
Ebony Scales

"This is the perfect blend of the two most dangerous creatures that have ever walked the earth. We call it the Indoraptor.", spoke the man known as Gunnar Eversol who was trying to sell the first Indoraptor in a auction. There plans were however foiled. The Lockwood Manor was then overrun by the Indoraptor who had escaped and was relentlessly killing everything that he could get his claws on. A fight soon broke out between the Indoraptor and a velociraptor known as Blue. Owen, Claire, and Maisie were in the fight of their lives, but in the end Blue knocked the Indoraptor into the manor where the Indoraptor was then impaled by a triceratops skull. Dr.Wu was taken away and many others fled while the dinosaurs ran freely into the world of humans. Sometime later, Dr.Wu decided to make another Indoraptor for reasons concerning money. Though, he couldn't get the DNA to make the Indoraptor controllable he decided to change the code. Instead of making another male Indoraptor, he made a female with greater differences than the first. As Dr.Wu works on his money situation, his very creation is watching him from the shadows. One of her caretakers from when she was young had named the Indoraptor 'Sable', for her colors were almost pitch black but that changed once she grew. Sable soon escaped her confinement and not wanting to risk the same thing happening again like the first did Dr.Wu decide to tranquilize her. Sable was then placed into a heavy facility where she will be monitored 24/7.

ThatAGurlBlue · Movies
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21 Chs

Segment Thirteen, ‘Warfare’

'Sables Pov'

"MOVE!?! MOVE!?! MOVE!?!"



The sounds of countless soldiers voicing their orders to one another were everywhere. These humans were closing in on her, and she knew it.

Opening her mouth did she show off her teeth as she roared viciously at them, while she stood up on her hind legs. Her haunting cry of rage completely went over the soldiers voices instantly. The sound of her roaring, was greatly disturbing to the many soldiers and people who were close by to hear it. These people may even say that she sounds so much more terrifying than the first Indoraptor. Which was a prototype.

After all she was roaring at them to intimidate them and show that she meant business. She was not going to go down without a fight, for she wanted to be free.

"UNLOAD HER WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT!?!" yelled a soldier as he lifted up his gun. The other soldiers were quick to follow his lead, as they raised their guns as well. All of which were filled with tranquilizers.

The numbers that they had were astounding to Sable, for these humans were actually showing pack like behavior.

This was definitely something that she was going to remember.

At that moment a loud ear piercing sound occurred, and the strength behind the obvious shot was enough to make Sable flinch greatly and return to all fours. Lifting her head sharply did she see a human within the flying animal, which was a man made vehicle known as a helicopter. Within his arms was a powerful looking rifle which was rather large.


Many sounds of guns firing made Sable turn and flee, as she ran into the house behind her which held a family inside. Screams of a terrified family were quick to surface, the moment she ran inside.


"GO!?! GO!?! GO!?!"

Never was she one to flee from humans, but that shot from that rifle really took her by surprise. The dart that was sticking out of her right shoulder now, had actually pierced her strong hide. This dart was a double purposed dart, for it was a powerful tranquilizer and tracking device.

Sable who was focused on trying to escape, ran upstairs of the home in a hurry while destroying many things in her way.

Entering a child's bedroom on the top floor, did the windows within the room come alive with a bright light. For the helicopter was flying by, as it searched for her.

Sable turned her head sharply to her right side, and her sharp eyes were quick to pick up on the dart due to it flicking a white light in a unique pattern. She was quick to pull it out of her shoulder with her mouth.

As long as she could remember was that these humans were always keen on her and her location. They used many things against her as well, as they tried to make her submit. Not that she was going to submit to them. These humans were weak and as such, they should submit to her.

"HURRY!?! AFTER HER!?!" yelled a soldier as he led his unit into the home that she was in, that had a large hole within it that use to be a window.

Flaring her nostrils and showing her teeth when she turned around, did she see the many humans rushing up the stairs to get to her. Releasing a hostile cry, did she charge at them all as she made her way down the stairs in a hurried manner.

"ARGH!?!" screamed a soldier in the very front, for he was hit with the world's hardest tackle by her. The other soldiers behind him soon were hit by her as well, as they tumbled and fell down before her. Some were even trampled by her, as she completely descended the stairs.

"We got movement outside of the home! I repeat! There is movement outside of the home!?!" yelled a soldier who was in the helicopter. It would seem that all of the lights, voices, and sounds had attracted another creature. Another dinosaur.

The horrified screams of the poor family as they exited the front of their ruined home, were hugging each other as the soldiers moved them out of the way. While Sable made her way out of the home, by making another hole in the back of the house.

She stopped however as her sharp eyes became slits, as she picked up on a sound that was not a human.

The loud steps of something fairly large was closing in, as it released a roar unlike anything that she has heard before. This creature was not a goat or cheetah.

It was something bigger.

Sable was quick to forget the countless humans immediately once she saw a large silhouette which was lumbering toward her, as it came out of the woods that were covered in darkness.

Its horns were quick to stand out to her, as it opened its mouth and roared at her. Saliva was quick to escape its mouth as it displayed its teeth.

