
Earth Online

The MC of the novel is called Zane Izroth, a game programmer in the most anticipated VR-MMORPG Earth Online, where the world is made by copying the data from the real world and fusing it with all fantasy universe and hero-verse released until that year The world was automatically run by an Artificial Intelligence which gave all NPC's its own unique characteristics that made them acts and think like a real human being. 6 months before the game was released, Zane was working to fix a system bug he accidentally found in the game while running final diagnostics. In the mean time, the world was alarmed about an unprecedented weather anomaly happening around the world, spots of red and black clouds was seen forming on top of every country. A very ominous purple lightning flash was seen has struck something from the distance and in the office of the head programmer of Earth Online Zane disappeared and was never seen again.

CaiZhenn · Movies
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

After a whole day of searching and learning the history of this world, I have learned a few things way different than what its supposed to be.

The magic realm has been separated and placed in a different dimension according to the records. A fight between magical and inter-dimensional being was seen by the public and wasn't able to suppress until a destined one came from the future and fought that existence into submission. In the end for the sake of peace keeping all beings who has manifested mana were sent to a copy of Earth, while the rest are left here.

If all mana related being were sent to a different plane of existence, i wonder if the sorcerer supreme and the place Kamar-taj were also sent to the other dimension, hmm… why I do wonder about this things if you might ask, because first and foremost the technique to form portals connecting one place to another is a very nice way to travel that could save time for some busy people and another thing is the time stone as for the information of this whole organization no one has seen even in the dark web.

Some of my plans has been flipped upside down after searching for key figures such as star-labs and the school for the gifted is not existing in this era but was 50 years ago, same for the Wayne family that means batman and the justice league has not been in this era for a long time, they were all relic of the past although some has been seen lurking the streets at night with a red bat logo on the persons chest a camera got its figure and was posted in social media.

One thing is for sure the key figures have existed before then that means the speed force that made Johnny Quick, Liberty Belle and Jesse Quick to access the energy by reciting a formula might be existed as well. So I told Sebas that I would be outside at the back for a change of scenery and won't need any maid to look after me.

As soon as I got myself standing by the tree behind our mansion, I took a deep breath and immediately I visualized the formula in my mind, recited the formula in my mind and in person "3x2(9YZ)4A" and right after I pulled out my status screen to see if there is any changes at all

[ Name: Zane Izroth (Player/NPC) ]

[ Age: 5 years old, (10yo body) ]

[ Status ]

STR: 5.1

INT: 60

(Normal adults with untrained stats varies from 7 - 10, adults = 15yo)

[ Skills ]

SR-AI and Games Programming

There was none! I really thought that I could get the next best thing for transportation but my hopes was placed in a drain, and I deeply sighed.

There was this feelings that lingers within me still hoping for something, so I laid down at our backyard and slowly calmed my mind and in the end I fell asleep.

——Time passes——

Zane was found by his mom sleeping peacefully by the ancestral tree and covered him up with a blanket so he wouldn't catch a cold and let him slept there for the whole afternoon but was carried after to his room when she still found him laying there peacefully till dusk.

After Zane was carried by his father back to his room

Zane's mom started talking in an unknown language in-front of the tree.

The message was:

"Please look after my young boy and help protect his dreams"

Then Zanes mother kneeled and prayed, a few minutes after she left the ancestral tree shook, vibrated and from its trunks and roots different colour of electric discharge has been emitted for a couple minutes and the ancestral tree glowed with resplendent golden light for a few seconds and went back to being a normal tree.

Zane was sleeping peacefully until he was woken up by a jolt to his body

Woah what was that!!!

I know, I didn't call my navi right…

Zane looked left and right and under his bed and there's nothing.

What was that about?…

Zane received another jolt throughout his body but this time it was a bit powerful than the last

Is this it!!

The baptismal of the speed-force!!

But why is it so little and not one big lightning striking me and where is this jolt coming from

Then a third jolt has been sent through his body that made him unconscious through the process

Zane's dad currently watching a live feed of the tree and his son's room as he saw his wife left the ancestral ground he witness a miracle as the tree shook and started discharging electric currents of different spectrum, at the same time, in the room where his son is located different spectrum of tiny electric discharge started crawling towards Zane's body. Zane's father couldn't believe as to the event unfolding before his very eyes, before the 3rd jolt stroke Zane's body, his mom entered the secret room looking for her husband but accidentally witness the event currently happening in their son's room through the live feed

Dear is that what I think it is!?

That I'm not sure, but surely he awakened into something

Both parents can be seen ecstatic, holding each others hand while watching their son's awakening through the live feed holo-screen

——————The next day——————

Just like any other day, Zane has been working out trying to max out what he could achieve through lifting his own body weight with little resistance, unlike before his stamina is way higher than normal and his body's flexibility has expanded tremendously.

So instead of doing only a set of 5 reps of each workout now he could do 4 set of 10-20 reps of each workout and even so his fatigue is none existence.

Zane almost forgot what happened to him the night before and went to check his status screen after he was done with his training

[ Name: Zane Izroth (Player/NPC) ]

[ Age: 5 years old, (10yo body) ]

HP: 25

STA: 250

[ Status ]

STR: 5.1 ➠ 8

AGI: 25

DEX: 18

INT: 60

[ Special Attributes ]


(Normal adults with untrained stats varies from 7 - 10, adults = 15yo)

[ Skills ]


Super Rare/SR

- AI and Games Programming

[ Abilities ]

Grade: F (growth)

Light coral lightning

Proficiency: 0

- Skills: N/A

Remarks: its too shameful to call you a speedster.

He was happy at first since his status has been boosted exponentially, his status gained 5 additional attributes namely his Health points, Stamina, Agility Dexterity and a special attribute which He wasn't sure what it was .

Zane couldn't believe that the formula has worked but after he saw the ability he gained, he became frustrated instantly.

What the actual fu#k is this !?

Li..light coral…. Is that a shade of a lipstick!..

The fu#king game system is messing with me

Alright, alright calm down Zane, this is better than nothing, although I need an explanation or information at least

Zane first tried thinking and visualizing a box of info to appear, but nothing happened so he tried tapping his screen with his finger tip and after the ability light coral lightning displayed a bit of info only pertaining to the ability

Grade F:

Light Coral Lightning

( F ) = Light Coral Spectrum

( F- )- Early = Orange Red Spectrum

( F+ )- Middle = Tart Spectrum

( F++ )- Late = Red Spectrum

( FE )- Peak = Scarlet Spectrum

( E ) - Red Orange Spectrum

Through this ranking its highly probable that the lightning is based on a blue shift even though the naming sense of the lightning sounds like a shade of lipstick never the less I can still be considered as a speedster even at the lowest tier