick up a walkie talkie and speak through it.

Granted this was a testing procedure, but to use humans as testing objects was rather difficult to process. Dr.Wu knew of the dangers and he knew that the animals he made were rightfully dangerous. But he had never stooped so low to use humans for testing, and now he was about to see it and it wasn't even his call.

The sounds of a door opening made the skin on Dr.Wu's back crawl. His eyes were focused on a man who was walking in there with a full body suit of riot armor along with a riot shield. His creation didn't even hesitate to lunge at the man the moment he had walked in.

In a instant, the shield was knocked out of the mans hands. Dr.Wu immediately stood up as he watched what he was seeing. His creation was on top of the gentleman who was wearing armor.

A loud noise of snarling and cracking filled the cage, as the man let out terrified screams. The sight of the riot armor breaking was down right chilling, as Dr.Wu's creation was making short work of the armor that was on the man.

Blood was soon spilling out onto the concrete floor, as the mans exposed torso was torn into by claws and powerful jaws. Shards of the armor littered the floor as the man pleaded for his life, and screaming loudly for help. Unfortunately, no help will come.

Hagan was watching in interest while the scientist at his side was watching in pure fright. The fact that his creation easily tore into the armor, left a horrible feeling inside of Dr.Wu. There was no remorse, and there was no second thoughts. She was going to follow through and kill anything in her way.

"She is pretty vicious huh? Pfft, is that all that she could do though?"

Hagan said this while rubbing his chin, his expression seemed to be thoughtful. It was not long until Dr.Wu turned to look at him with a serious look. "Can't you see! She is dangerous! Once more you just put someone in there irresponsibly!"

"Hey doc I think you and I are very irresponsible? I mean you made her?", coyly spoke Hagan.

Dr.Wu bit his tongue to his response, his hands were clenched in fists as he snapped. "Yes, and I take full responsibility for that! But you put someone in there when I clearly said it wouldn't be a good idea!"

Hagan laughed a bit as he played with his cigar, "Oh come on now! You should be happy that she can destroy riot armor. Just think about how many people will wanna buy her!"

Dr.Wu looked down as Hagan chuckled, "I mean she is a pretty serious weapon though she still seems pretty weak? Though, I am sure she will bring in some change?"

A low deep barking cry came from the cage, and as Dr.Wu looked inside of the cage could he see the poor man laying there in a pool of his own blood. His body was horribly ripped up and broken down. While his creation circled the cage eagerly, ready for another victim to enter.

Hagan continued to talk to himself while Dr.Wu stood there looking at his creation in silence. Just what should he do. Should he sell her off to someone as a weapon or should he change his idea entirely.

Once again, someone didn't listen to him. He didn't want a human to go in there, but since it had happened against his wishes did he see how powerful she was. The sight of her tearing into that riot armor, horrified him. If she could do that now, what could she do later.

Dr.Wu looked to be warring with himself. While Hagan seemed to be thinking about his creation and who to sell it too. The scientist closed his eyes as he decided to stop the testing for now.

"Really doc? You want to stop?", asked Hagan with a bored expression.

"Yes.", was the abrupt response from the scientist who was collecting his notes.

Hagan waved him away while sitting there. "Fine whatever doc."

Dr.Wu walked away from the testing viewing with his mind racing, and it was due to his creation. He possibly couldn't sell her off, and even if the money was good would it even be worth it. Just by seeing what she did to that human being opened his eyes to some degree. She was far more psychotic than her counterpart who was the prototype. That and she was far more stronger than him as well.

If she does get sold it will probably not help him out in the end, for more people will want him to make more of them. When that happens will the world go into chaos.

'Sable's Pov'

She was enjoying her freedom, and having the luxury in killing all who entered her cage. Her eyes were locked onto the doors that she could see, with a eagerness as she walked around slowly and patiently. It was not long until the door opened up and entered two more humans with armor on.

Immediately she roared loudly in her delight as she charged at them, while they braced themselves with the shields. Right above her was there yelling in the viewing room, though she showed more interest into killing the two humans who had entered her cage.

'Dr.Wu's Pov'

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!", yelled a enraged Dr.Wu.

Hagan merely watched from the viewing as two man hold the scientist back. "I am merely taking the testing into my own hands?"

Here’s the third chapter! ^^ I am so happy that you guys are liking it so far and adding it into your collections! It definitely means a lot! ;~;

Hopefully you like this chapter and the many more that follow! <3

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