This was a carnotaurus not that she was aware of it or what it was. After all she has never seen one before. The lights from the helicopter passed by, giving faint light on the carnotaurus. Those same lights went over her, not that it bothered her.

Sable and the carnotaurus were looking at each other now, and she watched this predator closely as it showed a mouth full of teeth at her again. Her eyes which were still slits were locked on this fairly large beast.

The soldiers who were chasing after her, actually went still now as they watched what was going on. It would seem that General Camden gave them orders to not engage for right now. He actually wanted to see what she could do, to another dinosaur.

Opening her maw as she chuffed out loudly which made her mouth shake to the vibrations, did she soon release a roar of intimidation at the carnotaurus. However the large beast didn't seem to move away, it only moved in closer. This was enough indication to her that this beast wanted to fight.

So they shall.

Sable watched as the slowly lumbering carnotaurus soon charged at her actively. Its mouth open wide as it roared aggressively at her. She of course reacted, by running at the carnotaurus at full speed while on all fours.

She soon leaped strongly in the air quite nimbly as her claws sunk into the back of the carnotaurus, while she snapped her jaws on the back of its neck.

Due to both her size and strength, did she actually pushed the carnotaurus down and onto its side. Sable was of course quick to hop off of the carnotaurus as it fell, before lunging at it again. This time with her mouth on its lower jaw, while her claws raked and grabbed at the carnotaurus in whatever way that she could reach.

The sounds of quick but rough movements and aggression were loudly evident from the two of them.

Though the carnotaurus had suffered some deep wounds around its face and neck, it still got up and tried to attack her. This fight was slowly exciting her, for she has never took on something like a carnotaurus before.

As she got ready to attack again, was she all of a sudden hit by the effects of the tranquilizer. She of course had pulled out the dart successfully from earlier, but it would seem that it was still able to effect her. After all it had pierced her strong hide.

Shaking her head, was she introduced to a blurry vision. Her eyes were still slits all thanks to the fighting and excitement.

By the time her gaze slowly cleared up was she all of a sudden grabbed roughly by the side of her neck by the carnotaurus. The feeling of its teeth scraping upon her hide, infuriated her. She detested the feeling of being bitten, for she was the predator.

Sable's maw opened as she unleashed a furious roar, her arms and claws flailing about in search of flesh. She was searching for the carnotaurus who had a firm hold on the side of her powerful neck. This large beast was going to suffer greatly, for biting her. It would feel her wrath!

This rage that she was feeling, was quickly sparking up within her mind on ideas on how to free herself.

Once Sable had an idea, did she quickly put it into action. Lifting one of her clawed hands up quickly, did she slam her claws into the face of the carnotaurus. One of her claws even sunk deeply into the eye of the carnotaurus.

The moment that this happened, did she feel the carnotaurus let her go while roaring loudly in agony as blood poured out of its damaged eye. Of course it was hurting, and Sable was not going to let it go either. She was going to finish this creature off. Once and for all.

As she kept her claws where they were upon its face, did she spring into action by using her other clawed hand to grab at one of its horns. The carnotaurus who was within her grasp, tried in vain to escape her as it yowled loudly in pain.

This pain alone made her feel powerful.

At last she could show this so called predator who was boss. She was at the top of the food chain, and she knew it. Ever since the day she was born, she knew what she was and in fact she loved it. Sable absolutely loved being the top predator, this feeling she felt the moment that the carnotaurus grabbed her neck within its jaws. Nothing could stop her, not even a carnotaurus.

A low sickening snap occurred as she cruelly broke the horn off of the carnotaurus, that she had a hold of. The large bull like dinosaur roared loudly in a strangled cry, before letting out a gurgling sound.

This sound occurred at the moment that Sable's mouth took a hold of its jugular. Her power was soon showed as she sharply turned her head to the side, snapping the neck of the carnotaurus quickly. The carnotaurus was quick to become silent, the moment its neck was powerfully broken.

Sable's mouth left the neck of the carnotaurus afterwards, as she chuffed lowly in satisfaction of killing something rather large. Upon the back and side of her neck were obvious signs of damage and blood, which came from the carnotaurus.

No doubt that this news was being passed on to General Camden. For she was a powerful creature that could be used for war.

Lifting her head up immediately did she see the soldiers move into action once again. Letting out a low chuff at them all did her sharp eyes become slits, the moment she saw that same human within the helicopter. He was getting ready to fire at her once again with that strong rifle, which was something she could not allow. Not again.

Quickly she moved into action once she saw a opening for she saw the helicopter was close to the damaged house. With her quick movements, there was no doubt surprise from some of the soldiers for she ran wildly at them. Sable was even trampling them as she ran back into the ruined home. She was not wasting her time on them, for she was after another target.

Returning to the child's room immediately did she see the light pass by from the window, and in that moment she reacted. Sable jumped powerfully from that window, and her clawed hands were quick to grab the landing gear on the bottom of the helicopter.

As she held onto the helicopter powerfully, did the three men within it start panicking. For her weight and size, caused the machine to be off balanced. One of the guys who held the rifle was quick to scream, as Sable grabbed his legs quite viciously. Her talons were digging into his legs, quite easily as well.



The whirling sounds coming from the helicopter blades, were heightened as they made a high pitch sound similar to that of a small scream or whine. Sable was quick to grab the man with the rifle out of the helicopter by the legs as she lets go of the helicopter. Once she had acquired her prey.

Landing onto the ground with the man who shot her, did the helicopter fail to correct itself. The man made machine soon collided into the ground, as it erupted into flames relatively close to the ruined home and the many vehicles which were out front of it. Some soldiers were even running over to it, in search of any survivors.

"ARGHH!?!" painfully yelled the man who was in Sable's talons now. "HELP ME...!", His screaming for help was quickly cut off however as her jaws snapped onto his face like a bear trap. Sable then sharply threw him to the side, as his body landed in front of the approaching soldiers. She then released a roar at them, clearly ready to fight some more.

'Dr. Wu's Pov'

Dr. Wu and Lance were still on the road as they searched for Owen. The both of them were definitely closing in on his location, and truth be told Dr. Wu was both excited and nervous.

These feelings were normal however for he didn't know how Owen would react to him and his presence. Let alone telling him about the new Indoraptor that he had made for financial reasons.

As they entered what looks like a comfortable town, did Lance look toward Dr. Wu curiously in a glance. His hands were still on the steering wheel as he continued to drive. "This be it. I hope he doesn't mind the night call?"

Dr. Wu allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips, as he looked at Lance. "He probably will? I of course don't hold it against him in that regard for it is rather late?"

Lance sort of smiled, as he nodded, "It is rather late? But we can't wait for the morning? He needs to know about everything right away!"

Dr. Wu was quick to nod in agreement for something as important as this, could not wait. If they do wait, there is no telling how much damage could occur. Not to mention all the lives that would suffer.

Lance soon placed the vehicle in park, in front of a relatively normal looking building. He looked at Dr. Wu who was looking out of the window of the car, as he looked at the home. The scientist could even see a car and motorcycle parked in the driveway.

"Is this the place?" asked Dr. Wu curiously while staring at everything in front of the home.

"Yep, I believe so?" replied Lance as he was leaning up on the steering wheel some what.

Dr. Wu firmly nodded as he took a deep breath, for he was gathering himself. "Alright then? Let's go say hello shall we?"

Lance sort of laughed as he watched Dr. Wu exit the vehicle quite calmly. Lance soon got out of the vehicle with him, which made him feel a little better. Though he was still feeling nervous about this.

He didn't doubt that Owen will probably say a few choice words to him. Which was something that he was expecting. Hell he may even get punched in the face by Owen or something similar.

Dr. Wu expected it though deep down for this was his fault, and more or less a punch to the face would be fitting to him. Karma wise?

Approaching the door, did Dr. Wu press the door bell that was perfectly perched on the side of the door. The sound of the door bell was rather obnoxious, compared to the calming sound of bugs that were singing in the summer night.

As he stood there before the door, did he look back at Lance who was also there waiting with him. Though he had his hands within his pockets of his military pants as he stared at the white colored door.

Debating on pushing the door bell again, did the sound of a doorknob turning gain his attention. Dr. Wu watched as the door slowly opened to reveal a familiar face, one that was instantly recognizable.

It was Owen, though he looked to be tired from a long day. However his face showed his surprise then it quickly turned to one of great dislike. Once he saw Dr. Wu standing before him. "Why the hell are you here?"

"Owen, it has been a while?" professionally spoke Dr. Wu as he looked at Owen and his annoyed expression. However his tone changed when he saw Owen getting ready to close the door on him. "Please wait!?! I need your help!"

"Oh great what did you do this time?" grumbled Owen as he glared at Dr. Wu. "Haven't you done enough damage already!"

Lance looked at Dr. Wu now and the scientist looked back at him, showing both his fear and concerns. This news that he has to share will surely upset Owen, but it couldn't be avoided. He knew this.

"I made another Indoraptor." spoke Dr. Wu carefully as he looked at Owen now. "I changed her code, that way I didn't need velociraptor DNA. After all that hurt me greatly what was done to Blue."

He watched as Owen's face changed to one of utter shock and disbelief, but it changed immediately again showing his anger. "I can't believe you!?! You seriously made another one!?!"

Dr. Wu frowned, for he expected this. "Yes but she is so much more smarter than the prototype? She is out right now and..."

Owen's face was rather serious now the moment he had heard that it was out among the humans, as he spoke equally serious. "Where is she now?"

I bring out to you all the next chapter and I must say it is full of action which I hope you enjoy! ^^ Let me know your thoughts on the chapter!

I am also curious, would you guys join me in a stream on YouTube as we talk about this book as well as Nostrum? Please let me know as well! I want to interact with you all as well as we discuss about the books that I have written!

If you guys would be for it I will post my YouTube channel on the next chapter! Thank you all for reading my books! <3

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